Nicholas D. Kazarinoff


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Ruler and the Round: Classic Problems in Geometric Constructions 2011 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat The approximate functional formula for the theta function and Diophantine Gauss sums 1998 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic analysis of the peeling-off point of a French duck 1994 A. D. MacGillivray
Bing Liu
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation of steady-state solutions of a scalar reaction-diffusion equation in one space variable 1992 Shin‐Hwa Wang
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation and stability of positive solutions of a two-point boundary value problem 1992 Shin‐Hwa Wang
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ An Example of Instability for the Navier–Stokes Equations on the 2–dimensional Torus 1992 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Xiaosong Liu Vincent
+ Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke: Pioneers in Mathematical Analysis and Catastrophe Theory from Evolvents to Quasicrystals (V. I. Arnol’d) 1991 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Joseph Liouville 1809–1882: Master of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Jesper Lützen) 1991 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat On positive solutions of some semilinear elliptic equations 1991 Shin–Hwa Wang
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Spatially periodic steady-state solutions of a reversible system at strong and subharmonic resonances 1991 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Joseph G.-G. Yan
+ Elements of Differentiable Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory (David Ruelle) 1990 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ On the Existence of Solutions of a Two-Point Boundary Value Problem Arising from Flows in a Cylindrical Floating Zone 1989 Chunqing Lu
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Special Functions and the Bieberbach Conjecture 1988 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Special Functions and the Bieberbach Conjecture 1988 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Local energy decay for the wave equation on the exterior of two balls or convex bodies 1988 Defu Liu
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Existence of Solutions of the Similarity Equations for Floating Rectangular Cavities and Disks 1988 Chunqing Lu
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
J. B. McLeod
William C. Troy
+ Energy decay for hyperbolic systems of second-order equations 1988 Clifford O. Bloom
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ On the universal sequence generated by a class of unimodal functions 1987 Li Wang
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ A metric property of period doubling for nonisosceles trapezoidal maps on an interval 1987 Li Wang
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Disorder, renormalizability, theta functions and Cornu spirals 1987 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Stability of a free convection density-extremum flow in a porous medium 1987 Sunil Kumar
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ On Cornu Spirals. Disorder, Selfsimilarity, and Jacobi’s θ3(ν,τ) 1987 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Evangelos A. Coutsias
+ Review: Wolfgang Wasow, Linear turning point theory 1986 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Linear turning point theory 1986 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Quadratic Forms Theory and Differential Equations (John Gregory) 1983 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Theory and applications of Hopf bifurcation 1981 Brian Hassard
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Yujie Wan
+ Control of Oscillations in Hematopoiesis 1979 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Pauline van denDriessche
+ Hopf Bifurcation and Stability of Periodic Solutions of Differential-difference and Integro-differential Equations 1978 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Yuheng Wan
P. van den Driessche
+ A uniform approximation to the solution of Ursell’s radiating body problem 1976 Clifford O. Bloom
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Short Wave Radiation Problems in Inhomogeneous Media: Asymptotic Solutions 1976 Clifford O. Bloom
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Squaring Rectangles and Squares 1973 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Roger Weitzenkamp
+ Squaring Rectangles and Squares 1973 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Roger Weitzenkamp
+ On existence of compound perfect squared squares of small order 1973 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Roger Weitzenkamp
+ PDF Chat Remarks on bang-bang control in Hilbert space 1972 E.D Rogak
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Geometric Inequalities. 1971 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
O. Bottema
Radosav Djordjević
R. R. Janic
D. S. Mitrinović
Petar Vasić
+ Initial-boundary value problems and moving boundaries 1971 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions for bang-bang control in Hilbert space 1970 E.D Rogak
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
J. F. Scott-Thomas
+ A Report on the Dubinsky Affair 1969 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Exterior initial-boundary value problems for quasilinear hyperbolic equations in time-dependent domains 1969 E.D Rogak
