Béla Nagy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Fenton type minimax problems for sum of translates functions 2024 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ PDF Chat On the weighted trigonometric Bojanov - Chebyshev extremal problem 2023 Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ PDF Chat Minimal degree rational open up mappings and related questions 2023 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat A homeomorphism theorem for sums of translates 2023 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ On the weighted Bojanov-Chebyshev problem and Fenton's sum of translates method 2023 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd György Révész
+ On the weighted trigonometric Bojanov-Chebyshev extremal problem 2023 Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ PDF Chat On the weighted Bojanov-Chebyshev problem and the sum of translates method of Fenton 2023 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd György Révész
+ PDF Chat Intertwining of maxima of sum of translates functions with nonsingular kernels 2022 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Rational Interpolation and Open-Up Mappings 2022 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ Intertwining of maxima of sum of translates functions with nonsingular kernels 2022 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities 2021 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ A homeomorphism theorem for sums of translates 2021 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ On the weighted Bojanov-Chebyshev Problem and the sum of translates method of Fenton 2021 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Construction of open up mappings with rational functions and related questions 2019 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ Minimal energy point systems on the unit circle and the real line 2019 Marcell Gaál
Béla Nagy
Zsuzsanna Nagy-Csiha
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Minimal degree rational open up mappings and related questions 2019 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ A minimax problem for sums of translates on the torus 2018 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Higher Markov and Bernstein inequalities and fast decreasing polynomials with prescribed zeros 2017 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Higher Markov and Bernstein inequalities and fast decreasing polynomials with prescribed zeros 2017 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ PDF Chat Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities for rational functions 2017 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Dilations similar to a self-adjoint operator 2017 Béla Nagy
+ Higher Markov and Bernstein inequalities and fast decreasing polynomials with prescribed zeros 2017 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities for rational functions 2016 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Norm of the Holomorphic Component of a Meromorphic Function in a Finitely Connected Domain 2016 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities for rational functions 2016 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ A potential theoretic minimax problem on the torus 2015 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ Polynomial and rational inequalities on analytic Jordan arcs and domains 2015 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Bernstein type inequalities for rational functions on analytic curves and arcs 2015 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Some notes on $L^{p}$ Bernstein inequality when $0<p<1$ 2014 Béla Nagy
Tamás Varga
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically Sharp Markov and Schur Inequalities on General Sets 2014 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ Riesz-type inequalities on general sets 2014 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ Some notes on $L^{p}$ Bernstein inequality when $0 2014 Béla Nagy
Tamás Varga
+ Bernstein inequality in Lα norms 2013 Béla Nagy
Ferenc Toókos
+ Bernstein inequality in Lalpha norms 2013 Béla Nagy
Ferenc Toókos
+ PDF Chat Bernstein’s Inequality for Algebraic Polynomials on Circular Arcs 2012 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ Transfinite Diameter, Chebyshev Constant and Energy on Locally Compact Spaces 2008 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
+ Transfinite diameter, Chebyshev constant and energy on locally compact spaces 2007 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
+ Sharpening of Hilbert’s lemniscate theorem 2005 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ Asymptotic Bernstein inequality on lemniscates 2004 Béla Nagy
+ PDF Chat Regular Factorizations of Contractions 1974 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Regular factorizations of contractions 1974 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Über die Ungleichung von H. Bohr 1953 Béla Nagy
