Eugenio Giannelli


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Characters and Sylow subgroup abelianization 2025 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat Sylow branching trees 2024 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
+ PDF Chat Characters and Sylow $3$-subgroup commutators 2024 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
Carolina Vallejo
+ Character Theory and Categorification 2023 Christine Bessenrodt
C. Bowman
Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander Kleshchev
+ PDF Chat Sylow Branching Coefficients and Hook Partitions 2023 Eugenio Giannelli
Giada Volpato
+ Character codegrees and element orders in symmetric and alternating groups 2023 Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat Non-linear Sylow branching coefficients for symmetric groups 2023 Eugenio Giannelli
Giada Volpato
+ Sylow branching coefficients and hook partitions 2023 Eugenio Giannelli
Giada Volpato
+ PDF Chat Sylow branching coefficients and a conjecture of Malle and Navarro 2022 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Jason Long
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat Character degrees in blocks and defect groups 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
Jorge Martínez
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ Character degrees in blocks and defect groups 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
Jorge Martínez
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ McKay bijections for symmetric and alternating groups 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat Linear characters of Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Jason Long
+ PDF Chat Mini-Workshop: Kronecker, Plethysm, and Sylow Branching Coefficients and their Applications to Complexity Theory 2021 Christine Bessenrodt
C. Bowman
Eugenio Giannelli
+ Character degrees in blocks and defect groups 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
J. Miquel Martínez
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ Sylow branching coefficients and a conjecture of Malle and Navarro 2021 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Jason Long
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat On signed p-Kostka matrices 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
+ PDF Chat Degrees and rationality of characters in the principal block of $$A_n$$ 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Elena Meini
+ Linear characters of Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Jason Long
+ PDF Chat Sylow branching coefficients for symmetric groups 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
+ PDF Chat Characters of $$\pi '$$-degree and small cyclotomic fields 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Hung Ngoc Nguyen
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
Carolina Vallejo
+ Groups with few 𝑝’-character degrees in the principal block 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
Benjamin Sambale
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ Groups with few $p'$-character degrees in the principal block. 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
Benjamin Sambale
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ PDF Chat Groups with few p′-character degrees 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ On signed $p$-Kostka matrices 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
+ Linear characters of Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Jason Long
+ Groups with few $p'$-character degrees in the principal block 2020 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
Benjamin Sambale
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
+ On restriction of characters to defect groups 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
Benjamin Sambale
+ Character restrictions and reflection groups 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander R. Miller
+ Groups with few $p'$-character degrees 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
Mandi Schaeffer Fry
+ Characters of 𝜋’-degree 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
A. A. Schaeffer Fry
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat Hook removal operators on the odd Young graph 2019 Christine Bessenrodt
Eugenio Giannelli
Jørn B. Olsson
+ Groups with few $p'$-character degrees 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
Noelia Rizo
Mandi Schaeffer Fry
+ Characters of $π'$-degree 2019 Eugenio Giannelli
Mandi Schaeffer Fry
Carolina Vallejo
+ A note on restriction of characters of alternating groups to Sylow subgroups 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
+ A note on restriction of Characters of Alternating groups to Sylow Subgroups 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat Even degree characters in principal blocks 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
Gunter Malle
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat On the p′-Subgraph of the Young Graph 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Stuart Martin
+ PDF Chat The integral isomorphism behind row removal phenomena for schur algebras 2018 C. Bowman
Eugenio Giannelli
+ On permutation characters and Sylow p-subgroups of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
+ A note on restriction of Characters of Alternating groups to Sylow Subgroups 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Hook removal operators on the odd Young graph 2017 Christine Bessenrodt
Eugenio Giannelli
Jørn B. Olsson
+ PDF Chat Alperin–McKay natural correspondences in solvable and symmetric groups for the prime $$p=2$$ p = 2 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
