Paul Zinn-Justin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Generic pipe dreams, lower-upper varieties, and Schwartz-MacPherson classes 2024 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Integrability and Combinatorics 2024 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat A uniform trigonometric R-matrix for the exceptional series 2024 Bruce W. Westbury
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The CotangentSchubert Macaulay2 package 2024 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Integrability and combinatorics 2024 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Higher spin representations of the Yangian of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ and R-matrices 2024 Yaping Yang
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Vertex models for Canonical Grothendieck polynomials and their duals 2023 Ajeeth Gunna
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The six-vertex model on random planar maps revisited 2023 Andrew Elvey Price
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Schubert puzzles and integrability III: separated descents 2023 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Shuffle algebras, lattice paths and the commuting scheme 2022 Alexandr Garbali
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Schubert puzzles and integrability II: multiplying motivic Segre classes 2021 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Shuffle algebras, lattice paths and the commuting scheme 2021 Alexandr Garbali
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Schubert puzzles and integrability II: multiplying motivic Segre classes 2021 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The trigonometric $$E_8$$ R-matrix 2020 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Higher spin $${{\mathfrak {s}}}{{\mathfrak {l}}}_2$$R-matrix from equivariant (co)homology 2020 Dmitri Bykov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Honeycombs for Hall Polynomials 2020 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The six-vertex model on random planar maps revisited 2020 Andrew Elvey Price
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Vertex models for Canonical Grothendieck polynomials and their duals 2020 Ajeeth Gunna
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Honeycombs for Hall polynomials 2019 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Eulerian orientations and the six-vertex model on planar maps 2019 Mireille Bousquet‐Mélou
Andrew Elvey Price
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Grassmann–Grassmann conormal varieties, integrability, and plane partitions 2019 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Eulerian orientations and the six-vertex model on planar map 2019 Mireille Bousquet‐Mélou
Andrew Elvey Price
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Restricting Schubert classes to symplectic Grassmannians using self-dual puzzles 2019 Iva Halacheva
Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Honeycombs for Hall polynomials 2019 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Eulerian orientations and the six-vertex model on planar map 2019 Mireille Bousquet‐Mélou
Andrew Elvey Price
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Loop Models and K-Theory 2018 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ 1324-avoiding permutations revisited 2018 Andrew Conway
A J Guttmann
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Restricting Schubert classes to symplectic Grassmannians using self-dual puzzles 2018 Iva Halacheva
Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Littlewood–Richardson coefficients for Grothendieck polynomials from integrability 2017 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ 1324-avoiding permutations revisited 2017 Andrew Conway
A J Guttmann
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Schubert puzzles and integrability I: invariant trilinear forms 2017 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ 1324-avoiding permutations revisited 2017 Andrew Conway
A J Guttmann
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Grothendieck polynomials from integrability 2016 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: III. Deformed bosons 2016 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Type $\widehat{\mathrm C}$ Brauer loop schemes and loop model with boundaries 2016 Anita Ponsaing
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Hall polynomials, inverse Kostka polynomials and puzzles 2016 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Theta function solutions of the quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov–Bernard equation for a face model 2016 Peter E. Finch
Robert Weston
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Statistical Mechanics, Integrability and Combinatorics 2016 Filippo Colomo
Paul Fendley
A. G. Pronko
Nicolai Reshetikhin
P. Wiegmann
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Grassmann-Grassmann conormal varieties, integrability, and plane partitions 2016 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Grothendieck polynomials from integrability 2016 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Hall polynomials, inverse Kostka polynomials and puzzles 2016 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Колчанные переменные и квантовые уравнения Книжника - Замолодчикова 2015 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Quiver varieties and the quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation 2015 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Knot theory and matrix integrals 2015 Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Theta function solutions of the qKZB equation for a face model 2015 Peter E. Finch
Robert Weston
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: III. Deformed bosons 2015 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium problems for Raney densities 2015 Peter J. Forrester
Dang-Zheng Liu
