Kei Hirose


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Formation of Iron-Helium Compounds under High Pressure 2024 Haruki Takezawa
Han Hsu
Kei Hirose
F. Sakai
Suyu Fu
Hitoshi Gomi
+ PDF Chat Fe-FeH Eutectic Melting Curve and the Estimates of Earth's Core Temperature and Composition 2024 Shuhei Mita
Shoh Tagawa
Kei Hirose
Nagi Ikuta
+ Hot interiors of ice giant planets inferred from electrical conductivity of dense H2O fluid 2024 Kenta Oka
Y. Okuda
Kei Hirose
+ PDF Chat Thermal conductivity of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi>CaSiO</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> perovskite at lower mantle conditions 2021 Zhen Zhang
Dong‐Bo Zhang
Kotaro Onga
Akira Hasegawa
Kenji Ohta
Kei Hirose
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
+ Thermal Conductivity of CaSiO$_3$ Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions 2020 Zhen Zhang
Dong‐Bo Zhang
Kotaro Onga
Akira Hasegawa
Kenji Ohta
Kei Hirose
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
+ PDF Chat Core‐Exsolved SiO<sub>2</sub> Dispersal in the Earth's Mantle 2017 George Helffrich
Maxim Ballmer
Kei Hirose
+ PDF Chat Reconciling magma‐ocean crystallization models with the present‐day structure of the Earth's mantle 2017 Maxim Ballmer
Diogo L. Lourenço
Kei Hirose
Razvan Caracas
Ryuichi Nomura
+ PDF Chat Persistence of strong silica-enriched domains in the Earth’s lower mantle 2017 Maxim Ballmer
Christine Houser
J. W. Hernlund
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
Kei Hirose
+ PDF Chat Post-stishovite transition in hydrous aluminous SiO2 2016 Koichiro Umemoto
Katsuyuki Kawamura
Kei Hirose
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
+ PDF Chat Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Pressure-Induced Metallization in FeO with Rocksalt-Type Structure 2012 Kenji Ohta
R. E. Cohen
Kei Hirose
Kristjan Haule
Katsuya Shimizu
Yasuo Ohishi
+ PDF Chat Local Moment Formation in Quantum Point Contacts 2003 Kei Hirose
Yigal Meir
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Kondo Model for the “0.7 Anomaly” in Transport through a Quantum Point Contact 2002 Yigal Meir
Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Ground-state energy and spin in disordered quantum dots 2002 Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Temperature-dependent suppression of conductance in quantum wires: Anomalous activation energy from pinning of the band edge 2001 Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Density-functional theory of spin-polarized disordered quantum dots 2001 Kei Hirose
Fei Zhou
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Spin-density-functional theory of circular and elliptical quantum dots 1999 Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bias and temperature dependence of the 0.7 conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts 2000 Anders Kristensen
Henrik Bruus
Adam E. Hansen
J. Jensen
P. E. Lindelof
C.J. Marckmann
Jesper Nygård
C. B. Sørensen
F. Beuscher
A. Forchel
+ PDF Chat Interaction effects in a one-dimensional constriction 1998 K. J. Thomas
J. T. Nicholls
N. J. Appleyard
M. Y. Simmons
M. Pepper
D. R. Mace
W. R. Tribe
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat The anomalous 0.5 and 0.7 conductance plateaus in quantum point contacts 2001 Henrik Bruus
Vadim Cheianov
Karsten Flensberg
+ PDF Chat Possible Spin Polarization in a One-Dimensional Electron Gas 1996 K. J. Thomas
J. T. Nicholls
M. Y. Simmons
M. Pepper
D. R. Mace
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Statistics of Coulomb Blockade Peak Spacings 1998 S. R. Patel
S. M. Cronenwett
Duncan R. Stewart
A. G. Huibers
C. M. Marcus
C. I. Duruöz
J. S. Harris
