K. L. van der Enden


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Advancing a responsible future quantum internet 2025 K. L. van der Enden
G. Profitiliotis
D. Croese
+ PDF Chat Extendable optical phase synchronization of remote and independent quantum network nodes over deployed fibers 2024 Arian Stolk
J. Biemond
K. L. van der Enden
Leon van Dooren
E.J. van Zwet
Ronald Hanson
+ PDF Chat Telecom-Band Quantum Interference of Frequency-Converted Photons from Remote Detuned NV Centers 2022 Arian Stolk
K. L. van der Enden
Marie-Christine Roehsner
A. Teepe
S.O.J. Faes
C. E. Bradley
Sidney Cadot
Joris van Rantwijk
Ingmar te Raa
Ronald Hagen
+ PDF Chat Magnetic-Field-Resilient Superconducting Coplanar-Waveguide Resonators for Hybrid Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Experiments 2019 James Kroll
Francesco Borsoi
K. L. van der Enden
Willemijn Uilhoorn
Damaz de Jong
Marina Quintero‐PĂ©rez
David J. van Woerkom
Alessandro Bruno
SĂ©bastien R. Plissard
Diana Car
+ PDF Chat Magnetic field compatible circuit quantum electrodynamics with graphene Josephson junctions 2018 James Kroll
Willemijn Uilhoorn
K. L. van der Enden
Damaz de Jong
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
S. Goswami
Maja Cassidy
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat A graphene transmon operating at 1 T 2018 James Kroll
Willemijn Uilhoorn
K. L. van der Enden
Damaz de Jong
Keiichi Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
S. Goswami
Maja Cassidy
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Reducing intrinsic loss in superconducting resonators by surface treatment and deep etching of silicon substrates 2015 Alessandro Bruno
G. de Lange
Serwan Asaad
K. L. van der Enden
Nathan K. Langford
L. DiCarlo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Flux-controlled quantum computation with Majorana fermions 2013 Timo Hyart
B. van Heck
Ion Cosma Fulga
Michele Burrello
Anton Akhmerov
C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator 2010 Yuimaru Kubo
Florian Ong
P. Bertet
D. Vion
V. Jacques
Dingwei Zheng
A. Dréau
J.-F. Roch
Alexia AuffĂšves
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Improving the performance of superconducting microwave resonators in magnetic fields 2011 Daniel Bothner
T. Gaber
M. Kemmler
D. Koelle
R. Kleiner
+ PDF Chat Cavity QED with Magnetically Coupled Collective Spin States 2011 Robert AmsĂŒss
Ch. Koller
Tobias Nöbauer
Stefan Putz
Stefan Rotter
K. Sandner
Stephan Schneider
Matthias Schramböck
Georg SteinhÀuser
Helmut Ritsch
+ PDF Chat Charge-insensitive qubit design derived from the Cooper pair box 2007 Jens Koch
Terri M. Yu
Jay Gambetta
Andrew Houck
David Schuster
Johannes Majer
Alexandre Blais
Michel Devoret
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Low loss superconducting titanium nitride coplanar waveguide resonators 2010 Michael Vissers
J. Gao
David Wisbey
D. A. Hite
C. C. Tsuei
Antonio CĂłrcoles
Matthias Steffen
D. P. Pappas
+ PDF Chat An analysis method for asymmetric resonator transmission applied to superconducting devices 2012 Moe Khalil
M. J. A. Stoutimore
F. C. Wellstood
Kevin Osborn
+ PDF Chat Reducing intrinsic loss in superconducting resonators by surface treatment and deep etching of silicon substrates 2015 Alessandro Bruno
G. de Lange
Serwan Asaad
K. L. van der Enden
Nathan K. Langford
L. DiCarlo
+ PDF Chat Realization of Microwave Quantum Circuits Using Hybrid Superconducting-Semiconducting Nanowire Josephson Elements 2015 G. de Lange
B. van Heck
Alessandro Bruno
David J. van Woerkom
Attila Geresdi
SĂ©bastien R. Plissard
Erik P. A. M. Bakkers
Anton Akhmerov
L. DiCarlo
+ PDF Chat Planar superconducting resonators with internal quality factors above one million 2012 A. Megrant
C. Neill
R. Barends
B. Chiaro
Yu Chen
Ludwig Feigl
J. Kelly
Erik Lucero
M. Mariantoni
P. O’Malley
+ PDF Chat Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene 2015 V. E. Calado
S. Goswami
Gaurav Nanda
M. Diez
Anton Akhmerov
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
