Jean‐Michel Alimi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The shape of dark matter halos: A new fundamental cosmological invariance 2024 Jean‐Michel Alimi
Rémy Koskas
+ PDF Chat Ray tracing the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect through the light cones of the dark energy universe simulation-full universe runs 2020 Julian Adamek
Yann Rasera
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Ray tracing the ISW effect through the light cones of the DEUS-FUR simulations 2019 Julian Adamek
Yann Rasera
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Probability distribution and statistical properties of spherically compensated cosmic regions in ΛCDM cosmology 2017 Jean‐Michel Alimi
Paul de Fromont
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing matter profiles of spherically compensated cosmic regions in ΛCDM cosmology 2017 Paul de Fromont
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier 2017 Céline Bœhm
A. Krone-Martins
A. Amorim
G. Anglada‐Escudé
A. Brandeker
F. Courbin
T. A. Enßlin
A.F.O. Falcão
Katherine Freese
B. Holl
+ PDF Chat Probing dark energy models with extreme pairwise velocities of galaxy clusters from the DEUS-FUR simulations 2015 Vincent Bouillot
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Yann Rasera
+ PDF Chat Matter power spectrum covariance matrix from the DEUS-PUR ΛCDM simulations: mass resolution and non-Gaussian errors 2014 L Blot
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Vincent Reverdy
Yann Rasera
+ PDF Chat Elliptic solutions of generalized Brans–Dicke gravity with a non-universal coupling 2014 Jean‐Michel Alimi
Anastasia A. Golubtsova
Vincent Reverdy
+ PDF Chat Cosmic-variance limited Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the DEUS-FUR ΛCDM simulation 2014 Yann Rasera
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Vincent Bouillot
Vincent Reverdy
Irène Balmès
+ PDF Chat Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – III. Sparsity of dark matter halo profiles 2013 Irène Balmès
Yann Rasera
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ DEUS Full Observable ΛCDM Universe Simulation: the numerical challenge 2012 Jean‐Michel Alimi
Vincent Bouillot
Yann Rasera
Vincent Reverdy
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Irène Balmès
Stéphane Requena
Xavier Delaruelle
Jean-Noel Richet
+ PDF Chat Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation - II. Non-universality of the halo mass function 2010 J. Courtin
Yann Rasera
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Vincent Boucher
A. Füzfa
+ PDF Chat Cosmological Simulations on a Grid of Computers 2010 Benjamin Depardon
Eddy Caron
Frédéric Desprez
J. Blaizot
H. M. Courtois
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Dynamics driven by the Trace Anomaly in FLRW Universes 2010 Jurjen F. Koksma
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Self-annihilating dark matter and the CMB: reionizing the Universe and constraining cross sections 2010 Fabio Iocco
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Preheating the Universe from the Standard Model Higgs 2010 Daniel G. Figueroa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Astrophysical Implications of the Superstring-Inspired E[sub 6] Unification and Shadow Theta-Particles 2010 C. R. Das
Л. В. Лаперашвили
Anca Tureanu
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Neutralino Dark Matter in MSSM Models with Non-Universal Higgs Masses 2010 Pearl Sandick
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat The Impact of the External Field Effect in the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics on Solar System’s Orbits 2010 Lorenzo Iorio
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ Generalization of Hajicek and Kuchař’s canonical quantization scheme to the 2+1 geometries admitting one Killing vector field 2010 Evangelos Melas
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Expanding universes in the conformal frame of f(R)gravity 2010 John Miritzis
Roberto Giambò
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the Local Universe: cosmic velocity flows and voids 2010 Guilhem Lavaux
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat F(R) SUPERGRAVITY 2010 Sergei V. Ketov
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Massive gravitational waves from the Cosmic Defect theory 2010 Ninfa Radicella
Angelo Tartaglia
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Cosmic ray positron excess: is the dark matter solution a good bet? 2010 Julien Lavalle
