U. Bhattacharya


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Exact ground states and topological order in interacting Kitaev/Majorana chains 2015 Hosho Katsura
Dirk Schuricht
Masahiro Takahashi
+ PDF Chat How hidden orders generate gaps in one-dimensional fermionic systems 2013 Luca Barbiero
Arianna Montorsi
M. Roncaglia
+ PDF Chat Interacting One-Dimensional Fermionic Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases 2012 Evelyn Tang
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Classification of topological quantum matter with symmetries 2016 Ching‐Kai Chiu
Jeffrey C. Y. Teo
Andreas P. Schnyder
Shinsei Ryu
+ PDF Chat Incommmensurability and Unconventional Superconductor to Insulator Transition in the Hubbard Model with Bond-Charge Interaction 2007 A. A. Aligia
Alberto Anfossi
Liliana Arrachea
C. Degli Esposti Boschi
A. Dobry
C. J. Gazza
Arianna Montorsi
F. Ortolani
M. E. Torio
+ PDF Chat Inversion-symmetric topological insulators 2011 Taylor L. Hughes
Emil Prodan
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Nontrivial Haldane Phase of an Atomic Two-Component Fermi Gas Trapped in a 1D Optical Lattice 2012 Keita Kobayashi
Masahiko Okumura
Yukihiro Ota
Susumu Yamada
Masahiko Machida
+ PDF Chat The space group classification of topological band-insulators 2012 Robert-Jan Slager
Andrej MesaroĆĄ
Vladimir Juričić
Jan Zaanen
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic phases of constrained dipolar bosons 2011 Marcello Dalmonte
M. Di Dio
Luca Barbiero
F. Ortolani
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:math>-dimensional topological quantum field theory from a tight-binding model of interacting spinless fermions 2014 Mauro Cirio
Giandomenico Palumbo
Jiannis K. Pachos
+ PDF Chat Hidden<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>structure of the bond-charge Hubbard model 2010 M. Roncaglia
C. Degli Esposti Boschi
Arianna Montorsi
+ PDF Chat Topological invariants and interacting one-dimensional fermionic systems 2012 Salvatore R. Manmana
Andrew M. Essin
R. M. Noack
Victor Gurarie
+ PDF Chat Symmetry protection of topological phases in one-dimensional quantum spin systems 2012 Frank Pollmann
Erez Berg
Ari M. Turner
Masaki Oshikawa
+ PDF Chat Ground-state phase diagram of a spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:math>frustrated ferromagnetic XXZ chain: Haldane dimer phase and gapped/gapless chiral phases 2012 Shunsuke Furukawa
Masahiro Sato
Shigeki Onoda
Akira Furusaki
+ PDF Chat Tunneling spectra simulation of interacting Majorana wires 2013 Ronny Thomale
Stephan Rachel
Peter Schmitteckert
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Evolution Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group 2004 Steven R. White
Adrian Feiguin
+ PDF Chat Observation of Correlated Particle-Hole Pairs and String Order in Low-Dimensional Mott Insulators 2011 Manuel Endres
Marc Cheneau
Takeshi Fukuhara
Christof Weitenberg
Peter Schauß
Christian Groß
Leonardo Mazza
Mari Carmen Bañuls
Lode Pollet
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Topological phases of fermions in one dimension 2011 Lukasz Fidkowski
Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Characterization of a Topological Mott Insulator in One Dimension 2014 Tsuneya Yoshida
Robert Peters
Satoshi Fujimoto
Norio Kawakami
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-protected topological invariants of symmetry-protected topological phases of interacting bosons and fermions 2014 Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Entanglement spectrum of a topological phase in one dimension 2010 Frank Pollmann
Ari M. Turner
Erez Berg
Masaki Oshikawa
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Chern-Simons theory from a Hubbard-like model 2014 Giandomenico Palumbo
Jiannis K. Pachos
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase diagram of the half filled Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction 2010 A. Dobry
A. A. Aligia
+ PDF Chat String order and adiabatic continuity of Haldane chains and band insulators 2007 Fabrizio Anfuso
Achim Rosch
+ PDF Chat Detecting edge degeneracy in interacting topological insulators through entanglement entropy 2015 Da Wang
Shenglong Xu
Yu Wang
Congjun Wu
+ PDF Chat Topological Crystalline Insulators 2011 Liang Fu