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: II. Proofs and new conjectures 2015 Dan Betea
Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: III. Deformed bosons 2015 Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Equilibrium problems for Raney densities 2014 Peter J. Forrester
Dang-Zheng Liu
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Higher Spin Polynomial Solutions of Quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov Equation 2014 Tiago Fonseca
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The Brauer loop scheme and orbital varieties 2014 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Type $\hat{\mathrm C}$ Brauer loop schemes and loop model with boundaries 2014 Anita Ponsaing
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: II. Proofs and new conjectures 2014 Dan Betea
Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Equilibrium problems for Raney densities 2014 Peter J. Forrester
Dang-Zheng Liu
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Discrete holomorphicity and quantized affine algebras 2013 Yacine Ikhlef
Robert Weston
Michael Wheeler
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Sum Rule for the Eight-Vertex Model on Its Combinatorial Line 2012 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Loop Models, Random Matrices and Planar Algebras 2012 Alice Guionnet
Vaughan F. R. Jones
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat A doubly-refined enumeration of alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions 2012 Roger E. Behrend
Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Extended Joseph polynomials, quantized conformal blocks, and a<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-Selberg type integral 2012 Richárd Rimányi
V. Tarasov
Alexander Varchenko
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Path representation of maximal parabolic Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials 2012 Keiichi Shigechi
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The doubly-refined enumeration of alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions 2012 Roger E. Behrend
Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Higher spin polynomial solutions of quantum Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov equation 2012 Tiago Fonseca
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ On the weighted enumeration of alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions 2011 Roger E. Behrend
Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat A Conjectured Formula for Fully Packed Loop Configurations in a Triangle 2010 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The arctic curve of the domain wall six-vertex model in its antiferroelectric regime 2010 Filippo Colomo
A. G. Pronko
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The Brauer loop scheme and orbital varieties 2010 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Path representation of maximal parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials 2010 Keiichi Shigechi
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The Brauer loop scheme and orbital varieties 2010 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Jucys–Murphy Elements and Weingarten Matrices 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Spectral Analysis of the Free Orthogonal Matrix 2009 Teodor Banica
C. Benoît
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat On some ground state components of the O(1) loop model 2009 Tiago Fonseca
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Littlewood&amp;ndash;Richardson Coefficients and Integrable Tilings 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Six-Vertex, Loop and Tiling models: Integrability and Combinatorics 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Littlewood--Richardson coefficients and integrable tilings 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Spectral analysis of the free orthogonal matrix 2009 Teodor Banica
C. Benoît
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A conjectured formula for Fully Packed Loop configurations in a triangle 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Punctured plane partitions and the q-deformed Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov and Hirota equations 2008 Jan de Gier
Pavel Pyatov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat On the Doubly Refined Enumeration of Alternating Sign Matrices and Totally Symmetric Self - Complementary Plane Partitions 2008 Tiago Fonseca
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation, totally symmetric self-complementary plane partitions, and alternating sign matrices 2008 Paul Zinn-Justin
Philippe Di Francesco
+ Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation, Totally Symmetric Self-Complementary Plane Partitions and Alternating Sign Matrices 2008 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Квантовое уравнение Книжника - Замолодчикова, полностью симметричные самодополнительные разбиения плоскости и матрицы чередующихся знаков 2008 Поль Зинн-Жюстен
Paul Zinn-Justin
П Ди Франческо
Philippe Di Francesco
+ PDF Chat Quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation: reflecting boundary conditions and combinatorics 2007 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Polynomial solutions of<i>q</i>KZ equation and ground state of XXZ spin chain at Δ = −1/2 2007 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A scheme related to the Brauer loop model 2007 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Point for Fused Loop Models 2007 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Loop model with mixed boundary conditions,<i>q</i>KZ equation and alternating sign matrices 2007 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial point for higher spin loop models 2007 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation: reflecting boundary conditions and combinatorics 2007 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Loop model with mixed boundary conditions, qKZ equation and alternating sign matrices 2007 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Polynomial solutions of qKZ equation and ground state of XXZ spin chain at Delta = -1/2 2007 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Razumov&amp;ndash;Stroganov Conjecture for some Infinite Families of Link Patterns 2006 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Sum rules for the ground states of the<i>O</i>(1) loop model on a cylinder and the XXZ spin chain 2006 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