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetic nature of dark energy 2010 Jose Beltrán Jiménez
Antonio L. Maroto
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat The formation of disks in massive spiral galaxies 2010 F. Hammer
M. Puech
H. Flores
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Running Cosmological Constant and Running Newton Constant in Modified Gravity Theories 2010 Remo Garattini
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat SFT non-locality in cosmology: solutions, perturbations and observational evidences 2010 Alexey S. Koshelev
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Cosmic Superstrings: Dynamics and Cusps 2010 William Nelson
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneities in the Universe with exact solutions of General Relativity 2010 Marie-Nölle Célérier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Loop Quantum Cosmology corrections on gravity waves produced during primordial inflation 2010 Julien Grain
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ The cross-correlation of the Lyman-α forest and weak lensing of CMB: a new cosmological tool 2010 Alberto Vallinotto
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Relic density and future colliders: inverse problem(s) 2010 Alexandre Arbey
F. Mahmoudi
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Towards a noncommutative version of Gravitation 2010 Nicolas Franco
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat The Skeleton: Connecting Large Scale Structures to Galaxy Formation 2010 Christophe Pichon
Christophe Gay
Dmitry Pogosyan
S. Prunet
T. Sousbie
Stéphane Colombi
Adrianne Slyz
Julien Devriendt
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Non-singular modified gravity: the unification of the inflation, dark energy and dark mater 2010 Shin’ichi Nojiri
Sergei D. Odintsov
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ Uniqueness Theorem for Black Objects 2010 Marek Rogatko
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Characterizing the large scale inhomogeneity of the galaxy distribution 2010 Francesco Sylos Labini
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat MOND and the Galaxies 2010 F. Combes
O. Tiret
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Introducing the Dark Energy Universe Simulation Series (DEUSS) 2010 Yann Rasera
Jean‐Michel Alimi
J. Courtin
Fabrice Roy
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
A. Füzfa
Vincent Boucher
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Phenomenology of the Invisible Universe 2010 P. J. E. Peebles
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat From Elastic Continua To Space-time 2010 Angelo Tartaglia
Ninfa Radicella
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Dark matter searches with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes 2010 E. Moulin
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat The innocuousness of adiabatic instabilities in coupled scalar field-dark matter models 2010 Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat A new type of scalar field inflation 2010 Cristiano Germani
Alex Kehagias
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat How BAO measurements can fail to detect quintessence 2010 Elise Jennings
C. M. Baugh
Raúl E. Angulo
Silvia Pascoli
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat On the determination of dark energy 2010 Chris Clarkson
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Curvatons in Warped Throats 2010 Takeshi Kobayashi
Shinji Mukohyama
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Mass functions and bias of dark matter halos 2010 Patrick Valageas
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Modelling ultra-fine structure in dark matter halos 2010 Daniele S. M. Fantin
M. R. Merrifield
Anne M. Green
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat SUSY Flat Directions—to get a VEV or not? 2010 Anders Basbo̸ll
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Turbulence modeling and the physics of the intra-cluster medium 2010 Luigi Iapichino
A. E. Maier
W. Schmidt
J. C. Niemeyer
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Multi-messenger constraints on the annihilating dark matter interpretation of the positron excess 2010 Miguel Pato
L. Pieri
Gianfranco Bertone
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Observationally Verifiable Predictions of Modified Gravity 2010 J. W. Moffat