K. L. Campman
A. C. Gossard
+ PDF Chat Statistics of the Coulomb-blockade peak spacings of a silicon quantum dot 1999 Friedrich C. Simmel
David Abusch-Magder
D. Wharam
M. A. Kastner
J. P. Kotthaus
+ Anomalous compressibility of ferropericlase throughout the iron spin cross-over 2009 Renata M. Wentzcovitch
João F. Justo
Zhongqing Wu
C. R. S. da Silva
D. A. Yuen
D. L. Kohlstedt
+ PDF Chat Low-Temperature Fate of the 0.7 Structure in a Point Contact: A Kondo-like Correlated State in an Open System 2002 S. M. Cronenwett
H. J. Lynch
David Goldhaber‐Gordon
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
C. M. Marcus
Kenzo Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
V. Umansky
+ PDF Chat Blocked radiative heat transport in the hot pyrolitic lower mantle 2020 Sergey S. Lobanov
Nicholas Holtgrewe
G. Ito
James Badro
Hélène Piet
Farhang Nabiei
Jung‐Fu Lin
Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal
Richard Wirth
Anja Schreiber
+ PDF Chat QUANTUM ESPRESSO: a modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials 2009 Paolo Giannozzi
Stefano Baroni
Nicola Bonini
Matteo Calandra
Roberto Car
Carlo Cavazzoni
Davide Ceresoli
G. Chiarotti
Matteo Cococcioni
Ismaïla Dabo
+ PDF Chat Crossover from Fermi Liquid to Wigner Molecule Behavior in Quantum Dots 1999 Reinhold Egger
Wolfgang Häusler
C. H. Mak
Hermann Grabert
+ PDF Chat Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor 1998 David Goldhaber‐Gordon
Hadas Shtrikman
D. Mahalu
David Abusch-Magder
U. Meirav
M. A. Kastner
+ PDF Chat Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory 2001 Stefano Baroni
Stefano de Gironcoli
Andrea Dal Corso
Paolo Giannozzi
+ PDF Chat Many-body spin-related phenomena in ultra low-disorder quantum wires 2001 DJ Reilly
G. R. Facer
Andrew S. Dzurak
B. E. Kane
R. G. Clark
P.J. Stiles
R. G. Clark
A. R. Hamilton
Jeremy L. O’Brien
N. E. Lumpkin
+ PDF Chat Spin-density-functional theory of circular and elliptical quantum dots 1999 Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of Conductance Peak Spacings in the Coulomb Blockade Regime: Role of Electron-Electron Interaction 1997 Ya. M. Blanter
A. D. Mirlin
B. A. Muzykantskiǐ
+ PDF Chat Thermal conductivity of MgO, MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite in the Earth's deep mantle 2012 Volker Haigis
Mathieu Salanne
Sandro Jahn
+ Ground State Spin and Coulomb Blockade Peak Motion in Chaotic Quantum Dots 2001 Joshua Folk
C. M. Marcus
Richard Berkovits
I. L. Kurland
I. L. Aleǐner
B. L. Altshuler
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Ground-State Magnetization in Finite-Size Systems due to Off-Diagonal Interaction Fluctuations 2000 Philippe Jacquod
A. Douglas Stone
+ PDF Chat Orbital-selective pressure-driven metal to insulator transition in FeO from dynamical mean-field theory 2010 А. О. Шориков
Z. V. Pchelkina
В. И. Анисимов
S. L. Skornyakov
M. A. Korotin
+ PDF Chat Charge Distribution in a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot 2002 David Sprinzak
Yang Ji
Moty Heiblum
D. Mahalu
Hadas Shtrikman
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic correlations in quasi-one-dimensional conducting channels 2000 B. Spivak
Fei Zhou
+ PDF Chat Statistics of Hartree-Fock levels in small disordered systems 1999 Shimon Levit
Dror Orgad
+ PDF Chat Can a fractionally crystallized magma ocean explain the thermo-chemical evolution of Mars? 2014 Ana‐Catalina Plesa
Nicola Tosi
D. Breuer
+ PDF Chat Low-Temperature Saturation of the Dephasing Time and Effects of Microwave Radiation on Open Quantum Dots 1999 A. G. Huibers
Joshua Folk
S. R. Patel
C. M. Marcus
C. I. Duruöz
J. S. Harris
+ PDF Chat More accurate generalized gradient approximation for solids 2006 Zhigang Wu
