Azadeh Sheikholeslami


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Key Exchange in the Quantum Era: Evaluating a Hybrid System of Public-Key Cryptography and Physical-Layer Security 2024 Paul Staat
Meik Dörpinghaus
Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Christof Paar
Gerhard Fettweis
Dennis Goeckel
+ PDF Chat A family of pairwise multi-marginal optimal transports that define a generalized metric 2022 Liang Mi
Azadeh Sheikholeslami
José Maurício S. Bento
+ A Family of Pairwise Multi-Marginal Optimal Transports that Define a Generalized Metric 2020 Liang Mi
Azadeh Sheikholeslami
José Maurício S. Bento
+ Multi-Hop Routing in Covert Wireless Networks 2018 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Don Towsley
Boulat A. Bash
Saikat Guha
Dennis Goeckel
+ Multi-Hop Routing in Covert Wireless Networks 2018 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Don Towsley
Boulat A. Bash
Saikat Guha
Dennis Goeckel
+ Multi-Hop Routing in Covert Wireless Networks 2018 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Don Towsley
Boulat A. Bash
Saikat Guha
Dennis Goeckel
+ PDF Chat Energy-Efficient Secrecy in Wireless Networks Based on Random Jamming 2017 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Hossein Pishro-Nik
Dennis Goeckel
+ Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Networks in the Presence of Jamming 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Hossein Pishro-Nik
Dennis Goeckel
+ PDF Chat Covert communication over classical-quantum channels 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Boulat A. Bash
Don Towsley
Dennis Goeckel
Saikat Guha
+ Covert Communication over Classical-Quantum Channels 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Boulat A. Bash
Don Towsley
Dennis Goeckel
Saikat Guha
+ Covert Communication over Classical-Quantum Channels 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Boulat A. Bash
Don Towsley
Dennis Goeckel
Saikat Guha
+ Jamming Based on an Ephemeral Key to Obtain Everlasting Security in Wireless Environments 2015 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
+ Minimum Energy Routing in Wireless Networks in the Presence of Jamming. 2014 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Hossein Pishro-Nik
Dennis Goeckel
+ PDF Chat Everlasting Secrecy by Exploiting Non-Idealities of the Eavesdropper's Receiver 2013 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
+ Everlasting Secrecy by Exploiting Non-Idealities of the Eavesdropper's Receiver 2012 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
+ Everlasting Secrecy by Exploiting Non-Idealities of the Eavesdropper's Receiver 2012 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Covert Communication Over Noisy Channels: A Resolvability Perspective 2016 Matthieu R. Bloch
+ PDF Chat Limits of Reliable Communication with Low Probability of Detection on AWGN Channels 2013 Boulat A. Bash
Dennis Goeckel
Don Towsley
+ PDF Chat Everlasting Secrecy by Exploiting Non-Idealities of the Eavesdropper's Receiver 2013 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
+ PDF Chat Quantum-secure covert communication on bosonic channels 2015 Boulat A. Bash
Andrei Gheorghe
Monika Patel
Jonathan L. Habif
Dennis Goeckel
Don Towsley
Saikat Guha
+ Testing Statistical Hypotheses 2021 E. L. Lehmann
+ Jamming Based on an Ephemeral Key to Obtain Everlasting Security in Wireless Environments 2015 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Dennis Goeckel
Hossein Pishro-Nik
+ Linear Algebra to Quantum Cohomology: The Story of Alfred Horn's Inequalities 2001 Rajendra Bhatia
+ PDF Chat Capacity of optical communication in loss and noise with general quantum Gaussian receivers 2014 Masahiro Takeoka
Saikat Guha
+ PDF Chat Efficient wireless security through jamming, coding and routing 2013 Majid Ghaderi
Dennis Goeckel
Ariel Orda
Mostafa Dehghan
+ A trace inequality of John von Neumann 1975 L. Mirsky
+ PDF Chat The $\chi ^2$χ2-divergence and mixing times of quantum Markov processes 2010 Kristan Temme
Michael J. Kastoryano
Mary Beth Ruskai
Michael M. Wolf
Frank Verstraete
+ PDF Chat Adaptive resource allocation in jamming teams using game theory 2011 Ali Khanafer
Sourabh Bhattacharya
Tamer Bascar
+ PDF Chat On Error Exponents in Quantum Hypothesis Testing 2004 Tetsuhiro Ogawa
Masahito Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Ultimate classical communication rates of quantum optical channels 2014 Vittorio Giovannetti
Raúl García−Patrón
