Giusy Mazzone


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On periodic motions of a harmonic oscillator interacting with incompressible fluids 2024 Giusy Mazzone
Mahdi Mohebbi
+ PDF Chat Stability and long-time behaviour of a rigid body containing a damper 2023 Evan Arsenault
Giusy Mazzone
+ Stability and long-time behaviour of a rigid body containing a damper 2023 Evan Arsenault
Giusy Mazzone
+ On periodic motions of a harmonic oscillator interacting with incompressible fluids 2023 Giusy Mazzone
Mahdi Mohebbi
+ PDF Chat Rough sound waves in 3D compressible Euler flow with vorticity 2022 Marcelo M. Disconzi
Chenyun Luo
Giusy Mazzone
Jared Speck
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear stability analysis of a spinning top with an interior liquid-filled cavity 2020 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
+ PDF Chat On the free rotations of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap 2020 Giusy Mazzone
+ On the free rotations of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap 2020 Giusy Mazzone
+ Nonlinear Stability Analysis of a Spinning Top with an Interior Liquid-Filled Cavity 2020 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
+ On the free rotations of rigid bodies with a liquid-filled gap 2020 Giusy Mazzone
+ Nonlinear Stability Analysis of a Spinning Top with an Interior Liquid-Filled Cavity 2020 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
+ PDF Chat A Maximal Regularity Approach to the Study of Motion of a Rigid Body with a Fluid-Filled Cavity 2019 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ PDF Chat On the Motion of a Fluid-Filled Rigid Body with Navier Boundary Conditions 2019 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ On the motion of a fluid-filled rigid body with Navier Boundary conditions 2018 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Pruess
Gieri Simonett
+ PDF Chat On the motion of a fluid-filled rigid body with Navier Boundary conditions 2018 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Pruess
Gieri Simonett
+ On the motion of a fluid-filled rigid body with Navier Boundary conditions 2018 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Pruess
Gieri Simonett
+ On the motion of a liquid-filled heavy body around a fixed point 2017 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Mahdi Mohebbi
+ Stability and Long-Time Behavior of a Pendulum with an Interior Cavity Filled with a Viscous Liquid 2017 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
+ On the Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Cavities Completely Filled by a Viscous Liquid 2016 Giusy Mazzone
+ PDF Chat Inertial Motions of a Rigid Body with a Cavity Filled with a Viscous Liquid 2016 Karoline Disser
Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ On the Motion of a Liquid-Filled Rigid Body Subject to a Time-Periodic Torque 2016 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Mahdi Mohebbi
+ Inertial Motions of a Rigid Body with a cavity filled with a viscous liquid 2014 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ Inertial Motions of a Rigid Body with a cavity filled with a viscous liquid 2014 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ PDF Chat Inertial motions of a rigid body with a cavity filled with a viscous liquid 2013 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ On the interpolation of discontinuous functions 2012 Michele Campıtı
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ Behavior of bivariate interpolation operators at points of discontinuity of the first kind 2012 Michele Campıtı
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ Behavior of bivariate interpolation operators at points of discontinuity of the first kind 2011 Michele Campiti
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ Approximation of cosine functions and Rogosinski type operators 2011 Michele Campiti
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ Behavior of bivariate interpolation operators at points of discontinuity of the first kind 2011 Michele Campiti
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ On the interpolation of discontinuous functions 2010 Michele Campiti
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
+ On the interpolation of discontinuous functions 2010 Michele Campiti
Giusy Mazzone
Cristian Tacelli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Inertial Motions of a Rigid Body with a Cavity Filled with a Viscous Liquid 2016 Karoline Disser
Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ Operator Approach to Linear Problems of Hydrodynamics 2003 Nikolay D. Kopachevsky
S. G. Kreĭn
+ On convergence of solutions to equilibria for quasilinear parabolic problems 2008 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
Rico Zacher
+ On the Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Cavities Completely Filled by a Viscous Liquid 2016 Giusy Mazzone
