Constantinos Lazarou


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Frustrated double and single ionization in a two-electron triatomic molecule H<sup>+</sup><sub>3</sub> 2016 Ahai Chen
Constantinos Lazarou
H. James Price
Agapi Emmanouilidou
+ Microcanonical distribution for one-electron triatomic molecules 2015 Constantinos Lazarou
A Chen
Agapi Emmanouilidou
+ PDF Chat Toolkit for semiclassical computations for strongly driven molecules: Frustrated ionization of<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">H</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>driven by elliptical laser fields 2014 H. James Price
Constantinos Lazarou
Agapi Emmanouilidou
+ PDF Chat Multiple electron trapping in the fragmentation of strongly driven molecules 2012 Agapi Emmanouilidou
Constantinos Lazarou
+ PDF Chat Entanglement trapping in a nonstationary structured reservoir 2012 Constantinos Lazarou
Kimmo Luoma
Sabrina Maniscalco
Jyrki Piilo
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Routes to formation of highly excited neutral atoms in the breakup of strongly driven H<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2012 Agapi Emmanouilidou
Constantinos Lazarou
A. Staudte
U. Eichmann
+ PDF Chat Generation of entanglement density within a reservoir 2011 Constantinos Lazarou
B. M. Garraway
Jyrki Piilo
Sabrina Maniscalco
+ PDF Chat Dephasing effects on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in tripod configurations 2010 Constantinos Lazarou
Nikolay V. Vitanov
+ PDF Chat Molecular heat pump for rotational states 2010 Constantinos Lazarou
Matthias Keller
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in the adiabatic limit of a two-atom Tavis–Cummings model 2009 Constantinos Lazarou
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic cavity QED with pairs of atoms 2008 Constantinos Lazarou
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic entanglement in two-atom cavity QED 2008 Constantinos Lazarou
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Effects of relative phase and interactions on atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose–Einstein condensate: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics 2008 Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
Constantinos Lazarou
P. Lambropoulos
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian dynamics in atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose–Einstein condensate 2007 Constantinos Lazarou
Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
P. Lambropoulos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Intensity dependence of strong-field double-ionization mechanisms: From field-assisted recollision ionization to recollision-assisted field ionization 2009 Agapi Emmanouilidou
A. Staudte
+ PDF Chat Effects of interatomic collisions on atom-laser outcoupling 2003 Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
P. Lambropoulos
N. P. Proukakis
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Formation of an Arbitrary State of Two Qubits 1998 William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Routes to formation of highly excited neutral atoms in the breakup of strongly driven H<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mrow /><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2012 Agapi Emmanouilidou
Constantinos Lazarou
A. Staudte
U. Eichmann
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian dynamics in atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose–Einstein condensate 2007 Constantinos Lazarou
Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
P. Lambropoulos
+ Recoil collisions as a portal to field-assisted ionization at near-uv frequencies in the strong-field double ionization of helium 2008 Agapi Emmanouilidou
+ PDF Chat Theory of pseudomodes in quantum optical processes 2001 B. J. Dalton
Stephen M. Barnett
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent Fröhlich transformation approach for two-atom entanglement generated by successive passage through a cavity 2007 Yong Li
Christoph Bruder
C. P. Sun
+ PDF Chat Beyond single-photon localization at the edge of a photonic band gap 2000 Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
P. Lambropoulos
+ PDF Chat Quantum systems coupled to a structured reservoir with multiple excitations 1999 Georgios M. Nikolopoulos
Søren Bay
P. Lambropoulos
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of a Pair of Quantum Bits 1997 Scott Hill
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Entangled-state preparation via dissipation-assisted adiabatic passages 2003 Carsten Marr
Almut Beige
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Measures and dynamics of entangled states 2005 Florian Mintert
A. R. R. Carvalho
Marek Kuś
Andreas Buchleitner
+ PDF Chat Cavity-loss-induced generation of entangled atoms 1999 Martin B. Plenio
Susana F. Huelga
Almut Beige
P. L. Knight
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian dynamics in pulsed- and continuous-wave atom lasers 1999 Heinz‐Peter Breuer