Nicolas J. Cerf
A. S. Holevo
+ PDF Chat General formulas for capacity of classical-quantum channels 2003 Masahito Hayashi
Hiroshi Nagaoka
+ Covert Communications When the Warden Does Not Know the Background Noise Power 2015 Dennis Goeckel
Boulat A. Bash
Saikat Guha
Don Towsley
+ The Capacity of Quantum Channel with General Signal States 1996 A. S. Holevo
+ PDF Chat Quantum Information Theory 2009 Mark M. Wilde
+ PDF Chat On Covert Communication With Noise Uncertainty 2017 Biao He
Shihao Yan
Xiangyun Zhou
Vincent K. N. Lau
+ Reliable Deniable Communication: Hiding Messages in Noise 2013 Pak Hou
Mayank Bakshi
Sidharth Jaggi
+ PDF Chat Cooperative jamming for wireless physical layer security 2009 Lun Dong
Zhu Han
Athina P. Petropulu
H. Vincent Poor
+ PDF Chat Covert communication over classical-quantum channels 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Boulat A. Bash
Don Towsley
Dennis Goeckel
Saikat Guha
+ PDF Chat Fundamental Limits of Communication With Low Probability of Detection 2016 Ligong Wang
Gregory W. Wornell
Lizhong Zheng
+ PDF Chat Reliable deniable communication: Hiding messages in noise 2013 Pak Hou
Mayank Bakshi
Sidharth Jaggi
+ PDF Chat Graph Implementations for Nonsmooth Convex Programs 2007 Michael C. Grant
Stephen Boyd
+ PDF Chat Multi-marginal optimal transport: Theory and applications 2015 Brendan Pass
+ The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ PDF Chat Secure Degrees of Freedom of One-Hop Wireless Networks 2014 Jianwei Xie
Şennur Ulukuş
+ PDF Chat Strong converse and Stein's lemma in quantum hypothesis testing 2000 Hiroshi Nagaoka
Tetsuhiro Ogawa
+ Consistency of spectral hypergraph partitioning under planted partition model 2017 Debarghya Ghoshdastidar
Ambedkar Dukkipati
+ PDF Chat Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications in MIMO Relay Networks 2011 Jing Huang
A. Lee Swindlehurst
+ PDF Chat The General Gaussian Multiple-Access and Two-Way Wiretap Channels: Achievable Rates and Cooperative Jamming 2008 Ender Tekin
Aylin Yener
+ PDF Chat Quantum Information Theory 2013 Mark M. Wilde
+ PDF Chat On secrecy capacity scaling in wireless networks 2010 O. Ozan Koyluoglu
C. Emre Koksal
Hesham El Gamal
+ PDF Chat The capacity of the quantum channel with general signal states 1998 A. S. Holevo
+ PDF Chat Wasserstein Dictionary Learning: Optimal Transport-Based Unsupervised Nonlinear Dictionary Learning 2018 Morgan A. Schmitz
Matthieu Heitz
Nicolas Bonneel
Fred Ngolè
David Cœurjolly
Marco Cuturi
Gabriel Peyré
Jean‐Luc Starck
+ PDF Chat On Secrecy Capacity Scaling in Wireless Networks 2012 O. Ozan Koyluoglu
C. Emre Koksal
Hesham El Gamal
+ PDF Chat Tomographic Reconstruction from a Few Views: A Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport Approach 2015 I. Abraham
Romain Abraham
Maı̈tine Bergounioux
Guillaume Carlier
+ PDF Chat Optimal Energy and Data Routing in Networks With Energy Cooperation 2015 Berk Gurakan
Omur Ozel
Şennur Ulukuş
+ Comparisons between quantum state distinguishability measures 2014 Koenraad M. R. Audenaert
+ Covert Communication over Classical-Quantum Channels 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Boulat A. Bash
Don Towsley
Dennis Goeckel
Saikat Guha
+ PDF Chat Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks 2013 Yulong Zou
Xianbin Wang
Weiming Shen
+ Optimal Throughput for Covert Communication Over a Classical-Quantum Channel 2016 Ligong Wang
+ Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport and Probabilistic Graphical Models 2021 Isabel Haasler
Rahul Singh
Qinsheng Zhang
Johan Karlsson
Yongxin Chen
+ PDF Chat Multimarginal Optimal Transport with a Tree-Structured Cost and the Schrödinger Bridge Problem 2021 Isabel Haasler
Axel Ringh
Yongxin Chen
Johan Karlsson
+ Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Networks in the Presence of Jamming 2016 Azadeh Sheikholeslami
Majid Ghaderi
Hossein Pishro-Nik
Dennis Goeckel
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the concept of distance based on the simplex inequality 2018 Gergely Kiss
Jean‐Luc Marichal
Bruno Teheux
+ PDF Chat A Point Set Generation Network for 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Image 2017 Haoqiang Fan
Hao Su
Leonidas Guibas
+ Computational Optimal Transport: With Applications to Data Science 2019 Gabriel Peyré
Marco Cuturi
+ PDF Chat A Numerical Method to Solve Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport Problems with Coulomb Cost 2016 Jean‐David Benamou
Guillaume Carlier
Luca Nenna