Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Theory of Didactical Situations and proof situations : analysis of two examples 2024 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Survey to identify undergraduate students' conceptions of proof in mathematics 2023 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Nouvelles perspectives en didactique des mathématiques : preuve, modélisation et technologies numériques. Volume des ateliers des actes de la XXIe école d'été de didactique des mathématiques 2023 Fabrice Vandebrouck
Fabien Emprin
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Laurent Vivier
+ PDF Chat Approaching concepts of linear algebra with discrete mathematics: a situation from ongoing mathematical research for freshmen 2022 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ The mathematical background of proving processes in discrete optimization—exemplification with Research Situations for the Classroom 2022 Sylvain Gravier
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Enriching pre-service teachers’ conceptions about proof with discrete mathematics. 2021 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat Exploring MLD in mathematics education: Ten years of research 2020 Michel Deruaz
Thierry Dias
Marie‐Line Gardes
Francesca Gregorio
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Peteers Florence
Elisabetta Robotti
+ Discrete Mathematics Teaching and Learning 2020 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat Percursos de estudantes ao lidarem com a introdução do conceito de limite<br>Student routes when dealing with the introduction of the concept of limit 2019 Sônia Maria Monteiro da Silva Burigato
José Luiz Magalhães de Freitas
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat Diagnosis tools of dyscalculia – contribution of didactics of mathematics to numerical cognition 2019 Peteers Florence
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Math education dealing with mathematical learning disabilities: a literature review. 2019 Thierry Dias
Marie‐Line Gardes
Michel Deruaz
Francesca Gregorio
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Peteers Florence
Elisabetta Robotti
+ Discrete Mathematics Teaching and Learning 2019 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat Perspectives de recherches sur les difficultés d'apprentissage en mathématiques 2018 Thierry Dias
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Perspectives de recherches sur les difficultés d’apprentissage en mathématiques 2018 Thierry Dias
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Mathematical learning disabilities: a challenge for mathematics education 2018 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Elisabetta Robotti
Thierry Dias
Marie‐Line Gardes
+ Modélisation de l’activité de définition en mathématiques et de sa dialectique avec la preuve – Étude épistémologique et enjeux didactiques 2014 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Introduction to WG13: early years mathematics 2013 Maria Giuseppina Bartolini
Ingvald Erfjord
Esther Levenson
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Introduction to WG13: early years mathematics 2013 Maria Giuseppina Bartolini
Ingvald Erfjord
Esther Levenson
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat A mathematical experience involving defining processes: in-action definitions and zero-definitions 2010 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ An introduction to defining processes 2010 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ PDF Chat Mathématiques discrètes : un champ d’expérimentation mais aussi un champ des mathématiques 2009 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Mathematics in Context: Focusing on Students 2008 Maria Giuseppina Bartolini
Sharada Gade
Martine Janvier
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
Vincent J. Matsko
Michela Maschietto
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Mark Saul
+ Du monde réel au monde des mathématiques - Un parcours bibliographique et didactique 2008 Alain Kuzniak
Bernard Parzysz
Laurent Vivier
Caroline Bulf
Christine Chambris
Bernadette Denys
Catherine Houdement
Ana Mesquita
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Marie-Jeanne Perrin-Glorian
+ PDF Chat Classification Activities and Definition Construction at the Elementary Level 2006 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Discussing the challenge of categorizising mathematical knowledge in mathematics research situations 2005 Eva Knoll
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Discrete mathematics and proof in the high school 2004 Aiso Heinze
Ian Anderson
Kristina Reiss
+ PDF Chat A mathematical experience involving defining processes: in-action definitions and zero-definitions 2010 Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Multiple components of developmental dyscalculia 2013 Wim Fias
Vinod Menon
Dénes Szücs
+ PDF Chat Polyominoes: puzzles, patterns, problems, and packings 1995 Solomon W. Golomb
+ PDF Chat Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective 2013 Liane Kaufmann
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Ann Dowker
Michael von Aster
Silke M. Göbel
Roland H. Grabner
Avishai Henik
Nancy C. Jordan
Annette Karmiloff‐Smith
Karin Kucian
+ The Diophantine Frobenius Problem 2005 Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín
+ The Ongoing Value of Proof 1997 Gila Hanna
+ Mathematical Problem Solving 2019 Peter Liljedahl
Manuel Santos‐Trigo