Viktor T. Toth
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Higher-order brane gravity models 2010 Mariusz P. Da̧browski
Adam Balcerzak
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Dark Matter Solutions to the Cosmic Ray Lepton Puzzle 2010 Pierre Brun
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Instabilities in dark coupled models and constraints from cosmological data 2010 Laura Lopez-Honorez
Olga Mena
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Enhancing non-Gaussianities by breaking local Lorentz invariance 2010 Hael Collins
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Early Universe cosmology with mirror dark matter 2010 Paolo Ciarcelluti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Stability Conditions For a Noncommutative Scalar Field Coupled to Gravity via the Positive Energy Theorem 2010 Orfeu Bertolami
C. A. D. Zarro
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Dark Matter and Dark Energy from Gravitational Symmetry Breaking 2010 A. Füzfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Natural Neutrino Dark Energy 2010 Ilya Gurwich
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Primordial non-Gaussianity in density fluctuations 2010 Federico Fraschetti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
J. Courtin
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Brane Universe: Global Geometry 2010 V. A. Berezin
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Do supernovae favor tachyonic Big Brake instead of de Sitter? 2010 L. Gergely
Zoltán Keresztes
Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik
Vittorio Gorini
Ugo Moschella
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Constraining the Dark Energy Equation of State using Alternative High-z Cosmic Tracers 2010 M. Plionis
R. Terlevich
Spyros Basilakos
Fabio Bresolin
E. Terlevich
J. Melnick
Ricardo Chávez
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat CMB data constraint on self-annihilation of dark matter particles 2010 Jaiseung Kim
Pavel D. Naselsky
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat A residual acceleration effect due to an inhomogeneity 2010 Boudewijn F. Roukema
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Are Galaxy Clusters Suggesting an Accelerating Universe? 2010 J. A. S. Lima
R. F. L. Holanda
J. V. Cunha
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat First Order Extended Gravity and the Dark Side of the Universe: the General Theory 2010 Salvatore Capozziello
Mariafelicia De Laurentis
M. Francaviglia
Silvio Mercadante
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Do WMAP data favor neutrino mass and a coupling between Cold Dark Matter and Dark Energy? 2010 S. A. Bonometto
G. La Vacca
J. Kristiansen
Roberto Mainini
L. P. L. Colombo
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Modified theories of gravity with non-minimal curvature-matter coupling 2010 Orfeu Bertolami
Miguel C. Sequeira
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Cosmological model discrimination from weak lensing data 2010 S. Pires
Jean‐Luc Starck
A. Amara
Alexandre Réfrégier
Romain Teyssier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Quasi-local variables and scalar averaging in LTB dust models 2010 Roberto A. Sussman
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat The puzzles of dark matter searches 2010 M. Yu. Khlopov
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Cold uniform spherical collapse revisited 2010 Michael Joyce
B. Marcos
Francesco Sylos Labini
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Exotic-singularity-driven dark energy 2010 Mariusz P. Da̧browski
Tomasz Denkiewicz
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Interacting Dark Matter as an Alternative to Dark Energy 2010 Spyros Basilakos
M. Plionis
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Separating expansion from contraction: generalized TOV condition, LTB models with pressure and ΛCDM 2010 Morgan Le Delliou
Filipe C. Mena
José P. Mimoso
+ PDF Chat The Unifying Dark Fluid Model 2010 Alexandre Arbey
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Probing Long Range Scalar Dark Forces in Terrestrial Experiments 2010 Sonny Mantry
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Coarse-graining of inhomogeneous dust flow in General Relativity via isometric embeddings 2010 Mikołaj Korzyński