+ PDF Chat Topological phases of one-dimensional fermions: An entanglement point of view 2011 Ari M. Turner
Frank Pollmann
Erez Berg
+ PDF Chat Entanglement Spectrum as a Generalization of Entanglement Entropy: Identification of Topological Order in Non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall Effect States 2008 Hui Li
F. D. M. Haldane
+ PDF Chat Observation of Density-Induced Tunneling 2014 Ole JĂŒrgensen
Florian Meinert
Manfred J. Mark
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
Dirk-Sören LĂŒhmann
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale phase separation and superconductivity in the one-dimensional Hirsch model 2009 Alberto Anfossi
C. Degli Esposti Boschi
Arianna Montorsi
+ PDF Chat Single-particle Green’s functions and interacting topological insulators 2011 Victor Gurarie
+ PDF Chat Photon-Assisted Tunneling in a Biased Strongly Correlated Bose Gas 2011 Ruichao Ma
M. Eric Tai
Philipp M. Preiss
Waseem Bakr
Jonathan Simon
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Hidden Order in 1D Bose Insulators 2006 Emanuele G. Dalla Torre
Erez Berg
Ehud Altman
+ PDF Chat Bulk topological invariants in noninteracting point group symmetric insulators 2012 Chen Fang
Matthew J. Gilbert
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Observation of spatially ordered structures in a two-dimensional Rydberg gas 2012 Peter Schauß
Marc Cheneau
Manuel Endres
Takeshi Fukuhara
Sebastian Hild
Ahmed Omran
Thomas Pohl
Christian Groß
Stefan Kuhr
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of the Zak phase in topological Bloch bands 2013 Marcos Atala
Monika Aidelsburger
Julio T. Barreiro
Dmitry A. Abanin
Takuya Kitagawa
Eugene Demler
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Extended Hubbard Model with Ring Exchange: A Route to a Non-Abelian Topological Phase 2005 Michael Freedman
Chetan Nayak
Kirill Shtengel
+ PDF Chat Tensor-entanglement-filtering renormalization approach and symmetry-protected topological order 2009 Zheng‐Cheng Gu
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Fermionic symmetry protected topological phases and cobordisms 2015 Anton Kapustin
Ryan Thorngren
Alex Turzillo
Zitao Wang
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-protected topological orders for interacting fermions: Fermionic topological nonlinear<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi></mml:math>models and a special group supercohomology theory 2014 Zheng‐Cheng Gu
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Floquet Engineering of Correlated Tunneling in the Bose-Hubbard Model with Ultracold Atoms 2016 Florian Meinert
Manfred J. Mark
K. Lauber
Andrew J. Daley
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
+ PDF Chat Entanglement spectrum of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model 2016 Bingtian Ye
Liang-Zhu Mu
Heng Fan
+ PDF Chat Exact Solution for the Interacting Kitaev Chain at the Symmetric Point 2017 Jian-Jian Miao
Hui-Ke Jin
Fu‐Chun Zhang
Yi Zhou
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-protected topological phases of one-dimensional interacting fermions with spin-charge separation 2017 Arianna Montorsi
Fabrizio Dolcini
Rita Claudia Iotti
Fausto Rossi
+ PDF Chat A stripe phase with supersolid properties in spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates 2017 Jun-Ru Li
Jeongwon Lee
Wujie Huang
Sean Burchesky
Boris Shteynas
Furkan Çağrı Top
Alan O. Jamison
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Microscopy of the interacting Harper–Hofstadter model in the two-body limit 2017 M. Eric Tai
Alexander Lukin
Matthew Rispoli
Robert Schittko
Tim Menke
Dan S. Borgnia
Philipp M. Preiss
Fabian Grusdt
Adam M. Kaufman
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Haldane topological orders in Motzkin spin chains 2017 Luca Barbiero
Luca Dell’Anna
Andrea Trombettoni
V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum chemistry 2017 Barry Bradlyn
Luis Elcoro
Jennifer Cano
Maia G. Vergniory
Zhijun Wang
Claudia Felser
M. I. Aroyo
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ Monitoring and manipulating Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas 2017 Julian LĂ©onard
Andrea Morales
Philip Zupancic
Tobias Donner
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Nonstandard symmetry classes in mesoscopic normal-superconducting hybrid structures 1997 Alexander Altland
Martin R. Zirnbauer