T. M. Klapwijk
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Cavity quantum electrodynamics for superconducting electrical circuits: An architecture for quantum computation 2004 Alexandre Blais
Ren-Shou Huang
A. Wallraff
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Measuring nanomechanical motion with a microwave cavity interferometer 2008 C. A. Regal
John Teufel
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat One minute parity lifetime of a NbTiN Cooper-pair transistor 2015 David J. van Woerkom
Attila Geresdi
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Prospects for cooling nanomechanical motion by coupling to a superconducting microwave resonator 2008 John Teufel
C. A. Regal
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat Magnetic field compatible circuit quantum electrodynamics with graphene Josephson junctions 2018 James Kroll
Willemijn Uilhoorn
K. L. van der Enden
Damaz de Jong
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
S. Goswami
Maja Cassidy
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Experimental evidence for a surface distribution of two-level systems in superconducting lithographed microwave resonators 2008 Jiansong Gao
M. Daal
Anastasios Vayonakis
Shwetank Kumar
J. Ćœmuidzinas
B. Sadoulet
Benjamin A. Mazin
Peter K. Day
H. G. Leduc
+ PDF Chat Probing Dynamics of an Electron-Spin Ensemble via a Superconducting Resonator 2013 V. Ranjan
G. de Lange
Ron Schutjens
Thibault Debelhoir
J Groen
Daniel Szombati
David J. Thoen
T. M. Klapwijk
Ronald Hanson
L. DiCarlo
+ PDF Chat Semiconductor-Nanowire-Based Superconducting Qubit 2015 T. W. Larsen
K. D. Petersson
Ferdinand Kuemmeth
Thomas Sand Jespersen
Peter Krogstrup
Jesper NygÄrd
C. M. Marcus
+ PDF Chat State-selective intersystem crossing in nitrogen-vacancy centers 2015 Michael Goldman
Marcus W. Doherty
Alp Sipahigil
Norman Y. Yao
Steven Bennett
Neil B. Manson
Alexander Kubanek
M. D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Improving the quality factor of microwave compact resonators by optimizing their geometrical parameters 2012 K. Geerlings
Shyam Shankar
E.V. Edwards
Luigi Frunzio
Robert Schoelkopf
Michel Devoret
+ PDF Chat High-fidelity projective read-out of a solid-state spin quantum register 2011 Lucio Robledo
Lilian Childress
Hannes Bernien
Bas Hensen
Paul F. A. Alkemade
Ronald Hanson
+ PDF Chat Single crystal silicon capacitors with low microwave loss in the single photon regime 2011 Steven Weber
Kater Murch
D. H. Slichter
R. Vijay
Irfan Siddiqi
+ PDF Chat Graphene on a Hydrophobic Substrate: Doping Reduction and Hysteresis Suppression under Ambient Conditions 2010 Myrsini Lafkioti
B. Krauss
Timm Lohmann
Ute Zschieschang
Hagen Klauk
K. von Klitzing
J. H. Smet
+ PDF Chat Longer-Baseline Telescopes Using Quantum Repeaters 2012 Daniel Gottesman
Thomas Jennewein
Sarah Croke
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Quantum Circuit with a Superconducting Qubit Coupled to a Spin Ensemble 2011 Yuimaru Kubo
CĂ©cile GrĂšzes
Andreas Dewes
T. Umeda
Junichi Isoya
Hitoshi Sumiya
N. Morishita
Hiroshi Abe
Shinobu Onoda
Takeshi Ohshima
+ PDF Chat Amplification and squeezing of quantum noise with a tunable Josephson metamaterial 2008 Manuel Castellanos-Beltran
K. D. Irwin
G. C. Hilton
Leila R. Vale
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat Distributed quantum computation based on small quantum registers 2007 Liang Jiang
Jacob M. Taylor
Anders S. SĂžrensen
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Strong coupling of a single photon to a superconducting qubit using circuit quantum electrodynamics 2004 A. Wallraff
David Schuster
Alexandre Blais
Luigi Frunzio
Rutian Huang
Johannes Majer
S. Kumar
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Trapping a Single Vortex and Reducing Quasiparticles in a Superconducting Resonator 2014 Ibrahim Nsanzineza
B. L. T. Plourde
+ PDF Chat Clean carbon nanotubes coupled to superconducting impedance-matching circuits 2015 V. Ranjan