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Anamorphosis in hybrid inflation: How to avoid fine-tuning of initial conditions? 2010 Sébastien Clesse
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Lorentz symmetry violation, dark matter and dark energy 2010 Luis Gonzalez‐Mestres
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat New Physics at Low Accelerations (MOND): an Alternative to Dark Matter 2010 Mordehai Milgrom
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Fuözfa
+ PDF Chat Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – I. Realistic quintessence models and the non-linear matter power spectrum 2009 Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. FÃ ⁄ zfa
Vincent Boucher
Yann Rasera
J. Courtin
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
+ PDF Chat Testing backreaction effects with observations 2009 Julien Larena
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Thomas Buchert
M. Kunz
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
+ Imprints of Dark Energy on Cosmic Structure Formation I) Realistic Quintessence Models 2009 Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. Füzfa
Vincent Boucher
Yann Rasera
J. Courtin
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Thomas Buchert
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Jean‐Michel Alimi
André Füzfa
+ PDF Chat Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in Scalar Tensor Gravity: The Key Problem of the Primordial<sup>7</sup>Li Abundance 2007 Julien Larena
Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. Serna
+ Toward a Unified Description of Dark Energy and Dark Matter from the AWE Hypothesis 2007 A. Füzfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ An S-brane solution with acceleration and small enough variation of G 2007 Jean‐Michel Alimi
В. Д. Иващук
V. N. Melnikov
+ Reinterpreting dark energy through backreaction: the minimally coupled morphon field 2006 Julien Larena
Thomas Buchert
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Correspondence between kinematical backreaction and scalar field cosmologies—the ‘morphon field’ 2006 Thomas Buchert
Julien Larena
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Dark Energy as a Born-Infeld Gauge Interaction Violating the Equivalence Principle 2006 A. Füzfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Einstein-Born-Infeld-dilaton cosmology 2006 A. Füzfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Multidimensional cosmology with anisotropic fluid: acceleration and variation of G 2006 Jean‐Michel Alimi
В. Д. Иващук
S. A. Kononogov
V. N. Melnikov
+ Reinterpreting quintessential dark energy through averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies 2006 Julien Larena
Thomas Buchert
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Some impacts of quintessence models on cosmic structure formation 2006 A. Füzfa
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Reinterpreting dark energy through backreaction: the minimally coupled morphon field 2006 Julien Larena
Thomas Buchert
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Baryon density of the Universe : an imprint of a scalar field ? 2005 Julien Larena
Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. Serna
+ Non-singular solutions in multidimensional model with scalar fields and exponential potential 2005 Jean‐Michel Alimi
В. Д. Иващук
V. N. Melnikov
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic evolution of the cosmological baryonic gas 2005 Jean‐Michel Alimi
S. Courty
+ Non-singular solutions in multidimensional model with scalar fields and exponential potential 2005 Jean‐Michel Alimi
В. Д. Иващук
V. N. Melnikov
+ Multicomponent perfect fluid with variable parameters in $n$ Ricci-flat spaces 2004 Jean‐Michel Alimi
V. R. Gavrilov
V. N. Melnikov
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic evolution of cosmological baryonic gas 2004 S. Courty
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Multicomponent perfect fluid with variable parameters in n Ricci-flat spaces 2004 Jean‐Michel Alimi
V. R. Gavrilov
V. N. Melnikov
+ Asymptotic and exact solutions of perfect-fluid scalar-tensor cosmologies 1999 António Navarro
A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Stability of rotating spherical stellar systems 1999 Jean‐Michel Alimi
Jérôme Perez
A. Serna
+ Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Cosmological Pancake Formation 1998 Romain Teyssier
J.-P. Chièze
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Are Large X‐Ray Clusters in Thermal Equilibrium? 1998 J.-P. Chièze
