Jean-François Burnol


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Digamma function and general Fischer series in the theory of Kempner sums 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat From counting blocks to the Lebesgue measure, with an application to the Allouche-Hu-Morin limit theorem on block-constrained harmonic series 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Un d\'eveloppement asymptotique des sommes harmoniques de Kempner-Irwin 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Digamma function and general Fischer series in the theory of Kempner sums 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Sur l'asymptotique des sommes de Kempner pour de grandes bases 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Summing the "exactly one 42" and similar subsums of the harmonic series 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Measures for the summation of Irwin series 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Moments in the exact summation of the curious series of Kempner type 2024 Jean-François Burnol
+ Deux extensions de Théorèmes de Hamburger (portant sur l’équation fonctionnelle de la fonction zêta) 2012 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat On the System of the Functions $${\smash{\frac{\zeta(s)}{(s-\rho)^k}}}$$ 2011 Jean-François Burnol
+ Deux extensions de Th\'eor\`emes de Hamburger 2011 Jean-François Burnol
+ On the system of the functions x (s) / (s-r)k 2011 Jean-François Burnol
+ Paley–Wiener spaces with vanishing conditions and Painlevé VI transcendents 2010 Jean-François Burnol
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions with trivial zeros 2010 Jean-François Burnol
+ Un déterminant reproduisant 2010 Jean-François Burnol
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions with trivial zeros 2010 Jean-François Burnol
+ On some bound and scattering states associated with the cosine kernel 2008 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Entrelacement de co-Poisson 2007 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Spacetime Causality in the Study of the Hankel Transform 2006 Jean-François Burnol
+ Scattering, determinants, hyperfunctions in relation to Gamma(1-s)/Gamma(s) 2006 Jean-François Burnol
+ Entrelacement de co-Poisson 2004 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Two complete and minimal systems associated with the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2004 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger pour la transformation de Fourier 2003 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Sur les « espaces de Sonine » associés par de Branges à la transformation de Fourier 2002 Jean-François Burnol
+ A Lower Bound in an Approximation Problem Involving the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 2002 Jean-François Burnol
+ Two complete and minimal systems associated with the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2002 Jean-François Burnol
+ On an analytic estimate in the theory of the Riemann Zeta function and a Theorem of Baez-Duarte 2002 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Sur certains espaces de Hilbert de fonctions entières, liés à la transformation de Fourier et aux fonctions L de Dirichlet et de Riemann 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Quaternionic gamma functions and their logarithmic derivatives as spectral functions 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat A note on Nyman’s equivalent formulation of the Riemann hypothesis 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Sur les formules explicites I : analyse invariante 2000 Jean-François Burnol
+ Scattering on the p-adic field and a trace formula 2000 Jean-François Burnol
+ Addendum to "Quaternionic Gamma functions..." 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ Quaternionic Gamma functions and their logarithmic derivatives as spectral functions 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ A note on Nyman's equivalent formulation of the Riemann Hypothesis 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ The Explicit Formula and the conductor operator 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ Scattering for time series with an application to the zeta function of an algebraic curve 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ Addendum to "Quaternionic Gamma functions..." 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ Quaternionic Gamma functions and their logarithmic derivatives as spectral functions 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ The Explicit Formula and a Propagator 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ The Explicit Formula in simple terms 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ Spectral Analysis of the local Conductor Operator 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ Spectral Analysis of the local Commutator Operators 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ Weierstrass points on arithmetic surfaces 1992 Jean-François Burnol
+ Lectures on Arakelov Geometry 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
