Alexander Anatolyevich Panin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ К вопросу о разрешимости задачи Коши одной тепло-электрической модели 2025 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On blow-up and on global existence of weak solutions to Cauchy problem for some nonlinear equation of the pseudoparabolic type 2023 I. K. Katasheva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On Blow-up and Global Existence of Weak Solutions to Cauchy Problem for Some Nonlinear Equation of the Pseudoparabolic Type 2023 I. K. Katasheva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Lectures in Nonlinear Functional Analysis 2021 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the blow-up of the solution and on the local and global solvability of the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear equation in Hölder spaces 2021 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ PDF Chat Об особенностях численной диагностики мгновенного разрушения решения на примере решения уравнения медленной диффузии 2021 И.В. Пригорный
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Д.В. Лукьяненко
+ PDF Chat Some features of numerical diagnostics of instantaneous blow-up of the solution by the example of solving the equation of slow diffusion 2021 И.В. Пригорный
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Д.В. Лукьяненко
+ О критическом показателе "мгновенное разрушение" versus "локальная разрешимость" в задаче Коши для модельного уравнения соболевского типа 2021 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
A. E. Shishkov
+ Numerical determination of the singularity order of a system of differential equations 2020 Ali Baddour
М. Д. Малых
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Leonid A. Sevastianov
+ Local solvability and a priori estimates for classical solutions to an equation of Benjamin‐Bona‐Mahony‐Bürgers type 2020 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow‐up for Joseph–Egri equation: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2020 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Local Solvability and Global Unsolvability of a Model of Ion-Sound Waves in a Plasma 2020 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ PDF Chat A study of self-oscillation instability in varicap-based electrical networks: analytical and numerical approaches 2019 В.А. Васильченко
М. О. Корпусов
Д.В. Лукьяненко
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On Nonextendable Solutions and Blow-Ups of Solutions of Pseudoparabolic Equations with Coercive and Constant-Sign Nonlinearities: Analytical and Numerical Study 2019 I. I. Kolotov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Instantaneous blow‐up versus local solvability of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the equation of a semiconductor in a magnetic field 2018 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ The solution with internal transition layer of the reaction‐diffusion equation in case of discontinuous reactive and diffusive terms 2018 Н. Т. Левашова
Н. Н. Нефедов
O. A. Nikolaeva
Andrey O. Orlov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the blow‐up phenomena for a 1‐dimensional equation of ion sound waves in a plasma: Analytical and numerical investigation 2018 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ Local solvability and solution blow-up of one-dimensional equations of the Yajima–Oikawa–Satsuma type 2017 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ On the nonextendable solution and blow-up of the solution of the one-dimensional equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma 2017 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of a full non-linear equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma with non-coercive non-linearities 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Local Solvability and Decay of the Solution of an Equation with Quadratic Noncoercive Nonlineatity 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
E. A. Ovsyannikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ PDF Chat Blow-up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: numerical analysis of original equation reduction to a differential-algebraic system 2016 Д.В. Лукьяненко
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Singularly perturbed pseudoparabolic equation 2016 А. А. Быков
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
A. S. Sharlo
+ Blow‐up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: analytical and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Blow-up for one Sobolev problem: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ On local solvability and blow-up of solutions of an abstract nonlinear Volterra integral equation 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ PDF Chat О локальной разрешимости и разрушении решения абстрактного нелинейного интегрального уравнения Вольтерра 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of an abstract Cauchy problem for a formally hyperbolic equation with double non-linearity 2014 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решения абстрактной задачи Коши для формально гиперболического уравнения с двойной нелинейностью 2014 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Александр Анатольевич Панин
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Local solvability and blowup of the solution of the Rosenau-Bürgers equation with different boundary conditions 2013 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Local solvability and solution blowup for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation with a nonlocal boundary condition 2013 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of an inhomogeneous system of Sobolev-type equations 2012 Yu. V. Mukhartova
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of the solution of an inhomogeneous system of Sobolev-type equations 2012 Yu. V. Mukhartova
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Dependence of the efficiency of a posteriori estimation of the solution accuracy of an elliptic boundary-value problem on the problem data and estimation algorithm parameters 2009 A. N. Bogolyubov
М. Д. Малых