John Murray
Joan Tent
+ Restricting irreducible characters to Sylow 𝑝-subgroups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Gabriel Navarro
+ Even degree characters in principal blocks 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Gunter Malle
Carolina Vallejo
+ PDF Chat Irreducible characters of 3′-degree of finite symmetric, general linear and unitary groups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Joan Tent
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Restriction of Odd Degree Characters of S&lt;sub&gt;n&lt;/sub&gt; 2017 Christine Bessenrodt
Eugenio Giannelli
Jørn B. Olsson
+ A canonical class of p′-degree characters of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Alperin-McKay natural correspondences in solvable and symmetric groups for the prime $p=2$ 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
John Murray
Joan Tent
+ On the $p'$-subgraph of the Young graph 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Stuart Martin
+ PDF Chat Characters of odd degree of symmetric groups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Irreducible characters of $3'$-degree of finite symmetric, general linear and unitary groups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Joan Tent
Pham Huu Tiep
+ On the restriction of irreducible characters of symmetric groups to Sylow p-subgroups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat On signed Young permutation modules and signed <i>p</i>-Kostka numbers 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
William O’Donovan
Mark Wildon
+ On permutation characters and Sylow $p$-subgroups of $\mathfrak{S}_n$ 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
+ Alperin-McKay natural correspondences in solvable and symmetric groups for the prime $p=2$ 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
John Murray
Joan Tent
+ Irreducible characters of $3'$-degree of finite symmetric, general linear and unitary groups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Joan Tent
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Hook removal operators on the odd Young graph 2017 Christine Bessenrodt
Eugenio Giannelli
Jørn B. Olsson
+ Even degree characters in principal blocks 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Gunter Malle
Carolina Vallejo
+ On the $p'$-subgraph of the Young graph 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
Stuart Martin
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension in <i>R</i>-analytic profinite groups 2016 Gustavo A. Fernández‐Alcober
Eugenio Giannelli
Jon González‐Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Restriction of Odd Degree Characters and Natural Correspondences 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander Kleshchev
Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Sylow subgroups of symmetric and alternating groups and the vertex of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:… 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
Mark Wildon
+ Generalised row removal phenomena and $p$-Kostka numbers 2016 C. Bowman
Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat Indecomposable summands of Foulkes modules 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ Restriction of odd degree characters and natural correspondences 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander Kleshchev
Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Generalised row and column removal phenomena and $p$-Kostka numbers 2016 C. Bowman
Eugenio Giannelli
+ Symmetry and characters of finite groups 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Jay Taylor
+ Restriction of odd degree characters and natural correspondences 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander Kleshchev
Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Indecomposable summands of Foulkes modules 2015 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ On signed p-Kostka numbers and the indecomposable signed Young permutation modules 2015 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
William O’Donovan
Mark Wildon
+ Representations of symmetric groups 2015 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Indecomposable summands of Foulkes modules 2015 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ On signed p-Kostka numbers and the indecomposable signed Young permutation modules 2015 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
William O’Donovan
Mark Wildon
+ PDF Chat Vertices of simple modules of symmetric groups labelled by hook partitions 2014 Susanne Danz
Eugenio Giannelli
+ Sylow subgroups of symmetric and alternating groups and the vertex of $S^{(kp-p,1^p)}$ in characteristic $p$ 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
Mark Wildon
+ On permutation modules and decomposition numbers of the symmetric group 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Vertices of simple modules of symmetric groups labelled by hook partitions 2014 Susanne Danz
Eugenio Giannelli
+ A lower bound on the vertices of Specht modules for symmetric groups 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Hausdorff dimension in $R$-analytic profinite groups 2014 Gustavo A. Fernández‐Alcober
Eugenio Giannelli
Jon González‐Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Foulkes modules and decomposition numbers of the symmetric group 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ On permutation modules and decomposition numbers for symmetric groups 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
