Nat Sothanaphan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The least-area tetrahedral tile of space 2019 Eliot Bongiovanni
Alejandro N. Diaz
Arjun Kakkar
Nat Sothanaphan
+ Fuglede’s conjecture fails in 4 dimensions over odd prime fields 2019 Samuel J. Ferguson
Nat Sothanaphan
+ Exponential Riesz bases, multi-tiling and condition numbers in finite abelian groups 2019 Sam Ferguson
Azita Mayeli
Nat Sothanaphan
+ Fuglede's conjecture fails in $\mathbb{Z}_{p}^{4}$ for odd primes 2019 Samuel J. Ferguson
Nat Sothanaphan
+ Addendum to "Fuglede's conjecture fails in 4 dimensions over odd prime fields" 2019 Samuel J. Ferguson
Nat Sothanaphan
+ Riesz bases of exponentials and multi-tiling in finite abelian groups 2019 Sam Ferguson
Azita Mayeli
Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetry in Surfaces of Revolution with Density 2018 Eliot Bongiovanni
Alejandro N. Diaz
Arjun Kakkar
Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat Double Bubbles on the Line with Log-Convex Density $f$ with $(\log f)'$ Bounded 2018 Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat Naive Bayesian Learning in Social Networks 2018 Jerry Anunrojwong
Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat Double Bubbles on the Real Line with Log-Convex Density 2018 Eliot Bongiovanni
Leonardo Di Giosia
Alejandro N. Diaz
Jahangir Habib
Arjun Kakkar
Lea Kenigsberg
Dylanger Pittman
Nat Sothanaphan
Weitao Zhu
+ 1D Triple Bubble Problem with Log-Convex Density 2018 Nat Sothanaphan
+ Determinants of block matrices with noncommuting blocks 2016 Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat A Curved Brunn Minkowski Inequality for the Symmetric Group 2016 Weerachai Neeranartvong
Jonathan Novak
Nat Sothanaphan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Complex Hadamard matrices and the spectral set conjecture 2006 Mihail N. Kolountzakis
Máté Matolcsi
+ PDF Chat On the isoperimetric problem in Euclidean space with density 2007 César Rosales
Antonio Cañete
Vincent Bayle
Frank Morgan
+ PDF Chat Tiling sets and spectral sets over finite fields 2016 Charlotte Aten
B. Ayachi
E. Bau
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Alex Iosevich
H. Liu
Adam Lott
I. MacKinnon
Shir Maimon
Siyu Nan
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Log-Convex Density Conjecture 2019 Gregory R. Chambers
+ PDF Chat On Fuglede's Conjecture and the Existence of Universal Spectra 2006 Bálint Farkas
Máté Matolcsi
Péter Móra
+ PDF Chat The Fuglede conjecture holds in ℤp× ℤp 2017 Alex Iosevich
Azita Mayeli
Jonathan Pakianathan
+ Commuting self-adjoint partial differential operators and a group theoretic problem 1974 Bent Fuglede
+ Fuglede’s conjecture fails in 4 dimensions over odd prime fields 2019 Samuel J. Ferguson
Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat Fuglede’s conjecture is false in 5 and higher dimensions 2004 Terence Tao
+ Existence of isoperimetric regions in $\R^n$ with density 2011 Frank Morgan
Aldo Pratelli
+ Fuglede’s conjecture fails in dimension 4 2005 Máté Matolcsi
+ PDF Chat Discrete Sampling: A Graph Theoretic Approach to Orthogonal Interpolation 2019 Aditya Siripuram
William Wu
Brad Osgood
+ PDF Chat Tiles with no spectra in dimension 4 2006 Bálint Farkas
Révész Szilárd Gy.
