Jamie Bragg


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Weak localization thickness measurements of Si:P delta-layers 2004 Dan Sullivan
B. E. Kane
Philip E. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Atomically Precise Placement of Single Dopants in Si 2003 Steven R. Schofield
Neil J. Curson
M. Y. Simmons
F. J. Rueß
Toby Hallam
L. Oberbeck
Robert G. Clark
+ PDF Chat Silicon quantum electronics 2013 Floris A. Zwanenburg
Andrew S. Dzurak
Andrea Morello
M. Y. Simmons
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Gerhard Klimeck
Sven Rogge
S. N. Coppersmith
M. A. Eriksson
+ PDF Chat Exact location of dopants below the Si(001):H surface from scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory 2017 Veronika Brázdová
David R. Bowler
Kitiphat Sinthiptharakoon
Philipp Studer
Adam Rahnejat
Neil J. Curson
Steven R. Schofield
A. J. Fisher
+ PDF Chat Two- to three-dimensional crossover in a dense electron liquid in silicon 2018 Guy Matmon
Eran Ginossar
B. J. Villis
Alexander Kölker
Tingbin Lim
Hari S. Solanki
Steven R. Schofield
Neil J. Curson
Juerong Li
B. N. Murdin
+ PDF Chat Atomic-Scale Patterning of Arsenic in Silicon by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 2020 Taylor J. Z. Stock
Oliver Warschkow
Procopios Constantinou
Juerong Li
Sarah Fearn
Eleanor Crane
Emily V. S. Hofmann
Alexander Kölker
David R. McKenzie
Steven R. Schofield
+ PDF Chat B-Doped δ-Layers and Nanowires from Area-Selective Deposition of BCl<sub>3</sub> on Si(100) 2021 Kevin Dwyer
Sung-Ha Baek
Azadeh Farzaneh
Michael Dreyer
J. R. Williams
Robert Butera
+ PDF Chat Novel characterization of dopant-based qubits 2021 B. Voisin
Joe Salfi
Rajib Rahman
Sven Rogge