Daniel Faller
Bernd Kappler
Francesco Petruccione
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in many-body systems 2008 Luigi Amico
Rosario Fazio
Andreas Osterloh
Vlatko Vedral
+ PDF Chat Probing the tunnelling site of electrons in strong field enhanced ionization of molecules 2012 Jian Wu
M. Meckel
L. Ph. H. Schmidt
Maksim Kunitski
S. Voss
H. Sann
H. Kim
T. Jahnke
A. Czasch
R. Dörner
+ PDF Chat Classical trajectory perspective on double-ionization dynamics of diatomic molecules irradiated by ultrashort intense laser pulses 2008 Difa Ye
J. Chen
J. Liu
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in Weisskopf–Wigner theory of atomic decay in free space 2009 J.F. Leandro
F. L. Semião
+ PDF Chat Quantum entanglement 2009 Ryszard Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Karol Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Classical collisional trajectories as the source of strong-field double ionization of helium in the knee regime 2001 Libin Fu
Jie Liu
Jing Chen
X. T. He
+ PDF Chat Atom laser based on Raman transitions 1997 G. M. Moy
J. J. Hope
C. M. Savage
+ PDF Chat Resonance fluorescence in a band-gap material: Direct numerical simulation of non-Markovian evolution 2001 Michael W. Jack
J. J. Hope
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing Using Dissipation to Remain in a Decoherence-Free Subspace 2000 Almut Beige
Daniel Braun
Ben Tregenna
P. L. Knight
+ Numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations by extrapolation methods 1966 Roland Bulirsch
Josef Stoer
+ PDF Chat Entangling atoms and ions in dissipative environments 2000 Almut Beige
Soumyakanti Bose
Dieter Braun
Susana F. Huelga
P. L. Knight
Martin B. Plenio
Vlatko Vedral
+ PDF Chat Markov approximation for the atomic output coupler 1999 Michael W. Jack
M. Naraschewski
M. J. Collett
D. F. Walls
+ PDF Chat Quantum logic between atoms inside a high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>optical cavity 2003 Li You
X. X. Yi
X. H. Su
+ PDF Chat A Subsystem-Independent Generalization of Entanglement 2004 Howard Barnum
Emanuel Knill
Gerardo Ortíz
Rolando D. Somma
Lorenza Viola
+ PDF Chat Concurrence vectors in arbitrary multipartite quantum systems 2005 Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas
+ PDF Chat Splitting and merging an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature 2006 A. Mebrahtu
Anna Sanpera
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum Coherent Atomic Tunneling between Two Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates 1997 Augusto Smerzi
S. Fantoni
S. Giovanazzi
Subodh R. Shenoy
+ PDF Chat Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases 1999 F. Dalfovo
S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic and nonadiabatic merging of independent Bose-Einstein condensates 2005 Wei Yi
Luming Duan
+ PDF Chat Steady-state quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser 2000 J. J. Hope
G. M. Moy
M. J. Collett
C. M. Savage
+ PDF Chat Open System Dynamics with Non-Markovian Quantum Trajectories 1999 Walter T. Strunz
Lajos Diósi
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion 1998 Lajos Diósi
Nicolas Gisin
Walter T. Strunz
+ PDF Chat Pseudomodes as an effective description of memory: Non-Markovian dynamics of two-state systems in structured reservoirs 2009 Laura Mazzola
Sabrina Maniscalco
Jyrki Piilo
Kalle‐Antti Suominen
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser 2006 William Guerin
J.-F. Riou
John Gaebler
Vincent Josse
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Born and Markov approximations for atom lasers 1999 G. M. Moy
J. J. Hope
C. M. Savage
+ PDF Chat Theory of strong outcoupling from Bose-Einstein condensates 1999 Robert Graham
Dan F. Walls
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of atom-field entanglement: Towards strong-coupling and non-Markovian regimes 2008 Nick Cummings
B. L. Hu
+ PDF Chat Correlated electron emission in laser-induced nonsequence double ionization of helium 2002 Libin Fu
Jie Liu
X. T. He
+ PDF Chat Efficient Engineering of Multiatom Entanglement through Single-Photon Detections 2003 L.-M. Duan
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Quantum-information processing in strongly detuned optical cavities 2002 E. Jané
Martin B. Plenio
Daniel Jonathan
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of an Atomic Collision in a Cavity 2001 S. Osnaghi
Patrice Bertet
Alexia Auffèves
Paolo Maioli
M. Brune
J. M. Raimond
S. Haroche
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic entanglement in two-atom cavity QED 2008 Constantinos Lazarou
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a Single Bosonic Josephson Junction 2005 M. Albiez
Rudolf Gati
Jonas Fölling
S. Hunsmann
Matteo Cristiani
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium perturbation theory for complex scalar fields 1997 Ian D. Lawrie
D. B. McKernan
+ Direct versus delayed pathways in strong-field non-sequential double ionization 2011 Agapi Emmanouilidou
Jonathan Parker
L R Moore
K T Taylor