Hai Chau Nguyen


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fractional quantum Hall effect in suspended graphene: Transport coefficients and electron interaction strength 2010 Dmitry A. Abanin
Ivan Skachko
Xuesen Du
Eva Y. Andrei
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Ohm’s law at strong coupling:<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:math>duality and the cyclotron resonance 2007 Sean A. Hartnoll
Christopher P. Herzog
+ PDF Chat Spin Hall Effect 1999 J. E. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Moments of nucleon’s parton distribution for the sea and valence quarks from lattice QCD 2009 Mridupawan Deka
T. Streuer
Takahiro Doi
S. J. Dong
T. Draper
K.F. Liu
Nilmani Mathur
A. W. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Ultrahigh electron mobility in suspended graphene 2008 Kirill I. Bolotin
Kenneth Sikes
Zhewei Jiang
Martin Klíma
Geoffrey Fudenberg
James Hone
Philip Kim
H. L. Störmer
+ PDF Chat Marginal-Fermi-liquid behavior from two-dimensional Coulomb interaction 1999 J. González
F. Guinea
María A. H. Vozmediano
+ PDF Chat Coulomb interaction at the metal-insulator critical point in graphene 2009 Vladimir Juričić
Igor F. Herbut
Gordon W. Semenoff
+ PDF Chat Magnetothermoelectric Response at a Superfluid–Mott-Insulator Transition 2007 M. J. Bhaseen
A. G. Green
S. L. Sondhi
+ PDF Chat Interacting Fermions in Two Dimensions: Beyond the Perturbation Theory 2005 Suhas Gangadharaiah
Dmitrii L. Maslov
Andrey V. Chubukov
L. I. Glazman
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections to thermal transport coefficients in disordered metals: The quantum kinetic equation approach 2005 Gianluigi Catelani
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Thermally driven spin injection from a ferromagnet into a non-magnetic metal 2010 A. Slachter
F. L. Bakker
Jean‐Paul Adam
B. J. van Wees
+ PDF Chat Linear scaling between momentum and spin scattering in graphene 2009 C. Józsa
T. Maassen
M. Popinciuc
P. J. Zomer
A. Veligura
Harry T. Jonkman
B. J. van Wees
+ PDF Chat Non-Fermi liquid behavior of electrons in the half-filled honeycomb lattice (A renormalization group approach) 1994 J. González
F. Guinea
María A. H. Vozmediano
+ PDF Chat Quantum Critical Scaling in Graphene 2007 Daniel E. Sheehy
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Is Graphene in Vacuum an Insulator? 2009 Joaquín E. Drut
Timo A. Lähde
+ PDF Chat First direct observation of Dirac fermions in graphite 2006 Shuyun Zhou
G.-H. Gweon
J. Graf
А. В. Федоров
Catalin D. Spataru
Renee D. Diehl
Y. Kopelevich
D.-H. Lee
Steven G. Louie
Alessandra Lanzara
+ PDF Chat Conductivity of defectless graphene 2008 А. Кашуба
+ PDF Chat Magnetothermoelectric response near quantum critical points 2009 M. J. Bhaseen
A. G. Green
S. L. Sondhi
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents of the semimetal-insulator transition in graphene: A Monte Carlo study 2009 Joaquín E. Drut
Timo A. Lähde
+ PDF Chat Viscosity in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories from Black Hole Physics 2005 Pavel Kovtun
D. Son
Andrei O. Starinets
+ PDF Chat Quantum critical transport in clean graphene 2008 Lars Fritz
Jörg Schmalian
Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat The electronic properties of graphene 2009 A. H. Castro Neto
F. Guinea
N. M. R. Peres
Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geǐm
+ Nonzero-temperature transport near fractional quantum Hall critical points 1998 Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Theory of the Nernst effect near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter and in dyonic black holes 2007 Sean A. Hartnoll
Pavel Kovtun
Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene 2009 Kirill I. Bolotin
Fereshte Ghahari
Michael Shulman
H. L. Störmer
Philip Kim
+ PDF Chat Quantum critical point in graphene approached in the limit of infinitely strong Coulomb interaction 2007 D. Son
+ PDF Chat Approaching ballistic transport in suspended graphene 2008 Xu Du
Ivan Skachko
A. Barker
Eva Y. Andrei
+ PDF Chat Quantum-critical relativistic magnetotransport in graphene 2008 Markus Müller
Lars Fritz
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Fractional quantum Hall effect and insulating phase of Dirac electrons in graphene 2009 Xu Du
Ivan Skachko
Fabian Duerr
Adina Luican
Eva Y. Andrei
+ PDF Chat Relativistic magnetotransport in graphene 2009 Markus Müller
Lars Fritz
Subir Sachdev
Jörg Schmalian
Vladimir Lebedev
M. V. Feigel’man
+ PDF Chat Quantum critical transport, duality, and M theory 2007 Christopher P. Herzog
Pavel Kovtun
Subir Sachdev
D. Son
+ PDF Chat Collective cyclotron motion of the relativistic plasma in graphene 2008 Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Graphene: A Nearly Perfect Fluid 2009 Markus Müller
Jörg Schmalian
Lars Fritz
+ PDF Chat Nonzero-temperature transport near quantum critical points 1997 Kedar Damle
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Effect of the Coulomb scattering on graphene conductivity 2008 V. Vyurkov
V. Ryzhii
+ Transport coefficients in high temperature gauge theories (I): leading-log results 2000 Peter Arnold
Guy D. Moore
Laurence G. Yaffe