Gabriel Puebla‐Hellmann
Minkyung Jung
T. Hasler
Andreas Nunnenkamp
Matthias Muoth
Christofer Hierold
A. Wallraff
Christian Schönenberger
+ PDF Chat A near-field scanning microwave microscope based on a superconducting resonator for low power measurements 2013 S. E. de Graaf
Andrey Danilov
A. Adamyan
Sergey Kubatkin
+ PDF Chat Decoherence and radiation-free relaxation in Meissner transmon qubit coupled to Abrikosov vortices 2016 Jaseung Ku
Zack Yoscovits
Alex Levchenko
J. N. Eckstein
Alexey Bezryadin
+ PDF Chat Majorana Fermions and a Topological Phase Transition in Semiconductor-Superconductor Heterostructures 2010 Roman M. Lutchyn
Jay D. Sau
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Contribution of dielectrics to frequency and noise of NbTiN superconducting resonators 2008 R. Barends
H. L. Hortensius
T. Zijlstra
J. J. A. Baselmans
S. J. C. Yates
J. R. Gao
T. M. Klapwijk
+ PDF Chat Characterization and reduction of microfabrication-induced decoherence in superconducting quantum circuits 2014 Chris Quintana
A. Megrant
Z. Chen
A. Dunsworth
B. Chiaro
R. Barends
B. Campbell
Yu Chen
I.-C. Hoi
E. Jeffrey
+ PDF Chat Millisecond charge-parity fluctuations and induced decoherence in a superconducting transmon qubit 2013 Diego RistĂš
Cornelis Christiaan Bultink
M. J. Tiggelman
R. N. Schouten
K. W. Lehnert
L. DiCarlo
+ PDF Chat Heralded quantum entanglement between two crystals 2012 Imam Usmani
Christoph Clausen
FĂ©lix BussiĂšres
Nicolas Sangouard
Mikael Afzelius
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Nonlinearities and parametric amplification in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators 2007 Erik A. Tholén
Adem ErgĂŒl
Evelyn M. Doherty
F. Weber
Fabien Grégis
David B. Haviland
+ PDF Chat Dipole Coupling of a Double Quantum Dot to a Microwave Resonator 2012 Tobias Frey
Peter Leek
Mattias Beck
Alexandre Blais
Thomas Ihn
K. Ensslin
A. Wallraff
+ PDF Chat Minimal resonator loss for circuit quantum electrodynamics 2010 R. Barends
N. Vercruyssen
Akira Endo
P. J. de Visser
T. Zijlstra
T. M. Klapwijk
P. Diener
S. J. C. Yates
J. J. A. Baselmans
+ PDF Chat High-Fidelity Readout in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Using the Jaynes-Cummings Nonlinearity 2010 Matthew D. Reed
L. DiCarlo
Blake Johnson
Luyan Sun
David Schuster
Luigi Frunzio
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat The quantum internet 2008 H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Tunable Supercurrent Through Semiconductor Nanowires 2005 Yong‐Joo Doh
Jorden A. van Dam
Aarnoud L. Roest
Erik P. A. M. Bakkers
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
S. De Franceschi
+ PDF Chat Loss Dependence on Geometry and Applied Power in Superconducting Coplanar Resonators 2010 Moe Khalil
F. C. Wellstood
Kevin Osborn
+ PDF Chat Vortex trapping and expulsion in thin-film<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>YBa</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>Cu</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mtext>O</mml:mtext><mml:mrow><mml:mn>7</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>ή</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>strips 2008 K.H. Kuit
J. R. Kirtley
W. van der Veur
C.G. Molenaar
F.J.G. Roesthuis
A.G.P. Troeman
John R. Clem
H. Hilgenkamp
Horst Rogalla
Jakob Flokstra
+ PDF Chat Heralded entanglement between solid-state qubits separated by three metres 2013 Hannes Bernien
Bas Hensen
Wolfgang Pfaff
Gerwin Koolstra
Machiel Blok
Lucio Robledo
T. H. Taminiau
Matthew Markham
Daniel J. Twitchen
Lilian Childress
+ PDF Chat On-chip filter bank spectroscopy at 600–700 GHz using NbTiN superconducting resonators 2013 Akira Endo
Cristina Sfiligoj
S. J. C. Yates
J. J. A. Baselmans
David J. Thoen
S. Mohammad Hassan Javadzadeh
P. van der Werf
A. Baryshev
T. M. Klapwijk
+ PDF Chat Magnetic hysteresis effects in superconducting coplanar microwave resonators 2012 Daniel Bothner
T. J. Gaber
M. Kemmler
D. Koelle
R. Kleiner
S. WĂŒnsch
M. Siegel