R Le Blanc


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Screening and vertex operators for u(n) 1991 R Le Blanc
K. T. Hecht
L. C. Biedenharn
+ Superfield and matrix realizations of highest weight representations for osp(<i>m</i>/2<i>n</i>) 1990 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Highest weight representations for gl(<i>m</i>/<i>n</i>) and gl(<i>m</i>+<i>n</i>) 1989 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ A rotor expansion of the su(3) Lie algebra 1989 D.J. Rowe
R Le Blanc
Joe Repka
+ Implementation of the U(n) tensor operator calculus in a vector Bargmann Hilbert space 1989 R Le Blanc
L. C. Biedenharn
+ The matrix representations of <i>g</i>2. II. Representations in an su(3) basis 1988 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ PDF Chat The matrix representations of <i>g</i><sub>2</sub>. I. Representations in an so(4) basis 1988 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Vector coherent state theory and its application to the orthogonal groups 1988 D.J. Rowe
R Le Blanc
K. T. Hecht
+ PDF Chat New perspective on the U(n) Wigner-Racah calculus. III. Applications to U(2) and U(3) 1987 R Le Blanc
+ PDF Chat New perspective on the U(n) Wigner-Racah calculus. II. Elementary reduced Wigner coefficients for U(n) 1987 R Le Blanc
K. T. Hecht
+ A resolution of the SU(3) outer multiplicity problem and computation of Wigner coefficients for SU(3) 1986 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for Su(3) contains/implies SO(3). III. complete set of SU(3) tensor operators 1986 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for SU(3)⊃SO(3). I. Construction of the basis 1985 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for SU(3)⊃SO(3). II. Reduced matrix elements of the SU(3) generators 1985 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
D.J. Rowe 10
K. T. Hecht 3
L. C. Biedenharn 2
Joe Repka 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Recent Progress Toward a Theory of Tensor Operators in the Unitary Groups 1970 James D. Louck
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for SU(3)⊃SO(3). I. Construction of the basis 1985 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ PDF Chat New perspective on the U(n) Wigner-Racah calculus. II. Elementary reduced Wigner coefficients for U(n) 1987 R Le Blanc
K. T. Hecht
+ Canonical Definition of Wigner Coefficients in <i>Un</i> 1967 L. C. Biedenharn
Alberto Giovannini
James D. Louck
+ Vector coherent state theory and its application to the orthogonal groups 1988 D.J. Rowe
R Le Blanc
K. T. Hecht
+ PDF Chat A pattern calculus for tensor operators in the unitary groups 1968 L. C. Biedenharn
James D. Louck
+ Boson expansion of lie algebras: The fermion pair algebra 1986 D.J. Rowe
J. Carvalho
+ PDF Chat The matrix representations of <i>g</i><sub>2</sub>. I. Representations in an so(4) basis 1988 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Branching rules for classical Lie groups using tensor and spinor methods 1975 Ronald C. King
+ Canonical solution of the state labelling problem for SU(n)⊃SO(n) and Littlewood's branching rule. I. General formulation 1983 J. Deenen
C. Quesne
+ PDF Chat On the structure of the canonical tensor operators in the unitary groups. II. The tensor operators in <i>U</i>(3) characterized by maximal null space 1972 L. C. Biedenharn
James D. Louck
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for SU(3)⊃SO(3). II. Reduced matrix elements of the SU(3) generators 1985 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ On the structure of the canonical tensor operators in the unitary groups. I. An extension of the pattern calculus rules and the canonical splitting in <i>U</i>(3) 1972 L. C. Biedenharn
James D. Louck
E. ChacĂłn
Mikael Ciftan
+ On the Representations of the Semisimple Lie Groups. II 1963 G. E. Baird
L. C. Biedenharn
+ On a Hilbert space of analytic functions and an associated integral transform part I 1961 V. Bargmann
+ Canonical orthonormal basis for Su(3) contains/implies SO(3). III. complete set of SU(3) tensor operators 1986 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ Unitary representations, branching rules and matrix elements for the non-compact symplectic groups 1985 D.J. Rowe
B. G. Wybourne
Philip H. Butler
+ Canonical solution of the state labelling problem for SU(n) ⊃ SO(n) and Littlewood's branching rule. III. SU(3) ⊃ SO(3) case 1984 C. Quesne
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Canonical Unit Adjoint Tensor Operators in <i>U</i>(<i>n</i>) 1970 James D. Louck
L. C. Biedenharn
+ The representations of the rotation group 1999 Shoon K. Kim
+ Highest weight representations for gl(<i>m</i>/<i>n</i>) and gl(<i>m</i>+<i>n</i>) 1989 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ PDF Chat On the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra chain <i>G</i>2⊇<i>A</i>2 1976 M. Perroud
+ The Racah–Wigner Algebra in Quantum Theory 1984 L. C. Biedenharn
James D. Louck
+ Analytical expressions for the matrix elements of the non-compact symplectic algebra 1984 D.J. Rowe
+ Boson realization of sp(4). I. The matrix formulation 1985 Octavio CastaĂąos
E. ChacĂłn
M. Moshińsky
C. Quesne
+ Irreducible representations of the osp(2,1) and spl(2,1) graded Lie algebras 1977 M. Scheunert
Werner Nahm
V. Rittenberg
+ A resolution of the SU(3) outer multiplicity problem and computation of Wigner coefficients for SU(3) 1986 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ PDF Chat Coherent states for arbitrary Lie group 1972 A. M. Perelomov
+ Symmetry properties of Clebsch-Gordon’s coefficients 1958 T. Regge
+ Bases for the Irreducible Representations of the Unitary Groups and Some Applications 1963 M. Moshińsky
+ Graded Lie algebras: Generalization of Hermitian representations 1977 M. Scheunert
Werner Nahm
V. Rittenberg
+ The evaluation of weight multiplicities of G<sub>2</sub> 1978 Ronald C. King
A. H. A. Qubanchi
+ The matrix representations of <i>g</i>2. II. Representations in an su(3) basis 1988 R Le Blanc
D.J. Rowe
+ PDF Chat New perspective on the U(n) Wigner-Racah calculus. III. Applications to U(2) and U(3) 1987 R Le Blanc
+ Mathematical problems of relativistic physics 1963 I. E. Segal
George W. Mackey
+ Strict Localization 1963 Alexis Licht
+ A closed formula for the product of irreducible representations of SU(3) 1982 Michael F. O’Reilly
+ Classical Groups for Physicists 1974 B. G. Wybourne
+ PDF Chat On some applications of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra 1951 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Four-point correlation functions and the operator algebra in 2D conformal invariant theories with central charge C≤1 1985 Vl.S. Dotsenko
V.A. Fateev
+ On a Conjecture of Langlands 1971 Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups, V 1956 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Homogeneous Vector Bundles 1957 Raoul Bott
+ Irreducible Representations of Superalgebras B(1,1) and B(0,2) 1983 Qi-Zhi Han
Sun Hongzhou
+ THE THEORY OF LIE SUPERALGEBRAS (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 716) 1980 Nigel Backhouse
+ PDF Chat Geometric quantization 2010 1
+ Compact Lie Groups and Their Representations 1973 D P Želobenko
+ Symplectic Geometry 1943 Carl Ludwig Siegel
+ Representations of classical lie superalgebras 1978 Victor G. Kač