+ PDF Chat On the Motion of a Fluid-Filled Rigid Body with Navier Boundary Conditions 2019 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ On the motion of a rigid body with a cavity filled with a viscous liquid 2012 Ana L. Silvestre
Takéo Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Inertial motions of a rigid body with a cavity filled with a viscous liquid 2013 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Paolo Zunino
+ An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Steady-State Problems 2011 Giovanni P. Galdi
+ Critical spaces for quasilinear parabolic evolution equations and applications 2017 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
Mathias Wilke
+ PDF Chat A Maximal Regularity Approach to the Study of Motion of a Rigid Body with a Fluid-Filled Cavity 2019 Giusy Mazzone
Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ PDF Chat Stability of Permanent Rotations and Long-Time Behavior of Inertial Motions of a Rigid Body with an Interior Liquid-Filled Cavity 2017 Giovanni P. Galdi
+ PDF Chat On Critical Spaces for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2017 Jan Prüß
Mathias Wilke
+ Addendum to the paper “On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted $$L_p$$ L p -spaces II” 2017 Jan Prüß
Mathias Wilke
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued laplace transforms and cauchy problems 1987 Wolfgang Arendt
+ An Introduction to Functional Analysis 2006 Angus E. Taylor
P. J. Davis
+ PDF Chat Special values of the Lerch zeta function and the evaluation of certain integrals 1993 Kenneth S. Williams
Nan Yue Zhang
+ On a New Problem of Mathematical Physics 2006 С. Л. Соболев
+ Lagrange interpolation for continuous functions of bounded variation 1980 P. Vértesi
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ PDF Chat Statistical limit points 1993 J. A. Fridy
+ Interpolation Processes: Basic Theory and Applications 2010 G. Mastroianni
Gradimir V. Milovanović
+ Operator Approach to Linear Problems of Hydrodynamics 2001 Nikolay D. Kopachevsky
S. G. Kreĭn
+ PDF Chat Statistical approximation by positive linear operators 2004 Oktay Duman
Cihan Orhan
+ PDF Chat Statistical limit superior and limit inferior 1997 J. A. Fridy
Cihan Orhan
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Continuity Properties and Global Attractors of Generalized Semiflows and the Navier-Stokes Equations 1998 J. M. Ball
+ Moving Interfaces and Quasilinear Parabolic Evolution Equations 2016 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ Global Weak Solutions¶for the Two-Dimensional Motion¶of Several Rigid Bodies¶in an Incompressible Viscous Fluid 2002 Jorge Alonso San Martı́n
V. N. Starovoîtov
Marius Tucsnak
+ The motion of the rigid body in the viscous fluid including collisions. Global solvability result 2016 Nikolai V. Chemetov
Šárka Nečasová
+ Existence of Weak Solutions for the Motion of Rigid Bodies in a Viscous Fluid 1999 Benoı̂t Desjardins
Maria J. Esteban
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness Results for Weak Solutions of Two-Dimensional Fluid–Solid Systems 2015 Olivier Glass
Franck Sueur
+ On the closedness of the sum of two closed operators 1987 Giovanni Dore
Alberto Venni
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to the Navier-Stokes Initial-Boundary Value Problem 2000 Giovanni P. Galdi
+ On the Motion of a Liquid-Filled Rigid Body Subject to a Time-Periodic Torque 2016 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
Mahdi Mohebbi
+ Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems: Volume I: Abstract Linear Theory 1995 Herbert Amann
+ Stability and Long-Time Behavior of a Pendulum with an Interior Cavity Filled with a Viscous Liquid 2017 Giovanni P. Galdi
Giusy Mazzone
+ On the regularity of flows with Ladyzhenskaya Shear‐dependent viscosity and slip or non‐slip boundary conditions 2004 H. Beirão da Veiga
+ Lack of Collision Between Solid Bodies in a 2D Incompressible Viscous Flow 2007 Matthieu Hillairet
+ The steady state Navier–Stokes equations for incompressible flows with rotating boundaries 1988 Niko Sauer
+ PDF Chat Existence of time-periodic solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations around a moving body 2006 Giovanni P. Galdi
Ana L. Silvestre
+ Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Space 2002 Ju. Daleckiĭ
M. Г. Крейн
+ On the motion of rigid bodies in a viscous incompressible fluid 2003 Eduard Feireisl
+ PDF Chat On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted L p -spaces II 2014 Jeremy LeCrone
Jan Prüß
Mathias Wilke
+ A Sufficient Condition for Instability in the Limit of Vanishing Dissipation 1998 A. A. Lyashenko
Susan Friedlander
+ Functional calculus, variational methods and Liapunov's theorem 2001 Wolfgang Arendt
Shang Quan Bu
Markus Haase
+ Classes of Linear Operators 1990 Israel Gohberg
Seymour Goldberg
M.A. Kaashoek
+ Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Viscous Incompressible Flows around a Moving Rigid Body in Three Dimensions 2000 Max Gunzburger
Hyeon-Cheol Lee
G. Serëgin