J. Kramer
+ The Arithmetic Riemann–Roch–Grothendieck Theorem 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
+ The Determinant of the Cohomology 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
+ The Determinant of Laplace Operators 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
+ Arithmetic Chow Groups 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
+ The Curvature of the Determinant Line Bundle 1992 Christophe Soulé
Dan Abramovich
Jean-François Burnol
+ None 1992 Jean-François Burnol
+ Analyse, Math Sup & Math Spé 1987 Nicolas Bonnault
Jean-François Burnol
Philippe Roché
Michel Demazure
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Sur certains espaces de Hilbert de fonctions entières, liés à la transformation de Fourier et aux fonctions L de Dirichlet et de Riemann 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ The Explicit Formula and a Propagator 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat On Fourier and Zeta(s) 2004 Jean-François Burnol
+ Fourier Series and Integrals 1949 Harry Dym
H. P. McKean
+ An Adelic Causality Problem Related to Abelian L-Functions 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Sur les formules explicites I : analyse invariante 2000 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger pour la transformation de Fourier 2003 Jean-François Burnol
+ Representation theory and automorphic functions 1969 М. И. Граев
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
I. M. Gel'fand
K. A. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Two complete and minimal systems associated with the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2004 Jean-François Burnol
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions. 1964 Garrett Johnson
Kenneth A. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Trace formula in noncommutative geometry and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1999 Alain Connes
+ PDF Chat Dualizing the Poisson summation formula. 1991 R. J. Duffin
Hans F. Weinberger
+ Scattering on the p-adic field and a trace formula 2000 Jean-François Burnol
+ Sonine spaces of entire functions 1969 James Rovnyak
Virginia Rovnyak
+ Spectral Analysis of the local Conductor Operator 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ Riesz potentials and explicit sums in arithmetic 1990 Shai Haran
+ PDF Chat Entrelacement de co-Poisson 2007 Jean-François Burnol
+ PDF Chat Spacetime Causality in the Study of the Hankel Transform 2006 Jean-François Burnol
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Fourier Series and Integrals 1991 Henry Helson
+ The Explicit Formula and the conductor operator 1999 Jean-François Burnol
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions 1968 Louis de Branges
+ A Class of Invariant Unitary Operators 1999 Luis Báez‐Duarte
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ PDF Chat Sur les « espaces de Sonine » associés par de Branges à la transformation de Fourier 2002 Jean-François Burnol
+ Fourier analysis in number fields and Hecke's zeta-functions 1967 John Tate
+ Notes sur la fonction ζ de Riemann, 4 2003 Michel Balazard
Éric Saïas
+ Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain 1934 N. Wiener
R. E. A. C. Paley
+ The Explicit Formula in simple terms 1998 Jean-François Burnol
+ Density matrix of an impenetrable Bose gas and the fifth Painlevé transcendent 1980 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
Yasuko Mōri
Mikio Sato
+ PDF Chat On solutions of Riemann’s functional equation 1959 K. Chandrasekharan
Szolem Mandelbrojt
+ PDF Chat Representation of Fourier integrals as sums. II 1950 R. J. Duffin
+ PDF Chat Non-archimedean strings and Bruhat-Tits trees 1989 A. Zabrodin
+ Distribution of Zeros of Entire Functions 1964 Б. В. Левин
+ On dualizing a multivariable Poisson summation formula 1997 R. J. Duffin
Hans F. Weinberger
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ An introduction to de Branges spaces of entire functions with applications to differential equations of the Sturm-Liouville type 1970 Harry Dym
+ Über die Bestimmung Dirichletscher Reihen durch ihre Funktionalgleichung 1936 E. Hecke
+ PDF Chat A converse theorem for Dirichlet $L$-functions 2010 Jerzy Kaczorowski
Giuseppe Molteni
Alberto Perelli
+ PDF Chat On two problems concerning linear transformations in hilbert space 1949 Arne Beurling
+ The Asymptotics of a Continuous Analogue of Orthogonal Polynomials 1994 Harold Widom
+ On Beurling′s Real Variable Reformulation of the Riemann Hypothesis 1993 Luis Báez‐Duarte
+ PDF Chat Bemerkung zu einem Satz von Hamburger �ber die Funktionalgleichung der Riemannschen Zetafunktion 1922 Carl Ludwig Siegel
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity results for the functional equation of the Dirichlet L-functions: case p=2 2010 Giuseppe Molteni
+ PDF Chat Quaternionic gamma functions and their logarithmic derivatives as spectral functions 2001 Jean-François Burnol
+ �ber die Riemannsche Funktionalgleichung der ?-Funktion 1922 Hans Hamburger
+ A Conjecture which Implies the Riemann Hypothesis 1994 L. Debranges