Antoine Touzé


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Sur la structure des représentations génériques des groupes linéaires infinis 2024 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Sur la noethérianité locale des foncteurs polynomiaux 2024 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Corrigendum and addendum to “Finitude homologique des foncteurs sur une catégorie additive et applications” 2023 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Décompositions à la Steinberg sur une catégorie additive 2023 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
Christine Vespa
+ PDF Chat Finitude homologique des foncteurs sur une catégorie additive et applications 2022 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Funktorhomologie über einer additiven Kategorie 2022 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Homologische Endlichkeit der Funktoren aus einer additiven Kategorie und Anwendungen 2022 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Sur la noeth{é}rianit{é} locale des foncteurs polynomiaux 2022 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Homological finiteness of functors and applications 2021 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Functor Homology Over an Additive Category 2021 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ Finitude homologique des foncteurs et applications 2021 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Homologische Endlichkeit der Funktoren und Anwendungen 2021 Aurélien Djament
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Graded Commutative Exponential functors 2019 Antoine Touzé
+ Cohomology of algebraic groups with coefficients in twisted representations 2018 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Connectedness of cup products for polynomial representations of GLn and applications 2018 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Computations and applications of some homological constants for polynomial representations of 𝐺𝐿_{𝑛} 2018 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Algebraic Groups with Coefficients in Twisted Representations 2018 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat A functorial control of integral torsion in homology 2016 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Derived functors of the divided power functors 2016 Lawrence Breen
Roman Mikhailov
Antoine Touzé
+ Lectures on Functor Homology 2015 Vincent Franjou
Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space 2014 Jiuzu Hong
Antoine Touzé
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Bar complexes and extensions of classical exponential functors 2014 Antoine Touzé
+ Derived functors of the divided power functors 2013 Lawrence Breen
Roman Mikhailov
Antoine Touzé
+ A functorial control of integral torsion in homology 2013 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat A construction of the universal classes for algebraic groups with the twisting spectral sequence 2013 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Ringel duality and derivatives of non-additive functors 2013 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Troesch complexes and extensions of strict polynomial functors 2012 Antoine Touzé
+ On the existence of the universal classes for algebraic groups 2011 Antoine Touzé
+ A construction of the universal classes for algebraic groups with the twisting spectral sequence 2011 Antoine Touzé
+ Ringel duality and derivatives of non-additive functors 2011 Antoine Touzé
+ Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space 2011 Jiuzu Hong
Antoine Touzé
Oded Yacobi
+ Bar complexes and extensions of classical exponential functors 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ Troesch complexes and the twisting spectral sequence 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ Cohomology of classical algebraic groups from the functorial viewpoint 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Bifunctor cohomology and cohomological finite generation for reductive groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
Wilberd van der Kallen
+ PDF Chat Universal classes for algebraic groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Universal classes for algebraic groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ Cohomology of classical algebraic groups from the functorial viewpoint 2009 Antoine Touzé
+ Cohomologie rationnelle du groupe linéaire et extensions de bifoncteurs 2008 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Rational cohomology of the general linear group and bifunctors extensions 2008 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie du groupe linéaire à coefficients dans les polynômes de matrices 2007 Antoine Touzé
