Martin Wendler


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Functional Sieve Bootstrap for the Partial Sum Process with Application to Change-Point Detection without Dimension Reduction 2024 Efstathios Paparoditis
Lea Wegner
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Robust change-point detection for functional time series based on U-statistics and dependent wild bootstrap 2024 Lea Wegner
Martin Wendler
+ Power of Weighted Test Statistics for Structural Change in Time Series 2023 Herold Dehling
Kata Vuk
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Rank-based change-point analysis for long-range dependent time series 2022 Annika Betken
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Change-point detection based on weighted two-sample U-statistics 2022 Herold Dehling
Kata Vuk
Martin Wendler
+ Robust Change-Point Detection for Functional Time Series Based on $U$-Statistics and Dependent Wild Bootstrap 2022 Lea Wegner
Martin Wendler
+ Block Length Choice for the Bootstrap of Dependent Panel Data -- a Comment on Choi and Shin (2020) 2021 Lea Wegner
Martin Wendler
+ Block Length Choice for the Bootstrap of Dependent Panel Data -- a Comment on Choi and Shin (2020) 2021 Lea Wegner
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Bootstrapping covariance operators of functional time series 2020 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Central limit theorems for nearly long range dependent subordinated linear processes 2020 Martin Wendler
Wei Biao Wu
+ PDF Chat Convergence of U-processes in Hölder spaces with application to robust detection of a changed segment 2020 Alfredas Račkauskas
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Empirical processes for recurrent and transient random walks in random scenery 2020 Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ Change-point detection based on weighted two-sample U-statistics 2020 Herold Dehling
Kata Vuk
Martin Wendler
+ Rank-based change-point analysis for long-range dependent time series 2020 Annika Betken
Martin Wendler
+ Convergence of U-Processes in H\"older Spaces with Application to Robust Detection of a Changed Segment. 2019 Alfredas Račkauskas
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Tests for Scale Changes Based on Pairwise Differences 2019 Carina Gerstenberger
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ Nuisance-parameter-free changepoint detection in non-stationary series 2019 Michal Pešta
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrapping Covariance Operators of Functional Time Series 2019 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Tests for Scale Changes Based on Pairwise Differences 2019 Carina Gerstenberger
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ Convergence of U-Processes in Hölder Spaces with Application to Robust Detection of a Changed Segment 2019 Alfredas Račkauskas
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrapping Covariance Operators of Functional Time Series 2019 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Nuisance Parameters Free Changepoint Detection in Non-stationary Series 2018 Michal Pešta
Martin Wendler
+ Subsampling for general statistics under long range dependence 2018 Annika Betken
Martin Wendler
+ Studentized U-quantile processes under dependence with applications to change-point analysis 2017 Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Subsampling for General Statistics under Long Range Dependence 2017 Martin Wendler
Annika Betken
+ PDF Chat Change-point detection and bootstrap for Hilbert space valued random fields 2017 Béatrice Bucchia
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Two-sample <i>U</i>-statistic processes for long-range dependent data 2017 Herold Dehling
Aeneas Rooch
Martin Wendler
+ Stable limit theorem for $U$-statistic processes indexed by a random walk 2017 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
Dominik Wied
+ Convergence of $U$-statistics indexed by a random walk to stochastic integrals of a Lévy sheet 2016 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Sequential block bootstrap in a Hilbert space with application to change point analysis 2016 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for<i>U</i>-statistics: a new approach 2016 Sh. Olimjon Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ The sequential empirical process of a random walk in random scenery 2016 Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Simplified simplicial depth for regression and autoregressive growth processes 2016 Christoph P. Kustosz
Christine H. Müller
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Multivariate generalized linear-statistics of short range dependent data 2016 Svenja Fischer
Roland Fried
Martin Wendler
+ Change-Point Detection and Bootstrap for Hilbert Space Valued Random Fields 2015 Béatrice Bucchia
Martin Wendler
+ A Robust Method for Shift Detection in Time Series 2015 Herold Dehling
Roland Fried
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for U-Statistics: A new approach 2015 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ Studentized sequential U-quantiles under dependence with applications to change-point analysis 2015 Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ Studentized U-quantile processes under dependence with applications to change-point analysis 2015 Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Change-Point Detection Under Dependence Based on Two-Sample U-Statistics 2015 Herold Dehling
Roland Fried
Isabel Cristina Carbonell García
Martin Wendler
+ Subsampling for General Statistics under Long Range Dependence with application to change point analysis 2015 Annika Betken
Martin Wendler
+ Change-Point Detection and Bootstrap for Hilbert Space Valued Random Fields 2015 Béatrice Bucchia