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Some nonexistence and instability theorems for solutions of formally parabolic equations of the form Put=−Au+ℱ(u) 1973 Howard A. Levine
+ Blow-up for one Sobolev problem: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Third-order nonlinear dispersive equations: Shocks, rarefaction, and blowup waves 2008 В. А. Галактионов
Stanislav I. Pohožaev
+ Numerical diagnosis of blow-up of solutions of pseudoparabolic equations 2007 A. B. Al’shin
Elena Alshina
+ Apriori estimates and blow-up of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations and inequalities 2001 Enzo Mitidieri
S. I. Pokhozhaev
+ Blow‐up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: analytical and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat Some general implicit processes for the numerical solution of differential equations 1963 H.H. Rosenbrock
+ On local solvability and blow-up of solutions of an abstract nonlinear Volterra integral equation 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ The occurrence of collapse for quasilinear equations of parabolic and hyperbolic types 1978 Varga Κ. Kalantarov
O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
+ Rosenbrock schemes with complex coefficients for stiff and differential algebraic systems 2006 A. B. Al’shin
Elena Alshina
N. N. Kalitkin
A. B. Koryagina
+ Instantaneous blow-up versus local solvability for one problem of propagation of nonlinear waves in semiconductors 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
+ Critical exponents of instantaneous blow-up or local solubility of non-linear equations of Sobolev type 2015 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat Instability and nonexistence of global solutions to nonlinear wave equations of the form 𝑃𝑢_{𝑡𝑡}=-𝐴𝑢+ℱ(𝓊) 1974 Howard A. Levine
+ On the general theory of operator semigroups 1994 G. A. Sviridyuk
+ Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations of Mathematical Physics: Theory and Methods 2018 М. О. Корпусов
Alexey Ovchinnikov
А.Г. Свешников
E. V. Yushkov
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1996 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Blow-up of solutions of a full non-linear equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma with non-coercive non-linearities 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Instability and Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations of the Form Pu tt = -Au + ℱ(u) 1974 Howard A. Levine
+ Instantaneous blow‐up versus local solvability of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the equation of a semiconductor in a magnetic field 2018 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up in Nonlinear Sobolev Type Equations 2011 A. B. Al’shin
М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
+ PDF Chat О локальной разрешимости и разрушении решения абстрактного нелинейного интегрального уравнения Вольтерра 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the blow‐up phenomena for a 1‐dimensional equation of ion sound waves in a plasma: Analytical and numerical investigation 2018 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ Blow-up of ion acoustic waves in a plasma 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat The problem Of blow-up in nonlinear parabolic equations 2002 Victor A. Galaktionov
Juan Luís Vázquez
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis 1961 Andrej Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
Sergey Fomin
G. A. Sviridyuk
+ On the blow-up of solutions of the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers and Rosenau–Burgers equations 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat Blow up of incompressible Euler solutions 2008 Johan Hoffman
Claes Johnson
+ A rescaling algorithm for the numerical calculation of blowing‐up solutions 1988 Marsha Berger
Robert V. Kohn
+ Nichtlineare Operatorgleichungen und Operatordifferentialgleichungen 1975 H. Gajewski
Konrad Gröger
K. Zacharias
+ Analytic–Numerical Investigation of Combustion in a Nonlinear Medium 2018 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
A. D. Nekrasov
+ Adaptivity and blow-up detection for nonlinear evolution problems 2015 Andrea Cangiani
Emmanuil H. Georgoulis
Irene Kyza
Stephen Metcalfe
+ Solution Blowup for Nonlinear Equations of the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya Type 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat Blow-up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: numerical analysis of original equation reduction to a differential-algebraic system 2016 Д.В. Лукьяненко
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the nonextendable solution and blow-up of the solution of the one-dimensional equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma 2017 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Colin Turner
+ Local Solvability and Decay of the Solution of an Equation with Quadratic Noncoercive Nonlineatity 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
E. A. Ovsyannikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Some Nonexistence Results for Quasilinear Elliptic Problems 2000 Е. И. Галахов
+ PDF Chat Blow up of solutions of the Cauchy problem for a wave equation with nonlinear damping and source terms and positive initial energy 2000 Howard A. Levine
Grozdena Todorova
+ PDF Chat Behavior of maximally defined solutions of a nonlinear Volterra equation 1977 Terry L. Herdman
+ PDF Chat Volterra Integral and Functional Equations 1990 Gustaf Gripenberg
Stig–Olof Londen
Olof J. Staffans
+ Volterra Integral and Differential Equations 1983 T. A. Burton
+ Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations 2004 Hermann Brunner
+ Numerical solution of fast diffusion or slow diffusion equations 1998 Marie-Noëlle Le Roux
+ Conditions for blow-up of solutions of some nonlinear Volterra integral equations 2006 Tomasz Małolepszy
W. Okrasiński
+ Blowing up behavior for a class of nonlinear VIEs connected with parabolic PDEs 2008 Francesco Calabrò
Giovanni Capobianco
+ Global Nonexistence for Abstract Evolution Equations with Positive Initial Energy 1998 Patrizia Pucci
James Serrin
+ Nonlinear Parabolic and Elliptic Equations 1993 C. V. Pao
+ Analysis of explosion for nonlinear Volterra equations 1998 Catherine Roberts