+ On a spectral problem of Atkinson 1952 Béla Nagy
+ Über die Konvergenz von Reihen orthogonaler Polynome. Herrn Professor Erhard Schmidt zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet 1950 Béla Nagy
+ Sur les lattis linéaires de dimension finie 1944 Béla Nagy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields 1997 Edward B. Saff
Вилмос Тотик
+ Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities 1995 Peter Borwein
Tamás Erdélyi
+ A generalization of Chebyshev polynomials 1979 Borislav Bojanov
+ A Min-Max Theorem for Sums of Translates of a Function 2000 P. C. Fenton
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ Polynomial and rational inequalities on analytic Jordan arcs and domains 2015 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
+ Sharpening of Hilbert’s lemniscate theorem 2005 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev constants for the unit circle 2012 Gergely Ambrus
Keith Ball
Tamás Erdélyi
+ PDF Chat Polarization Optimality of Equally Spaced Points on the Circle for Discrete Potentials 2013 Douglas P. Hardin
Amos P. Kendall
Edward B. Saff
+ A minimax problem for sums of translates on the torus 2018 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ PDF Chat A homeomorphism theorem for sums of translates 2023 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
Szilárd Gy. Révész
+ PDF Chat Polynomial inverse images and polynomial inequalities 2001 Вилмос Тотик
+ Topics in Polynomials 1994 Gradimir V. Milovanović
D. S. Mitrinović
Th. M. Rassias
+ Extremal polynomials associated with a system of curves in the complex plane 1969 Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat The minimum of small entire functions 1981 P. C. Fenton
+ Strong Asymptotics of Orthonormal Polynomials with the Aid of Green's Function 2000 Franz Peherstorfer
Robert Steinbauer
+ PDF Chat Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities for rational functions 2017 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ Characterization of polynomials by means of their stationary values 1984 G. K. Kristiansen
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ On potentials in locally compact spaces 1961 Makoto Ohtsuka
+ Christoffel functions on curves and domains 2009 Вилмос Тотик
+ Inequalities for derivatives of rational functions on several intervals 2004 Alexey Lukashov
+ Asymptotic Bernstein inequality on lemniscates 2004 Béla Nagy
+ A refined <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">cos</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:math> theorem 2005 P. C. Fenton
+ PDF Chat On the theory of potentials in locally compact spaces 1960 Bent Fuglede
+ Riesz-type inequalities on general sets 2014 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Sharp constants in asymptotic higher order Markov inequalities 2017 Вилмос Тотик
Yuan Zhou
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically Sharp Markov and Schur Inequalities on General Sets 2014 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ A Minimax Problem Admitting the Equioscillation Characterization of Bernstein and Erdős 1998 Ying Shi
+ Sharp extensions of Bernstein's inequality to rational spaces 1996 Peter Borwein
Tamás Erdélyi
+ PDF Chat Bernstein’s Inequality for Algebraic Polynomials on Circular Arcs 2012 Béla Nagy
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat On Global Univalence Theorems 1983 T. Parthasarathy
+ The Polynomial Inverse Image Method 2011 Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat A Primer of Real Analytic Functions 2002 Steven G. Krantz
Harold R. Parks
+ Where does the sup norm of a weighted polynomial live? 1985 H. N. Mhaskar
Edward B. Saff
+ Transfinite Diameter, Chebyshev Constant and Energy on Locally Compact Spaces 2008 Bálint Farkas
Béla Nagy
+ On a problem of the best approximation 1964 Gábor Szegő
+ Proof of the conjectures of Bernstein and Erdös concerning the optimal nodes for polynomial interpolation 1978 Carl de Boor
Allan Pinkus
+ PDF Chat On the average distance property and certain energy integrals 1997 Reinhard Wolf
+ PDF Chat Optimization of the norm of the Lagrange interpolation operator 1977 Theodore Kilgore
+ The Critical Values of a Polynomial 2002 Beardon
+ The Curious History of Faà di Bruno's Formula 2002 Warren P. Johnson
+ Equilibrium of vector potentials and uniformization of the algebraic curves of genus 0 2009 Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev
Valery A. Kalyagin
Владимир Генрихович Лысов
D.N. Toulyakov
+ Catalan numbers and branched coverings by the Riemann sphere 1991 Lisa R. Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Die Minkowskische Geometrie und die Annäherung an stetige Funktionen 1917 A. W. van der Haar
+ Bernstein type theorems for compact sets in Rn 1992 Mirosław Baran
L D Grigorjan
+ Selected problems on exceptional sets 1967 Lennart Carleson
+ The Rendezvous Number of a Symmetric Matrix and a Compact Connected Metric Space 2000 Carsten Thomassen