Martin Wendler
+ A Robust Method for Shift Detection in Time Series 2015 Herold Dehling
Roland Fried
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for U-Statistics: A new approach 2015 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ Sequential block bootstrap in a Hilbert space with application to change point analysis 2014 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ Multivariate Generalized Linear-statistics of short range dependent data 2014 Svenja Fischer
Roland Fried
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for dependent Hilbert space-valued random variables with application to von Mises statistics 2014 Herold Dehling
Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ The Sequential Empirical Process of a Random Walk in Random Scenery 2014 Martin Wendler
+ Two-Sample U-Statistic Processes for Long-Range Dependent Data 2014 Herold Dehling
Aeneas Rooch
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Convergence of U-statistics indexed by a random walk to stochastic integrals of a Levy sheet 2014 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ Sequential block bootstrap in a Hilbert space with application to change point analysis 2014 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ Multivariate Generalized Linear-statistics of short range dependent data 2014 Svenja Fischer
Roland Fried
Martin Wendler
+ Two-Sample U-Statistic Processes for Long-Range Dependent Data 2014 Herold Dehling
Aeneas Rooch
Martin Wendler
+ The Sequential Empirical Process of a Random Walk in Random Scenery 2014 Martin Wendler
+ Convergence of U-statistics indexed by a random walk to stochastic integrals of a Levy sheet 2014 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ Block Sampling under Strong Dependence 2013 Ting Zhang
Hwai‐Chung Ho
Martin Wendler
Wei Biao Wu
+ Block sampling under strong dependence 2013 Ting Zhang
Hwai‐Chung Ho
Martin Wendler
Wei Biao Wu
+ Bootstrap for dependent Hilbert space-valued random variables with application to von Mises statistics 2013 Herold Dehling
Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Block Sampling under Strong Dependence 2013 Ting Zhang
Hwai‐Chung Ho
Martin Wendler
Wei Biao Wu
+ Change-Point Detection under Dependence Based on Two-Sample U-Statistics 2013 Herold Dehling
Roland Fried
Felipe García
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Normal limits, nonnormal limits, and the bootstrap for quantiles of dependent data 2012 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Stable Limit Theorem for U-Statistic Processes Indexed by a Random Walk 2012 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ Noncentral limit theorem and the bootstrap for quantiles of dependent data 2012 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Testing for Changes in the Rank Correlation of Time Series 2012 Herold Dehling
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
Dominik Wied
+ Testing for Changes in Kendall's Tau 2012 Herold Dehling
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
Dominik Wied
+ An efficient and robust test for a change-point in correlation 2012 Herold Dehling
Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
Dominik Wied
+ Normal Limits, Nonnormal Limits, and the Bootstrap for Quantiles of Dependent Data 2012 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Stable Limit Theorem for U-Statistic Processes Indexed by a Random Walk 2012 Brice Franke
Françoise Pène
Martin Wendler
+ Empirical \(\it U\)-quantiles of dependent data 2011 Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-processes, <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-quantile processes and generalized linear statistics of dependent data 2011 Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Unraveling Spurious Properties of Interaction Networks with Tailored Random Networks 2011 Stephan Bialonski
Martin Wendler
Klaus Lehnertz
+ Bahadur representation for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-quantiles of dependent data 2011 Martin Wendler
+ U-quantile processes and generalized linear statistics of dependent data 2010 Martin Wendler
+ U-Processes, U-Quantile Processes and Generalized Linear Statistics of Dependent Data 2010 Martin Wendler
+ Bahadur Representation for U-Quantiles of Dependent Data 2010 Martin Wendler
+ U-Processes, U-Quantile Processes and Generalized Linear Statistics of Dependent Data 2010 Martin Wendler
+ Bahadur Representation for U-Quantiles of Dependent Data 2010 Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for the sample mean and for U-Statistics of stationary processes 2009 Olimjon Sh. Shapirov
Martin Wendler
+ Law of the iterated logarithm for U-statistics of weakly dependent observations 2009 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for the Sample Mean and for U-Statistics of Mixing and Near Epoch Dependent Processes 2009 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorem and the bootstrap for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-statistics of strongly mixing data 2009 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
+ Bootstrap for the Sample Mean and for U-Statistics of Mixing and Near Epoch Dependent Processes 2009 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ Law of the Iterated Logarithm for U-Statistics of Weakly Dependent Observations 2009 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
+ Central Limit Theorem and the Bootstrap for U-Statistics of Strongly Mixing Data 2008 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
+ Central Limit Theorem and the Bootstrap for U-Statistics of Strongly Mixing Data 2008 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for functionals of mixing processes with applications to $U$-statistics and dimension estimation 2001 Svetlana Borovkova