+ A new lower bound on the vertices of Specht modules for the symmetric groups 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Sylow subgroups of symmetric and alternating groups and the vertex of $S^{(kp-p,1^p)}$ in characteristic $p$ 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
Kay Jin Lim
Mark Wildon
+ Hausdorff dimension in $R$-analytic profinite groups 2014 Gustavo A. Fernández‐Alcober
Eugenio Giannelli
Jon González‐Sánchez
+ On permutation modules and decomposition numbers for symmetric groups 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Vertices of simple modules of symmetric groups labelled by hook partitions 2014 Susanne Danz
Eugenio Giannelli
+ Foulkes modules and decomposition numbers of the symmetric group 2013 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ PDF Chat On the decomposition of the Foulkes module 2013 Eugenio Giannelli
+ Foulkes modules and decomposition numbers of the symmetric group 2013 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ On the decomposition of the Foulkes module 2012 Eugenio Giannelli
+ On the decomposition of the Foulkes module 2012 Eugenio Giannelli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group 1984 James
+ PDF Chat The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups 1978 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat Character theory of finite groups 1999 I. M. Isaacs
+ Representation theory of the symmetric group 1980 James A. Green
+ On the Degrees of the Irreducible Representations of Symmetric Groups 1971 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Characters of odd degree of symmetric groups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
+ PDF Chat McKay numbers and heights of characters. 1976 Jorn B. Olson
+ Combinatorics and representations of finite groups 1993 Jørn B. Olsson
+ Character Theory of Finite Groups 2006 I. M. Isaacs
+ PDF Chat Restriction of Odd Degree Characters and Natural Correspondences 2016 Eugenio Giannelli
Alexander Kleshchev
Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
+ PDF Chat Young modules for symmetric groups 2001 Karin Erdmann
+ PDF Chat Character restrictions and multiplicities in symmetric groups 2017 I. M. Isaacs
Gabriel Navarro
Jørn B. Olsson
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Irreducible representations of odd degree 1972 John McKay
+ Linear characters of Sylow subgroups 2003 Gabriel Navarro
+ Characters and Blocks of Finite Groups 1998 Gabriel Navarro
+ Extensions of unipotent characters and the inductive McKay condition 2008 Gunter Malle
+ PDF Chat McKay natural correspondences on characters 2014 Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
Carolina Vallejo
+ Odd partitions in Young's lattice 2016 Arvind Ayyer
Amritanshu Prasad
Steven Spallone
+ PDF Chat Polynomial representations of GLn 1981 James Green
+ Symmetric and Exterior Powers, Linear Source Modules and Representations of Schur Superalgebras 2001 Stephen Donkin
+ PDF Chat Comparing GL n -representations by characteristic-free isomorphisms between generalized Schur algebras 2008 Ming Fang
Anne Henke
Steffen Koenig
Stephen Donkin
+ Character Theory and the McKay Conjecture 2018 Gabriel Navarro
+ On <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-Kostka numbers and Young modules 2004 Anne Henke
+ On hooks of Young diagrams 1998 Christine Bessenrodt
+ Trivial source modules for symmetric groups 1983 Gordon James
+ On Scott Modules and p-Permutation Modules: An Approach through the Brauer Morphism 1985 Michel Broué
+ PDF Chat Character Theory of Finite Groups 1976 7
+ Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Characters of odd degree 2016 Gunter Malle
Britta Späth
+ On permutation characters and Sylow p-subgroups of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2018 Eugenio Giannelli
Stacey Law
+ Height 0 characters of finite groups of Lie type 2007 Gunter Malle
+ Restricting irreducible characters to Sylow 𝑝-subgroups 2017 Eugenio Giannelli
Gabriel Navarro
+ The blocks of finite general linear and unitary groups 1982 Paul Fong
Bhama Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat Set families and Foulkes modules 2011 Rowena Paget
Mark Wildon
+ Green vertices and sources of simple modules of the symmetric group labelled by hook partitions 2007 Jürgen Müller
René Zimmermann
+ On the p-blocks of symmetric and alternating groups and their covering groups 1990 Jørn B. Olsson
+ PDF Chat Vertices of Specht modules and blocks of the symmetric group 2010 Mark Wildon
+ Irreducible Specht modules are signed Young modules 2006 David J. Hemmer
+ PDF Chat Two theorems on the vertices of Specht modules 2003 Mark Wildon
+ Concomitants of the Quintic and Sextic Up To Degree Four in the Coefficients of the Ground Form 1950 H. O. Foulkes
+ PDF Chat On Scott modules and $p$-permutation modules: an approach through the Brauer morphism 1985 Michel Broué
+ On the decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups. II 1976 Gordon James
+ PDF Chat Foulkes modules and decomposition numbers of the symmetric group 2014 Eugenio Giannelli
Mark Wildon
+ Characterizing normal Sylow p-subgroups by character degrees 2012 Gunter Malle
Gabriel Navarro
+ Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups 2004 Marc Cabanes
Michel Enguehard
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. 1982 Y. L. L.
William B. Jones
W. J. Thron
+ Brauer characters with cyclotomic field of values 2007 Gabriel Navarro
Pham Huu Tiep
Alexandre Turull
+ Characters of Solvable and Symplectic Groups 1973 I. M. Isaacs
+ Decomposition Numbers for Symmetric Groups and Composition Factors of Weyl Modules 1996 Karin Erdmann