J-B Zuber
+ Proof of Razumov-Stroganov conjecture for some infinite families of link patterns 2006 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Sum rules for the ground states of the O(1) loop model on a cylinder and the XXZ spin chain 2006 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Inhomogenous Model of Crossing Loops and Multidegrees of Some Algebraic Varieties 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ From Orbital Varieties to Alternating Sign Matrices 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation, generalized Razumov–Stroganov sum rules and extended Joseph polynomials 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A scheme related to the Brauer loop model 2005 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Around the Razumov&amp;ndash;Stroganov Conjecture: Proof of a Multi-Parameter Sum Rule 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ From Orbital Varieties to Alternating Sign Matrices 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Determinant formulae for some tiling problems and application to fully packed loops 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Around the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture: proof of a multi-parameter sum rule 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation, generalized Razumov-Stroganov sum rules and extended Joseph polynomials 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A scheme related to the Brauer loop model 2005 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Razumov-Stroganov sum rule: a proof based on multi-parameter generalizations 2004 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat A Bijection Between Classes of Fully Packed Loops and Plane Partitions 2004 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the FPL<sup>2</sup>model 2004 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the FPL^2 model 2004 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Number of Plane Curves and Alternating Knots 2004 Gilles Schaeffer
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the FPL^2 model 2004 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The asymmetric <i>ABAB</i> matrix model 2003 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The General O(n) Quartic Matrix Model and Its Application to Counting Tangles and Links 2003 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat On some integrals over the<i>U</i>(<i>N</i>) unitary group and their large<i>N</i>limit 2003 Paul Zinn-Justin
J-B Zuber
+ PDF Chat The asymmetric ABAB matrix model 2003 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat On some integrals over the U(N) unitary group and their large N limit 2003 Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ A Bijection between classes of Fully Packed Loops and Plane Partitions 2003 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic path crossing exponents and graph connectivity in two-dimensional percolation 2002 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat HCIZ integral and 2D Toda lattice hierarchy 2002 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions and Bethe ansatz 2002 V. E. Korepin
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat A transfer matrix for the backbone exponent of two-dimensional percolation 2002 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The Influence of Boundary Conditions in the Six-Vertex Model 2002 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The Combinatorics of Alternating Tangles: From Theory To Computerized Enumeration 2002 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic path crossing exponents and graph connectivity in 2D percolation 2002 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat HCIZ integral and 2D Toda lattice hierarchy 2002 Paul Zinn-Justin
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A transfer matrix approach to the enumeration of colored links 2001 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ A transfer matrix approach to the enumeration of colored links 2001 Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic limit of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions 2000 V. E. Korepin
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions and one-matrix model 2000 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The six-vertex model on random lattices 2000 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ None 2000 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ On the Counting of Colored Tangles 2000 Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Adding and multiplying random matrices: A generalization of Voiculescu’s formulas 1999 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Two-matrix model with ABAB interaction 1999 Vladimir Kazakov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ The dilute Potts model on random surfaces 1999 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Some Matrix Integrals related to Knots and Links 1999 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Universality of Correlation Functions of Hermitian Random Matrices in an External Field 1999 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The generalized multi-channel Kondo model: Thermodynamics and fusion equations 1998 Paul Zinn-Justin
N. Andrei