+ PDF Chat Tiles with no spectra 2006 Mihail N. Kolountzakis
Máté Matolcsi
+ PDF Chat Sommerville's Missing Tetrahedra 2007 Allan L. Edmonds
+ Proof of the planar triple bubble conjecture 2004 Wacharin Wichiramala
+ Existence of isoperimetric regions in $${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$$ with density 2012 Frank Morgan
Aldo Pratelli
+ PDF Chat Determination of the Volumes of certain Species of Tetrahedra without employment of the Method of Limits 1895 M. J. M. Hill
+ Zerlegung des <i>n</i>‐dimensionalen Raumes in kongruente Simplexe 1971 Ludwig Baumgartner
+ PDF Chat The Fuglede spectral conjecture holds for convex planar domains 2003 Alex Iosevich
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ Discrete curvature and abelian groups 2015 Bo’az Klartag
Gady Kozma
Peter Ralli
Prasad Tetali
+ Relations between edge lengths, dihedral and solid angles in tetrahedra 2014 Karl Wirth
Aǹdré S. Dreiding
+ PDF Chat Non-Bayesian social learning 2012 Ali Jadbabaie
Pooya Molavi
Alvaro Sandroni
Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
+ Learning without Recall: A Case for Log-Linear Learning 2015 M. Amin Rahimian
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Discrete Ricci curvature bounds for Bernoulli-Laplace and random transposition models 2014 Matthias Erbar
Jan Maas
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Fuglede’s spectral set conjecture for convex polytopes 2017 Rachel Greenfeld
Nir Lev
+ PDF Chat Spectrality and tiling by cylindric domains 2016 Rachel Greenfeld
Nir Lev
+ Which Tetrahedra Fill Space? 1981 Marjorie Senechal
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Frank Morgan
+ Packing near the tiling density and exponential bases for product domains 2016 Mihail N. Kolountzakis
+ VI.—Division of Space by Congruent Triangles and Tetrahedra 1924 D. M. Y. Sommerville
+ Balls Isoperimetric in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with Volume and Perimeter Densities $r^m$ and $r^k$ 2016 Leonardo Di Giosia
Jahangir Habib
Lea Kenigsberg
Dylanger Pittman
Weitao Zhu
+ Bayesian Heuristics for Group Decisions. 2016 M. Amin Rahimian
Ali Jadbabaie
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Double Bubble Conjecture 2002 Michael Hutchings
Frank Morgan
Manuel Ritoré
Antonio R�os
+ Exhaustive search of convex pentagons which tile the plane 2017 Michaël Rao
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetry in Surfaces of Revolution with Density 2018 Eliot Bongiovanni
Alejandro N. Diaz
Arjun Kakkar
Nat Sothanaphan
+ The Gaussian Double-Bubble Conjecture 2018 Emanuel Milman
Joe Neeman
+ PDF Chat On the isoperimetric problem with double density 2018 Aldo Pratelli
Giorgio Saracco
+ PDF Chat Determinants of block matrices 2000 John R. Silvester
+ 1D Triple Bubble Problem with Log-Convex Density 2018 Nat Sothanaphan
+ The Fuglede Conjecture holds in \(\F_p^3\) for p=5,7 2019 Thomas Fallon
Azita Mayeli
Dominick Villano
+ PDF Chat The Fuglede conjecture for convex domains is true in all dimensions 2022 Nir Lev
Máté Matolcsi
+ PDF Chat Double Bubbles on the Line with Log-Convex Density $f$ with $(\log f)'$ Bounded 2018 Nat Sothanaphan
+ PDF Chat An isoperimetric inequality in the plane with a log-convex density 2018 I. McGillivray
+ PDF Chat Lattice sub-tilings and frames in LCA groups 2016 Davide Barbieri
Eugenio Hernández
Azita Mayeli
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative determinants, Cauchy&amp;ndash;Binet formulae, and Capelli-type identities I. Generalizations of the Capelli and Turnbull identities 2009 Sergio Caracciolo
Alan D. Sokal
Andrea Sportiello
+ PDF Chat Discrete Curvature and Abelian Groups 2015 Bo’az Klartag
Gady Kozma
Peter Ralli
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Discrete Ricci Curvature bounds for Bernoulli-Laplace and Random Transposition models 2015 Matthias Erbar
Jan Maas
Prasad Tetali
+ Multi-tiling and Riesz bases 2013 Sigrid Grepstad
Nir Lev
+ PDF Chat Multiple lattice tiles and Riesz bases of exponentials 2014 Mihail N. Kolountzakis