Moshe Pollak


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A rule of thumb: Run lengths to false alarm of many types of control charts run in parallel on dependent streams are asymptotically independent 2021 Moshe Pollak
+ Change-point detection for infinite horizon dynamic treatment regimes 2017 Yair Goldberg
Moshe Pollak
Alexis Mitelpunkt
Mila Orlovsky
Ahuva Weiss‐Meilik
Malka Gorfine
+ A Method for Detecting Life-Threatening Signals in Serum Potassium Level after Myocardial Infarction 2016 Michal Shauly‐Aharonov
Moshe Pollak
Ygal Plakht
+ A Method for Detecting Life-Threatening Signals in Serum Potassium Level after Myocardial Infarction 2016 Michal Shauly‐Aharonov
Moshe Pollak
Ygal Plakht
+ PDF Chat Third-order Asymptotic Optimality of the Generalized Shiryaev--Roberts Changepoint Detection Procedures 2012 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
Moshe Pollak
Aleksey S. Polunchenko
+ Nearly minimax changepoint detection procedures 2011 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat On the First Exit Time of a Nonnegative Markov Process Started at a Quasistationary Distribution 2011 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat On the First Exit Time of a Nonnegative Markov Process Started at a Quasistationary Distribution 2011 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat Third-order asymptotic optimality of the generalized Shiryaev - Roberts changepoint detection procedures 2011 Александр Г Тартаковский
Alexander G Tartakovskii
Moshe Pollak
Moshe Pollak
A S Polunchenko
A S Polunchenko
+ PDF Chat Extreme(ly) mean(ingful): Sequential formation of a quality group 2010 Abba M. Krieger
Moshe Pollak
Ester Samuel‐Cahn
+ On the Expectation of the First Exit Time of a Nonnegative Markov Process Started at a Quasistationary Distribution 2010 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Third-order Asymptotic Optimality of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Changepoint Detection Procedures 2010 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
Moshe Pollak
Aleksey S. Polunchenko
+ A Robust Changepoint Detection Method 2010 Moshe Pollak
+ On the Expectation of the First Exit Time of a Nonnegative Markov Process Started at a Quasistationary Distribution 2010 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Third-order Asymptotic Optimality of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Changepoint Detection Procedures 2010 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
Moshe Pollak
Aleksey S. Polunchenko
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2009 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Exact optimality of the Shiryaev-Roberts procedure for detecting changes in distributions 2008 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Extreme(ly) Mean(ingful): Sequential Formation of a Quality Group 2008 Abba M. Krieger
Moshe Pollak
Ester Samuel‐Cahn
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2008 Moshe Pollak
Moshe Pollak
Александр Г Тартаковский
Alexander G Tartakovskii
+ PDF Chat Select sets: Rank and file 2007 Abba M. Krieger
Moshe Pollak
Ester Samuel‐Cahn
+ On Optimality Properties of the Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure 2007 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ On Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes 2006 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2006 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2006 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ A discussion on ‘Detection of intrusions in information systems by sequential change-point methods’ by Tartakovsky, Rozovskii, Blažek, and Kim 2005 Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat Nonanticipating estimation applied to sequential analysis and changepoint detection 2005 G. Lorden
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat Detecting a change in regression: first-order optimality 1999 Abba M. Krieger
Moshe Pollak
Benjamin Yakir
+ A simple comparision of mixture vs. nonanticipating estimation 1999 Moshe Pollak
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat A new representation for a renewal-theoretic constant appearing in asymptotic approximations of large deviations 1998 Moshe Pollak
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat Average run length to false alarm for surveillance schemes designed with partially specified pre-change distribution 1997 Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ Data-analytic aspects of the Shiryayev-Roberts control chart: Surveillance of a non-homogeneous Poisson process 1996 Ron S. Kenett
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat A Robust Surveillance Scheme for Stochastically Ordered Alternatives 1995 Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat An efficient nonparametric detection scheme and its application to surveillance of a Bernoulli process with unknown baseline 1994 C. B. Bell
Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ A New Look at Warning and Action Lines of Surveillance Schemes 1992 David Assaf
Moshe Pollak
Ya’acov Ritov
+ How to Use Sequential Statistical Methods 1991 Moshe Pollak
+ A Small Sample Size Comparison of the Cusum and Shiryayev-Roberts Approaches: Changepoint Detection 1991 Yaakov Mevorach
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Formula for the Probability of a Type I Error of Mixture Type Power One Tests 1986 Moshe Pollak
David Siegmund
+ A comparison of the independent-samples t-test and the paired-samples t-test when the observations are nonnegatively correlated pairs 1981 Moshe Pollak
Jiska Cohen‐Mansfield
+ PDF Chat A Stochastic Ordering Induced by a Concept of Positive Dependence and Monotonicity of Asymptotic Test Sizes 1980 Yosef Rinott
Moshe Pollak
+ A class of robust estimators 1979 Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat Optimality and Almost Optimality of Mixture Stopping Rules 1978 Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat Approximations to the Expected Sample Size of Certain Sequential Tests 1975 Moshe Pollak