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Romain Teyssier
+ Non-linear dynamics and mass function of cosmic structures. II Numerical results 1998 E. Audit
Romain Teyssier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Upper Limit to Ω<sub><i>B</i></sub>in Scalar‐Tensor Gravity Theories 1997 Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. Serna
+ PDF Chat Gas and Dark Matter Spherical Dynamics 1997 J.-P. Chièze
Romain Teyssier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Self‐similar Spherical Collapse Revisited: A Comparison between Gas and Dark Matter Dynamics 1997 Romain Teyssier
J.-P. Chièze
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Non-linear Dynamics and Mass Function of Cosmic Structures: I Analytical Results 1997 E. Audit
Romain Teyssier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Multi-phase Hydrodynamics and X-ray Clusters Formation 1997 Romain Teyssier
J.-P. Chièze
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Non-linear Dynamics and Mass Function of Cosmic Structures: I Analytical Results 1997 E. Audit
Romain Teyssier
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Stability of spherical stellar systems -- II. Numerical results 1996 Jérôme Perez
Jean‐Michel Alimi
J. J. Aly
H. Schöll
+ Adaptive Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Particle-Particle Coupled Codes: Energy and Entropy Conservation 1996 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
J.-P. Chièze
+ PDF Chat Scalar-tensor cosmological models 1996 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Constraints on the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation from primordial nucleosynthesis 1996 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ Substructure in Galaxy Clusters: Discriminating Between Mergers and Accretions 1996 E. Zucca
G. Vettolani
A. Cappi
R. Merighins
M. Mignoli
G. M. Stirpe
G. Zamorani
H. T. MacGillivray
C. Collins
C. Balkowski
+ Gravitational Dynamics of Cold Matter using the Deformation Tensor 1996 E. Audit
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ A Morphological Indicator for Comparing Simulated Cosmological Scenarios with Observations 1995 Elena Lega
A. Bijaoui
Jean‐Michel Alimi
H. Schöll
+ Subclustering and luminous-dark matter segregation in galaxy clusters 1994 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
H. Schöll
+ Preliminary Results from the ESO Slice Project (ESP) 1994 G. Vettolani
E. Zucca
A. Cappi
R. Merighi
M. Mignoli
G. M. Stirpe
G. Zamorani
Helen MacGillivray
Christopher Collins
C. Balkowski
+ Preliminary Results from the ESO Slice Project (ESP) 1993 G. Vettolani
E. Zucca
A. Cappi
R. Merighi
M. Mignoli
G. M. Stirpe
G. Zamorani
C. Collins
H. T. MacGillivray
C. Balkowski
+ A Cross-Correlation Method to Test the Dependence of the Clustering of Galaxies on Luminosity 1989 Alain Blanchard
Jean‐Michel Alimi
D. Valls‐Gabaud
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
J. Dunkley
Michael R. Nolta
C. L. Bennett
B. Gold
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
D. Larson
M. Limon
Lyman A. Page
+ PDF Chat Cosmological hydrodynamics with adaptive mesh refinement - A new high resolution code called RAMSES 2002 Romain Teyssier
+ PDF Chat Cosmological hydrodynamics with adaptive mesh refinement 2002 Romain Teyssier
+ Three‐Year<i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i>(<i>WMAP</i>) Observations: Implications for Cosmology 2007 David N. Spergel
Rachel Bean
Olivier Doré
M. R. Nolta
C. L. Bennett
J. Dunkley
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
Eiichiro Komatsu
Lyman A. Page
+ PDF Chat Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation – I. Realistic quintessence models and the non-linear matter power spectrum 2009 Jean‐Michel Alimi
A. FÃ ⁄ zfa
Vincent Boucher
Yann Rasera
J. Courtin
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
+ PDF Chat Initial Conditions For Large Cosmological Simulations 2008 S. Prunet
Christophe Pichon
Dominique Aubert
D. Pogosyan
Romain Teyssier
S. Gottloeber
+ PDF Chat A simple multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with arbitrary domain boundaries 2011 Thomas Guillet
Romain Teyssier
+ PDF Chat Improved Cosmological Constraints from New, Old, and Combined Supernova Data Sets 2008 M. Kowalski
D. Rubin
G. Aldering
R. Agostinho
Alexis Amadon
R. Amanullah
C. Balland
K. Barbary
Guillermo A. Blanc
Peter Challis