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ On Who First Proved the Impossibility of Constructing Certain Regular Polygons with Ruler and Compass Alone 1968 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics (Wilhelm Magnus, Fritz Oberhettinger and Raj Pal Soni) 1967 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Asymptotic Estimates and Entire Functions (M. A. Evgrafov; A. Shields, trans.) 1962 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Arithmetic and Geometric Means 1961 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Geometric Inequalities 1961 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Asymptotic solution of ordinary differential equations : final report 1959 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic theory of second order differential equations with two simple turning points 1958 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic solutions with respect to a parameter of ordinary differential equations having a regular singular point. 1957 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat D. K. Kazarinoff's inequality for tetrahedra. 1957 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Forms for the Whittaker Functions with Both Parameters Large 1957 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat A Note on Two Generating Functions for Legendre Functions 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Solution with Respect to a Parameter of a Differential Equation Having an Irregular Singular Point 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat A note on two generating functions for Legendre functions 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic solution with respect to a parameter of a differential equation having an irregular singular point 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Solution Of Differential Equations In a Domain Containing a Regular Singular Point 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Robert McKelvey
+ Asymptotic Expansions for the Whittaker Functions of Large Complex Order m 1955 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansions for the Whittaker functions of large complex order 𝑚 1955 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A correction for a paper by J. Smoller and A. Wasserman 1989 Shin–Hwa Wang
+ The Approximate Functional Formula for the Theta Function 1926 L. J. Mordell
+ PDF Chat Some problems of diophantine approximation: Part II. The trigonometrical series associated with the elliptic ϑ-functions 1914 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic solutions of ordinary linear differential equations of the second order, with special reference to a turning point 1949 Rudolph E. Langer
+ Global bifurcation of steady-state solutions 1981 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Some problems of diophantine approximation: Part I. The fractional part of nkθ 1914 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Period doubling for trapezoid function iteration: Metric theory 1982 W. A. Beyer
P. R. Stein
+ Ueber die Fälle, wenn die Reihe von der Form y = etc. ein Quadrat von der Form z = etc. hat. 1828 Th. Clausen
+ Multiple fixed points of positive mappings. 1986 E. N. Dancer
+ Symbolic Dynamics of Trapezoidal Maps 1987 John Guckenheimer
+ Incomplete Gauss sums 1976 D. H. Lehmer
+ Further results on periods and period doubling for iterates of the trapezoid function 1982 W. A. Beyer
P. R. Stein
+ On finite limit sets for transformations on the unit interval 1973 N. Metropolis
M. L. Stein
P. R. Stein
+ Über Summen, die mit den elliptischen ϑ-Funktionen zusammenhängen 1922 J. G. van der Corput
+ PDF Chat Beatty Sequences, Continued Fractions, and Certain Shift Operators 1976 Kenneth B. Stolarsky
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ A mixed problem for hyperbolic equations with time-dependent domain 1966 King Lee
+ Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics 1966 Wilhelm Magnus
Fritz Oberhettinger
Raj Pal Soni
+ Positive solutions of asymptotically linear elliptic eigenvalue problems 1980 Antonio Ambrosetti
P. Hess
+ PDF Chat A Mixed Problem for Normal Hyperbolic Linear Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 1957 G. F. D. Duff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Solution Of Differential Equations In a Domain Containing a Regular Singular Point 1956 Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Robert McKelvey
+ Symbolic Dynamics of Trapezoidal Maps 1986 J. D. Louck
N. Metropolis
+ Disorder, renormalizability, theta functions and Cornu spirals 1987 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Shift-maximal sequences in function iteration: Existence, uniqueness, and multiplicity 1986 W. A. Beyer
R. Daniel Mauldin
P. R. Stein
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and related properties via the maximum principle 1979 Basilis Gidas
Wei‐Ming Ni
Louis Nirenberg
+ Generic bifurcation of steady-state solutions 1984 Joel Smoller
Arthur Wasserman
+ Uniform distribution modulo one: a geometrical viewpoint. 1981 F. M. Dekking
+ PDF Chat Beitrag zur Theorie der Reihen. 1828 Th. Clausen
+ Some simple perfect 2×1 rectangles 1970 Federico Piazzon
+ A mixed problem for the wave equation in a time dependent domain 1966 E.D Rogak
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic character of the solutions of certain linear differential equations containing a parameter 1908 George D. Birkhoff
+ On multiple positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems 1981 Peter Heß
+ A modified Riemann-Stieltjes integral 1952 E. J. McShane
Truman Botts
+ Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1974 Douglas F. Riddle
+ Corrections for two papers by W. A. Beyer and P. R. Stein 1987 Li Wang
+ On the thermodynamics of curves and other curlicues 1989 Ross Moore
A. J. van der Poorten
+ Theory and applications of Hopf bifurcation 1981 Brian Hassard
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
Yujie Wan
+ PDF Chat Uniform asymptotic formulae for functions with transition points 1950 T. M. Cherry
+ La mathĂŠmatique des jeux ou RĂŠcrĂŠations mathĂŠmatiques 1953 Maurice Kraitchik
+ Le nombre de solutions de certains problèmes semi-linÊaires elliptiques 1981 Henri Berestycki
+ Attractors of partial differential evolution equations and estimates of their dimension 1983 Anatoli Babin
M. I. Vishik
+ Special functions, integral transforms, asymptotics, continued fractions 1977 Peter Henrici
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat Local energy decays for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients 1978 Hideo Tamura
+ An Algorithm for the Inversion of Finite Hankel Matrices 1965 William F. Trench
+ Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra 1974 Morris W. Hirsch
Stephen T. Smale
+ Exponential Sums and their Applications 1992 N. M. Korobov
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Asymptotic Expansions: Their Derivation and Interpretation 1975 Y. L. L.
R. Dingle
+ PDF Chat A proof of the Bieberbach conjecture 1985 Louis de Branges