David Siegmund
+ PDF Chat On Equal Distributions 1973 Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat A Note on Infinitely Divisible Random Vectors 1972 Moshe Pollak
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Optimum Methods in Quickest Detection Problems 1963 Albert N. Shiryaev
+ PDF Chat Procedures for Reacting to a Change in Distribution 1971 G. Lorden
+ PDF Chat A numerical approach to performance analysis of quickest change-point detection procedures 2011 George V. Moustakides
Aleksey S. Polunchenko
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Run Length to False Alarm of a Change-Point Detection Policy 1995 Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat Decision Theoretic Optimality of the Cusum Procedure 1990 Ya’acov Ritov
+ PDF Chat A Robust Surveillance Scheme for Stochastically Ordered Alternatives 1995 Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Random difference equations and Renewal theory for products of random matrices 1973 Harry Kesten
+ On Optimality Properties of the Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure 2007 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Quickest detection of drift change for Brownian motion in generalized Bayesian and minimax settings 2006 Eugene A. Feinberg
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ General Asymptotic Bayesian Theory of Quickest Change Detection 2005 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
Venugopal V. Veeravalli
+ PDF Chat The Expected Sample Size of Some Tests of Power One 1974 Herbert Robbins
David Siegmund
+ PDF Chat On optimality of the Shiryaev–Roberts procedure for detecting a change in distribution 2010 Aleksey S. Polunchenko
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ Asymptotic Performance of a Multichart CUSUM Test Under False Alarm Probability Constraint 2006 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ A Small Sample Size Comparison of the Cusum and Shiryayev-Roberts Approaches: Changepoint Detection 1991 Yaakov Mevorach
Moshe Pollak
+ PDF Chat Using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Statistic for Sequential Detection of a Change-Point 1995 David Siegmund
E. S. Venkatraman
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Average run length to false alarm for surveillance schemes designed with partially specified pre-change distribution 1997 Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ A Convergence Theorem for Non Negative Almost Supermartingales and Some Applications 1985 Herbert Robbins
David Siegmund
+ Fast Initial Response for CUSUM Quality-Control Schemes: Give Your CUSUM A Head Start 1982 James M. Lucas
Ronald B. Crosier
+ A cusum procedure based on sequential ranks 1990 David McDonald
+ Detection of intrusions in information systems by sequential change-point methods 2005 Alexander G. Tartakovsky
B. L. Rozovskiĭ
Rudolf B. Blažek
Hongjoong Kim
+ Quasi-stationary distributions 2011 Erik A. van Doorn
P. K. Pollett
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2009 Moshe Pollak
Alexander G. Tartakovsky
+ PDF Chat A General Qualitative Definition of Robustness 1971 Frank R. Hampel
+ PDF Chat An efficient nonparametric detection scheme and its application to surveillance of a Bernoulli process with unknown baseline 1994 C. B. Bell
Louis Gordon
Moshe Pollak
+ A Class of Stopping Rules for Testing Parametric Hypotheses 1985 Herbert Robbins
David Siegmund
+ Boundary Crossing Probabilities for the Wiener Process and Sample Sums 1970 Herbert Robbins
David Siegmund
+ PDF Chat Optimality and Almost Optimality of Mixture Stopping Rules 1978 Moshe Pollak
+ Detecting changes in probabilities of a multi—component process 1995 Rasul A. Khan
+ PDF Chat Statistical Methods Related to the Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1970 Herbert Robbins
+ Large-Deviation Probabilities for One-Dimensional Markov ChainsPart 1: Stationary Distributions 1997 А. А. Боровков
Dmitry Korshunov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Exponentiality of the Distribution of First Exit Times for a Class of Markov Processes with Applications to Quickest Change Detection 2008 Moshe Pollak
Moshe Pollak
Александр Г Тартаковский
Alexander G Tartakovskii
+ Techniques for Testing the Constancy of Regression Relationships Over Time 1975 R. L. Brown
J. Durbin
Jessica Evans
+ Sequential selection with a better-than-average rule 2000 J. Preater
+ Cumulative Sum Tests: Theory and Practice 1969 Irving W. Burr
+ PDF Chat A new representation for a renewal-theoretic constant appearing in asymptotic approximations of large deviations 1998 Moshe Pollak
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat Select sets: Rank and file 2007 Abba M. Krieger
Moshe Pollak
Ester Samuel‐Cahn
+ Minimax optimality of the method of cumulative sums (cusum) in the case of continuous time 1996 Albert N. Shiryaev
+ PDF Chat Boundary Crossing Probabilities and Statistical Applications 1986 David Siegmund
+ PDF Chat Robust Location Estimates 1977 Rudolf Beran
+ PDF Chat Renewal theorem for a class of stationary sequences 1986 Steven P. Lalley
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory. 1986 Bert Fristedt
P. A. P. Moran
+ Sequential Change-Point Detection When the Pre- and Post-Change Parameters are Unknown 2010 Tze Leung Lai
Haipeng Xing
+ PDF Chat Open-Ended Tests for Koopman-Darmois Families 1973 G. Lorden
+ Statistical Control of Multiple-Stream Processes: A Shewhart Control Chart for Each Stream 2008 Nora S. Meneces
Silvino A. Olivera
Carlos D. Saccone
Julio Tessore
+ Asymptotically optimal ditiction of a change in a linear model 1993 Qiwei Yao
+ PDF Chat A Dynamic Sampling Approach for Detecting a Change in Distribution 1988 David Assaf
+ Testing equality of means in the presence of correlation 1969 J. S. Mehta
John Gurland
+ The behavior of maximum likelihood estimates under nonstandard conditions 1967 Peter J. Huber