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of finite group schemes over a field 1997 Eric M. Friedlander
Andrei Suslin
+ Representations of Algebraic Groups 2007 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal 1-parameter subgroups and cohomology 1997 Andrei Suslin
Eric M. Friedlander
Christopher P. Bendel
+ Cohomology of classical algebraic groups from the functorial viewpoint 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat General Linear and Functor Cohomology Over Finite Fields 1999 Vincent Franjou
Eric M. Friedlander
Alexander Scorichenko
Andrei Suslin
+ Schur functors and Schur complexes 1982 Kaan Akın
David A. Buchsbaum
Jerzy Weyman
+ PDF Chat Bifunctor cohomology and cohomological finite generation for reductive groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
Wilberd van der Kallen
+ Rational and generic cohomology 1977 Edward Cline
Brian Parshall
Leonard L. Scott
Wilberd van der Kallen
+ Cohomology of bifunctors 2008 Vincent Franjou
Eric M. Friedlander
+ PDF Chat Extensions of strict polynomial functors 2005 Marcin Chałupnik
+ On the Groups H(Π, n), II: Methods of Computation 1954 Samuel Eilenberg
Saunders MacLane
+ PDF Chat Koszul, Ringel and Serre duality for strict polynomial functors 2013 Henning Krause
+ PDF Chat Ringel duality and derivatives of non-additive functors 2013 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Troesch complexes and extensions of strict polynomial functors 2012 Antoine Touzé
+ Koszul duality and extensions of exponential functors 2008 Marcin Chałupnik
+ PDF Chat Universal classes for algebraic groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Cohomology with Grosshans graded coefficients 2004 Wilberd van der Kallen
+ General linear and functor cohomology over finite fields 1999 Vincent Franjou
Eric M. Friedlander
Alexander Scorichenko
Andrei Suslin
+ PDF Chat Schur Algebras and Representation Theory 1994 Stuart Martin
+ PDF Chat Homologie nicht-additiver Funktoren. Anwendungen 1961 Albrecht Dold
Dieter Puppe
+ Gröbner methods for representations of combinatorial categories 2016 Steven V Sam
Andrew Snowden
+ Projective resolutions of representations of GL (n). 1997 Burt Totaro
+ PDF Chat Sur l’homologie des groupes orthogonaux et symplectiques à coefficients tordus 2010 Aurélien Djament
Christine Vespa
+ PDF Chat A functorial control of integral torsion in homology 2016 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Bar complexes and extensions of classical exponential functors 2014 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Lois polynomes et lois formelles en théorie des modules 1963 Norbert Roby
+ PDF Chat Connectedness of cup products for polynomial representations of GLn and applications 2018 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Des propriétés de finitude des foncteurs polynomiaux 2016 Aurélien Djament
+ Rational representations, the steenrod algebra and functor homology 2003 Vincent Franjou
Eric M. Friedlander
Teimuraz Pirashvili
Lionel Schwartz
+ Detecting Rational Cohomology of Algebraic Groups 1983 Edward Cline
Brian Parshall
Leonard L. Scott
+ PDF Chat A construction of the universal classes for algebraic groups with the twisting spectral sequence 2013 Antoine Touzé
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Representations of GLn 1980 James Green
+ Homological stability for automorphism groups 2017 Oscar Randal‐Williams
Nathalie Wahl
+ Cohomology of algebraic theories 1991 Mamuka Jibladze
Teimuraz Pirashvili
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown
+ PDF Chat Representations of Algebraic Groups 1963 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Filtrations of $G$-modules 1990 Olivier Mathieu
+ Some Relations Between Homotopy and Homology 1965 Edward B. Curtis
+ Generic Representations of the Finite General Linear Groups and the Steenrod Algebra: I 1994 Nicholas J. Kuhn
+ Deriving calculus with cotriples 2003 Brenda Johnson
Randy McCarthy
+ Autour de la cohomologie de MacLane des corps finis 1994 Vincent Franjou
Jean Lannes
Lionel Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Derived Kan Extension for Strict Polynomial Functors 2015 Marcin Chałupnik
+ PDF Chat A Stratification of Generic Representation Theory and Generalized Schur Algebras 2002 Nicholas J. Kuhn
+ The Categories of Unstable Modules and Unstable Algebras Over the Steenrod Algebra Modulo Nilpotent Objects 1993 Hans-Werner Henn
Jean Lannes
Lionel Schwartz
+ SCHUR ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 112) 1996 J. A. Green
+ Derived Categories and Their Uses 1996 Bernhard Keller
+ Representations and Cohomology 1998 David J. Benson
+ PDF Chat The structure of indecomposable injectives in generic representation theory 1998 Geoffrey Powell
+ PDF Chat Representation stability and finite linear groups 2017 Andrew Putman
Steven V Sam