Robert Burton
Herold Dehling
+ Limit theorems in change-point analysis 1997 Miklós Csörgő
Lajos Horváth
+ PDF Chat A Class of Statistics with Asymptotically Normal Distribution 1992 Wassily Hoeffding
+ Rigorous statistical procedures for data from dynamical systems 1986 Manfred Denker
Gerhard Keller
+ Introduction to strong mixing conditions 2007 Richard C. Bradley
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorem and the bootstrap for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-statistics of strongly mixing data 2009 Herold Dehling
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Limiting behavior of U-statistics for stationary, absolutely regular processes 1976 Ken -ichi Yoshihara
+ Testing for Change Points in Time Series 2010 Xiaofeng Shao
Xianyang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Moment inequalities and the strong laws of large numbers 1976 F. M�ricz
+ PDF Chat A Note on Quantiles in Large Samples 1966 R. R. Bahadur
+ Bahadur representation for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-quantiles of dependent data 2011 Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Sequential block bootstrap in a Hilbert space with application to change point analysis 2016 Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Johannes Tewes
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap 1981 Peter J. Bickel
David A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat Non‐Parametric Change‐Point Tests for Long‐Range Dependent Data 2012 Herold Dehling
Aeneas Rooch
Murad S. Taqqu
+ Generalized order statistics, Bahadur representations, and sequential nonparametric fixed-width confidence intervals 1988 Jyotishka Ray Choudhury
Robert Serfling
+ PDF Chat A Class of Statistics with Asymptotically Normal Distribution 1948 Wassily Hoeffding
+ Some Limit Theorems for Stationary Processes 1962 И. А. Ибрагимов
+ PDF Chat The Use of Subseries Values for Estimating the Variance of a General Statistic from a Stationary Sequence 1986 Edward Carlstein
+ Invariance principles for changepoint problems 1988 Miklós Csörgő
Lajos Horváth
+ PDF Chat The Bahadur-Kiefer representation for U-quantiles 1996 Miguel A. Arcones
+ Bootstrap for dependent Hilbert space-valued random variables with application to von Mises statistics 2014 Herold Dehling
Olimjon Sh. Sharipov
Martin Wendler
+ A general moment inequality for the maximum of the rectangular partial sums of multiple series 1983 Ferenc Móricz
+ PDF Chat Consistency of Kernel Estimators of Heteroscedastic and Autocorrelated Covariance Matrices 2000 Robert M. de Jong
James Davidson
+ On deviations between empirical and quantile processes for mixing random variables 1978 G. Jogesh Babu
Kesar Singh
+ PDF Chat Functional central limit theorems for processes with positive drift and their inverses 1972 Wim Vervaat
+ PDF Chat Moment bounds for stationary mixing sequences 1980 Ryozo Yokoyama
+ PDF Chat Dependent Wild Bootstrap for the Empirical Process 2015 Paul Doukhan
Gabriel Lang
Anne Leucht
Michael H. Neumann
+ PDF Chat The Empirical Process of some Long-Range Dependent Sequences with an Application to $U$-Statistics 1989 Herold Dehling
Murad S. Taqqu
+ Dependent wild bootstrap for degenerate<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si65.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>- and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si66.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>V</mml:mi></mml:math>-statistics 2013 Anne Leucht
Michael H. Neumann
+ The Dependent Wild Bootstrap 2010 Xiaofeng Shao
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for U-statistics indexed by a one dimensional random walk 2005 Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Véronique Ladret
+ PDF Chat Testing for Change‐Points in Long‐Range Dependent Time Series by Means of a Self‐Normalized Wilcoxon Test 2016 Annika Betken
+ PDF Chat On the blockwise bootstrap for empirical processes for stationary sequences 1998 Magda Peligrad
+ PDF Chat Change-Point Detection Under Dependence Based on Two-Sample U-Statistics 2015 Herold Dehling
Roland Fried
Isabel Cristina Carbonell García
Martin Wendler
+ PDF Chat Large Sample Confidence Regions Based on Subsamples under Minimal Assumptions 1994 Dimitris N. Politis
Joseph P. Romano
Halbert White
+ Random Quadratic Forms and the Bootstrap for U-Statistics 1994 Herold Dehling
Thomas Mikosch
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem related to a new class of self similar processes 1979 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Estimates of Location Based on Rank Tests 1963 J. L. Hodges
E. L. Lehmann
+ Ergodic Properties of Invariant Measures for Piecewise Monotonic Transformations 1982 Franz Hofbauer
Gerhard Keller
+ Studentized U-quantile processes under dependence with applications to change-point analysis 2017 Daniel Vogel
Martin Wendler
+ U-Statistics for Change under Alternatives 2001 Edit Gombay
+ Detecting and estimating changes in dependent functional data 2012 John A. D. Aston
Claudia Kirch
+ PDF Chat On the Bahadur representation of sample quantiles for dependent sequences 2005 Wei Biao Wu
+ PDF Chat Detecting Changes in the Mean of Functional Observations 2009 I. Berkès
Robertas Gabrys
Lajos Horváth
Piotr Kokoszka
+ Data driven rank test for the change point problem 2007 Jaromı́r Antoch
Marie Hušková
Alicja Janic
Teresa Ledwina
+ The Bahadur representation for sample quantiles under weak dependence 2006 Shuxia Sun
+ PDF Chat Convergence Criteria for Multiparameter Stochastic Processes and Some Applications 1971 Peter J. Bickel
Michael J. Wichura
+ Asymptotic results for the empirical process of stationary sequences 2008 I. Berkès
Siegfried Hörmann
Johannes Schauer