+ Taking Stock of 40 Years of Research on Mathematical Learning Disability: Methodological Issues and Future Directions 2016 Katherine E. Lewis
Marie B. Fisher
+ PDF Chat Dyscalculia: From Brain to Education 2011 Brian Butterworth
Sashank Varma
Diana Laurillard
+ Why and how mathematicians read proofs: an exploratory study 2011 Keith Weber
Juan Pablo Mejía-Ramos
+ Proving in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom 2016 Andreas J. Stylianides
+ PDF Chat Problem solving heuristics, affect, and discrete mathematics 2004 Gerald A. Goldin
+ PDF Chat Complexities in identifying and defining mathematics learning disability in the primary school-age years 2003 Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Gwen F. Myers
+ PDF Chat On the Teaching of Linear Algebra 2002 Jean-Luc Dorier
+ PDF Chat On proof and progress in mathematics 1994 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Detecting strengths and weaknesses in learning mathematics through a model classifying mathematical skills 2016 Giannis Karagiannakis
Anna Baccaglini‐Frank
Πέτρος Ρούσσος
+ Discussing the challenge of categorizising mathematical knowledge in mathematics research situations 2005 Eva Knoll
Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
+ Proofs and refutations in the undergraduate mathematics classroom 2007 Sean Larsen
Michelle Zandieh
+ Mathematical Problem Solving 1985 2
+ Discrete Mathematics and the Affective Dimension of Mathematical Learning and Engagement 2017 Gerald A. Goldin
+ Problem Solving Heuristics, Affect, and Discrete Mathematics: A Representational Discussion 2009 Gerald A. Goldin
+ PDF Chat Mathematical cognition deficits in children with learning disabilities and persistent low achievement: A five-year prospective study. 2011 David C. Geary
Mary K. Hoard
Lara Nugent
Drew H. Bailey
+ Developmental dyscalculia: Fresh perspectives 2013 Dénes Szücs
Usha Goswami
+ Students' Conceptions of a Mathematical Definition. 2005 Orit Zaslavsky
Karni Shir
+ PDF Chat Problem solving and computational skill: Are they shared or distinct aspects of mathematical cognition? 2008 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Karla K. Stuebing
Jack M. Fletcher
Carol L. Hamlett
Warren Lambert
+ Conjecturing and Proving as Part of the Process of Defining 2005 Sean Larsen
Michelle Zandieh
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education 2014 Stephen Lerman
+ PDF Chat The Mathematical Experience 2002 Philip J. Davis
Reuben Hersh
Elena Anne Marchisotto
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ An institutional point of view of the secondary–university transition: the case of duality 2010 Martine De Vleeschouwer
+ Individual Differences in Arithmetic: Implications for Psychology, Neuroscience and Education 2012 Ann Dowker
+ Mathematics difficulties: does one approach fit all? 2012 Sue Gifford
Freda Rockliffe
+ A framework for designing a research-based “maths counsellor” teacher programme 2015 Uffe Thomas Jankvist
Mogens Niss
+ What does it mean for a student to understand the first-year calculus? Perspectives of 24 experts 2011 Kimberly S. Sofronas
Thomas C. DeFranco
C. Vinsonhaler
Nicholas Gorgievski
Larissa Bucchi Schroeder
Chris Hamelin
+ Reconstructing Lakatos: a reassessment of Lakatos’ epistemological project in the light of the Lakatos Archive 2002 Matteo Motterlini
+ PDF Chat Preventive Support for Kindergarteners Most At-Risk for Mathematics Difficulties: Computer-Assisted Intervention 2015 Jonna Salminen
Tuire Koponen
Pekka Räsänen
Mikko Aro
+ Addition and subtraction by students with Down syndrome 2010 Aurelia Noda Herrera
Andrea Bruno
Carina Soledad González González
L. Moreno
Hilda Sanabria
+ Quelques Erreurs Pouvant Être Liées à Une Difficulté à Concevoir un Ensemble Comme un Objet Distinct De Ses Éléments Chez Des Étudiants Et Des Étudiantes Universitaires 2006 Kalifa B. Traoré
Caroline Lajoie
Roberta Mura
+ PDF Chat Mathematics learning disability 2012 Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Difference Not Deficit: Reconceptualizing Mathematical Learning Disabilities 2014 Katherine E. Lewis
+ Emergent modeling as the basis for an instructional sequence on data analysis 2002 Koeno Gravemeijer
+ Low numeracy and dyscalculia: identification and intervention 2010 Brian Butterworth
Diana Laurillard
+ PDF Chat Understanding teachers’ resistance to the curricular inclusion of alternative algorithms 2007 Randall E. Groth
+ Defining as a mathematical activity: A framework for characterizing progress from informal to more formal ways of reasoning 2010 Michelle Zandieh
Chris Rasmussen
+ PDF Chat Mathematical learning disabilities in special populations: Phenotypic variation and cross‐disorder comparisons 2009 Maureen Dennis
Daniel B. Berch
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
+ Applying Lakatos' theory to the theory of mathematical problem solving 1996 Kazuhiko Nunokawa
+ Challenges students identified with a learning disability and as high-achieving experience when using diagrams as a visualization tool to solve mathematics word problems 2013 Delinda van Garderen
Amy Scheuermann
Apryl L. Poch
+ Examining calculator use among students with and without disabilities educated with different mathematical curricula 2012 Emily C. Bouck
Gauri S. Joshi
Linley Johnson
+ PDF Chat Consequences, Characteristics, and Causes of Mathematical Learning Disabilities and Persistent Low Achievement in Mathematics 2011 David C. Geary
+ Mathematics as a Constructive Activity: Learners Generating Examples 2005 Anne Watson
John Mason