R. E. Cohen
+ PDF Chat Density Modulations and Addition Spectra of Interacting Electrons in Disordered Quantum Dots 1999 P. N. Walker
Yuval Gefen
Gilles Montambaux
+ PDF Chat Statistics of Coulomb-blockade peak spacings within the Hartree-Fock approximation 1999 Avraham Cohen
Klaus Richter
Richard Berkovits
+ PDF Chat Capacitance spectroscopy in quantum dots: Addition spectra and decrease of tunneling rates 1994 J. J. Palacios
L. Martı́n-Moreno
G. Chiappe
E. Louis
C. Tejedor
+ PDF Chat Even-odd correlations in capacitance fluctuations of quantum dots 1996 O. Prus
Assa Auerbach
Yael Aloni
Sarit Sivan
Richard Berkovits
+ PDF Chat A Tunable Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots 1998 S. M. Cronenwett
Tjerk H. Oosterkamp
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Phonon Quasiparticles and Anharmonic Free Energy in Complex Systems 2014 Dong‐Bo Zhang
Tao Sun
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
+ PDF Chat Lunar and terrestrial planet formation in the Grand Tack scenario 2014 Seth A. Jacobson
Alessandro Morbidelli
+ PDF Chat Compressibility, capacitance, and ground-state energy fluctuations in a weakly interacting quantum dot 1997 Richard Berkovits
B. L. Altshuler
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic fluctuations of the ground-state spin of a small metal particle 1999 Piet W. Brouwer
Yuval Oreg
Bertrand I. Halperin
+ PDF Chat Improved Callaway model for lattice thermal conductivity 2013 Philip B. Allen
+ PDF Chat The statistical theory of quantum dots 2000 Y. Alhassid
+ PDF Chat Heat transport in silicon from first-principles calculations 2011 Keivan Esfarjani
Gang Chen
Harold T. Stokes
+ Accretion and differentiation of the terrestrial planets with implications for the compositions of early-formed Solar System bodies and accretion of water 2014 D. C. Rubie
Seth A. Jacobson
Alessandro Morbidelli
D. P. O’Brien
Edward Young
J. de Vries
F. Nimmo
H. Palme
D. J. Frost
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation with quantum dots 1998 Daniel Loss
David P. DiVincenzo
+ PDF Chat Kondo Model for the “0.7 Anomaly” in Transport through a Quantum Point Contact 2002 Yigal Meir
Kei Hirose
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Quantum effects in Coulomb blockade 2002 I. L. Aleǐner
Piet W. Brouwer
L. I. Glazman
+ PDF Chat Addition spectrum and Koopmans’ theorem for disordered quantum dots 1999 P. N. Walker
Gilles Montambaux
Yuval Gefen
+ PDF Chat Density-functional theory of spin-polarized disordered quantum dots 2001 Kei Hirose
Fei Zhou
Ned S. Wingreen
+ PDF Chat Chaos, Interactions, and Nonequilibrium Effects in the Tunneling Resonance Spectra of Ultrasmall Metallic Particles 1997 Oded Agam
Ned S. Wingreen
B. L. Altshuler
D. C. Ralph
M. Tinkham
+ PDF Chat Interactions and interference in quantum dots: Kinks in Coulomb-blockade peak positions 2000 Harold U. Baranger
Denis Ullmo
L. I. Glazman
+ PDF Chat Electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory 2006 Gabriel Kotliar
Sergey Y. Savrasov
Kristjan Haule
V. S. Oudovenko
Olivier Parcollet
Chris A. Marianetti
+ PDF Chat The feeding zones of terrestrial planets and insights into Moon formation 2015 Nathan A. Kaib
Nicolas B. Cowan
+ PDF Chat Continuous-time Monte Carlo methods for quantum impurity models 2011 Emanuel Gull
Andrew J. Millis
A. I. Lichtenstein
A. N. Rubtsov
Matthias Troyer
Philipp Werner
+ PDF Chat Self-consistent phonon calculations of lattice dynamical properties in cubic<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi>SrTiO</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>with first-principles anharmonic force constants 2015 Terumasa Tadano
Shinji Tsuneyuki