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear integral equations for complex affine Toda models associated with simply laced Lie algebras 1998 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Universality of Correlation Functions of Hermitian Random Matrices in an External Field 1998 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Quelques applications de l'Ansatz de Bethe (Some applications of the Bethe Ansatz) 1998 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Quelques applications de l'ansatz de bethe 1998 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Random Hermitian matrices in an external field 1997 Paul Zinn-Justin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation, generalized Razumov–Stroganov sum rules and extended Joseph polynomials 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Nature of the Ground-State Vector of the O(1) Loop Model 2004 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
+ PDF Chat Around the Razumov&amp;ndash;Stroganov Conjecture: Proof of a Multi-Parameter Sum Rule 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat The quantum symmetric<i>XXZ</i>chain at Δ = -½, alternating-sign matrices and plane partitions 2001 Murray T. Batchelor
Jan de Gier
Bernard Nienhuis
+ Combinatorial nature of ground state vector of O(1) loop model 2001 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
+ PDF Chat Calculation of norms of Bethe wave functions 1982 V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Incompressibility and Razumov Stroganov Type Conjectures 2006 Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations 1992 Igor Frenkel
Nicolai Reshetikhin
+ PDF Chat Symmetry Classes of Alternating-Sign Matrices under One Roof 2002 Greg Kuperberg
+ Proofs and confirmations: the story of the alternating sign matrix conjecture 2000 David M. Bressoud
+ PDF Chat Inhomogenous Model of Crossing Loops and Multidegrees of Some Algebraic Varieties 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Loops, matchings and alternating-sign matrices 2005 Jan de Gier
+ PDF Chat Polynomial solutions of<i>q</i>KZ equation and ground state of XXZ spin chain at Δ = −1/2 2007 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Binomial determinants, paths, and hook length formulae 1985 Ira M. Gessel
Gérard Viennot
+ A general formula for soliton form factors in the quantum sine-Gordon model 1986 F. Smirnov
+ Partition function of the six-vertex model in a finite volume 1987 A. G. Izergin
+ A scheme related to the Brauer loop model 2007 Allen Knutson
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials 2005 Allen Knutson
Ezra Miller
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of symmetry classes of alternating sign matrices and characters of classical groups 2006 Soichi Okada
+ PDF Chat Totally symmetric self-complementary plane partitions and the quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation: a conjecture 2006 Philippe Di Francesco
+ Determinant formula for the six-vertex model 1992 A. G. Izergin
Doğan Çoker
V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Spin chains and combinatorics 2001 A. V. Razumov
Yu. G. Stroganov
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic limit of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions 2000 V. E. Korepin
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation, Totally Symmetric Self-Complementary Plane Partitions and Alternating Sign Matrices 2008 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
+ Proof of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture 1995 Doron Zeilberger
+ PDF Chat Exact expressions for correlations in the ground state of the dense O(1) loop model 2004 Saibal Mitra
Bernard Nienhuis
Jan de Gier
Murray T. Batchelor
+ Another proof of the alternating sign matrix conjecture 1997 Greg Kuperberg
+ PDF Chat The rate of growth of the number of prime alternating links and tangles 1998 Carl Johan Sundberg
Morwen Thistlethwaite
+ PDF Chat A Bijection Between Classes of Fully Packed Loops and Plane Partitions 2004 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Puzzles and (equivariant) cohomology of Grassmannians 2003 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous loop models with open boundaries 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
+ The planar approximation. II 1980 C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Brauer loops and the commuting variety 2005 Jan de Gier
Bernard Nienhuis
+ Quantum Groups and Quantum Cohomology 2012 Davesh Maulik
Andreĭ Okounkov
+ Alternating sign matrices and descending plane partitions 1983 W. H. Mills
David P. Robbins
Howard Rumsey
+ PDF Chat Temperley Lieb stochastic processes 2002 Paul A. Pearce
V. Rittenberg
Jan de Gier
Bernard Nienhuis
+ On the variety of a highest weight module 1984 Anthony Joseph
+ Planar diagrams 1978 E. Brézin
C. Itzykson
Giorgio Parisi
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Combinatorial Commutative Algebra 2005 Ezra Miller
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Proofs and Confirmations 1999 David M. Bressoud
+ The Yang-Baxter equation, symmetric functions, and Schubert polynomials 1996 Sergey Fomin
Anatol N. Kirillov
+ Differential Operators on a Semisimple Lie Algebra 1957 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat Комбинаторная природа вектора основного состояния $O(1)$ петлевой модели 2004 Александр Витальевич Разумов
Александр Витальевич Разумов
Юрий Григорьевич Строганов
Yurii Grigor'evich Stroganov
+ PDF Chat Large Dihedral Symmetry of the Set of Alternating Sign Matrices 2000 Benjamin Wieland
+ None 2005 Masahiro Kasatani
+ PDF Chat Boundary qKZ equation and generalized Razumov–Stroganov sum rules for open IRF models 2005 Philippe Di Francesco
+ Six-Vertex, Loop and Tiling models: Integrability and Combinatorics 2009 Paul Zinn-Justin
+ PDF Chat Matrix integrals and the counting of tangles and links 2002 P. Zinn-Justin
Jean-Bernard Zuber
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ Symmetry Classes of Alternating Sign Matrices 2000 David P. Robbins