+ PDF Chat The Supernova Legacy Survey: measurement of $\Omega_{\mathsf{M}}$, $\Omega_\mathsf{\Lambda}$ and<i>w</i>from the first year data set 2006 P. Astier
J. Guy
N. Regnault
R. Pain
É. Aubourg
D. D. Balam
S. Basa
R. G. Carlberg
S. Fabbro
D. Fouchez
+ PDF Chat Cosmic-variance limited Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the DEUS-FUR ΛCDM simulation 2014 Yann Rasera
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Vincent Bouillot
Vincent Reverdy
Irène Balmès
+ PDF Chat Constraints on the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation from primordial nucleosynthesis 1996 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat Efficient Computation of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies in Closed Friedmann‐Robertson‐Walker Models 2000 Antony Lewis
A. Challinor
A. Lasenby
+ Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant 1998 Adam G. Riess
A. V. Filippenko
P. Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
P. Garnavich
Ron Gilliland
Craig J. Hogan
Saurabh W. Jha
R. Kirshner
+ PDF Chat Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High‐Redshift Supernovae 1999 S. Perlmutter
G. Aldering
G. Goldhaber
R. A. Knop
P. Nugent
P. G. Castro
Susana E. Deustua
S. Fabbro
A. Goobar
D. E. Groom
+ PDF Chat Stable clustering, the halo model and non-linear cosmological power spectra 2003 R. C. Smith
J. A. Peacock
Adrian Jenkins
Simon D. M. White
Carlos S. Frenk
F. R. Pearce
P. Thomas
G. Efstathiou
H. M. P. Couchman
+ The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe 2007 4
+ Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State 1998 R. R. Caldwell
R. Dave
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Transients from initial conditions in cosmological simulations 2006 M. Crocce
S. Pueblas
Román Scoccimarro
+ PDF Chat Convergence of scalar–tensor theories towards general relativity and primordial nucleosynthesis 2002 A. Serna
J-M Alimi
António Navarro
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Born-Infeld cosmology 2002 V. V. Dyadichev
D.V. Gal’tsov
A. G. Zorin
M. Yu. Zotov
+ PDF Chat Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation - II. Non-universality of the halo mass function 2010 J. Courtin
Yann Rasera
Jean‐Michel Alimi
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti
Vincent Boucher
A. Füzfa
+ PDF Chat The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: power-spectrum analysis of the final data set and cosmological implications 2005 Shaun Cole
Will J. Percival
J. A. Peacock
P. Norberg
C. M. Baugh
Carlos S. Frenk
I. K. Baldry
Joss Bland‐Hawthorn
Terry Bridges
R. D. Cannon
+ PDF Chat Scalar-tensor cosmological models 1996 A. Serna
Jean‐Michel Alimi
+ PDF Chat First‐Year <i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i> ( <i>WMAP</i> ) Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters 2003 David N. Spergel
Licia Verde
Hiranya V. Peiris
Eiichiro Komatsu
M. R. Nolta
C. L. Bennett
M. Halpern
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
A. Kogut
+ Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large‐Scale Correlation Function of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies 2005 Daniel J. Eisenstein
Idit Zehavi
David W. Hogg
Román Scoccimarro
Michael R. Blanton
Robert C. Nichol
Ryan Scranton
Hee‐Jong Seo
Max Tegmark
Zheng Zheng
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Cosmological Simulations. I. Large‐Scale Structure 2005 Katrin Heitmann
P. M. Ricker
Michael S. Warren
Salman Habib
+ PDF Chat Simulations of quintessential cold dark matter: beyond the cosmological constant 2009 Elise Jennings
C. M. Baugh
Raúl E. Angulo
Silvia Pascoli
+ PDF Chat The cosmic code comparison project 2008 Katrin Heitmann
Zarija Lukić
Patricia Fasel
Salman Habib
Michael S. Warren
Martin White
James Ahrens
L.A. Ankeny
Ryan Armstrong
Brian W. O’Shea
+ The Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos 1996 Julio F. Navarro
Carlos S. Frenk
Simon D. M. White
+ PDF Chat A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering 1997 Julio F. Navarro
Carlos S. Frenk
Simon D. M. White
+ PDF Chat 4D gravity on a brane in 5D Minkowski space 2000 Gia Dvali
Gregory Gabadadze
Massimo Porrati
+ PDF Chat The abnormally weighting energy hypothesis: the missing link between dark matter and dark energy 2008 J-M Alimi
A. Füzfa
+ PDF Chat Numerical study of halo concentrations in dark-energy cosmologies 2004 Klaus Dolag
Matthias Bartelmann
F. Perrotta
C. Baccigalupi
L. Moscardini
M. Meneghetti
G. Tormen
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