D. Labbate


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An updated survey on 2-Factors of Regular Graphs 2024 D. Labbate
F. Romaniello
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Graphs with Small Palette Index 2023 D. Labbate
Davide Mattiolo
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Federico Romaniello
Gloria Tabarelli
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings, Hamiltonian cycles and edge-colourings in a class of cubic graphs 2023
+ PDF Chat A construction for a counterexample to the pseudo 2-factor isomorphic graph conjecture 2022 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Federico Romaniello
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings, Hamiltonian cycles and edge-colourings in a class of cubic graphs 2022 M. Abreu
John Baptist Gauci
D. Labbate
Federico Romaniello
Jean Paul Zerafa
+ PDF Chat Strongly regular configurations 2022 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
Vedran Krčadinac
D. Labbate
+ A characterization of graphs with small palette index 2022 D. Labbate
Davide Mattiolo
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Federico Romaniello
Gloria Tabarelli
+ Papillon graphs: perfect matchings, Hamiltonian cycles and edge-colourings in cubic graphs 2021 M. Abreu
John Baptist Gauci
D. Labbate
Federico Romaniello
Jean Paul Zerafa
+ Strongly regular configurations 2021 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
Vedran Krčadinac
D. Labbate
+ PDF Chat Extending Perfect Matchings to Hamiltonian Cycles in Line Graphs 2021 M. Abreu
John Baptist Gauci
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Jean Paul Zerafa
+ PDF Chat An alternate description of a (q + 1, 8)-cage 2019 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ PDF Chat Colourings of cubic graphs inducing isomorphic monochromatic subgraphs 2019 M. Abreu
Jan Goedgebeur
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ A note on 2-bisections of claw-free cubic graphs 2018 M. Abreu
Jan Goedgebeur
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ Colourings of cubic graphs inducing isomorphic monochromatic subgraphs 2017 M. Abreu
Jan Goedgebeur
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ A note on 2--bisections of claw--free cubic graphs 2017 M. Abreu
Jan Goedgebeur
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ 2-factors of regular graphs: an updated survey 2017 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
+ Colourings of cubic graphs inducing isomorphic monochromatic subgraphs 2017 M. Abreu
Jan Goedgebeur
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ Treelike Snarks 2016 M. Abreu
Tomáš Kaiser
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ Treelike snarks 2016 M. Abreu
T. R. Kaiser
D. Labbate
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
+ PDF Chat Small Regular Graphs of Girth 7 2015 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
Julián Salas
+ PDF Chat A Construction of Small $(q-1)$-Regular Graphs of Girth 8 2015 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Even orientations of graphs: Part II 2015 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ A formulation of a (q+1,8)-cage 2015 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Even Orientations and Pfaffian graphs 2015 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ A construction of small (q-1)-regular graphs of girth 8 2015 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Odd 2-factored snarks 2013 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
Roméo Rizzi
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat Constructions of biregular cages of girth five 2013 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
G. López-Chávez
+ PDF Chat Families of small regular graphs of girth 7 2013 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
Julián Salas
+ PDF Chat Biregular Cages of Girth Five 2013 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
G. López-Chávez
+ Families of small regular graphs of girth 5 2012 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Invariant adjacency matrices of configuration graphs 2012 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ Pseudo and strongly pseudo 2-factor isomorphic regular graphs and digraphs 2012 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Families of small regular graphs of girth 7 2012 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
Julián Salas
+ Biregular cages of girth five 2012 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
Gloria López-Chávez
+ On the Ubiquity and Utility of Cyclic Schemes 2011 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ PDF Chat Irreducible pseudo 2-factor isomorphic cubic bipartite graphs 2011 M. Abreu
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ An explicit formula for obtaining $(q+1,8)$-cages and others small regular graphs of girth 8 2011 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ On the Ubiquity and Utility of Cyclic Schemes 2011 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ Adjacency matrices of polarity graphs and of other C 4-free graphs of large size 2010 M. Abreu
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Strongly Pseudo 2-factor Isomorphic Regular Graphs and Snarks 2009 D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Corrigendum to “Graphs and digraphs with all 2-factors isomorphic” [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 92 (2) (2004) 395–404] 2008 M. Abreu
R. E. L. Aldred
Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Configurations graphs of neighbourhood geometries 2008 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ PDF Chat Pseudo 2-factor isomorphic regular bipartite graphs 2007 M. Abreu
Ajit A. Diwan
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ A family of regular graphs of girth 5 2007 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ Graphs and digraphs with all 2-factors isomorphic 2004 M. Abreu
R. E. L. Aldred
Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Regular bipartite graphs with all 2-factors isomorphic 2004 R. E. L. Aldred
Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Amalgams of Cubic Bipartite Graphs 2004 D. Labbate
+ None 2003 Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Det‐extremal cubic bipartite graphs 2003 Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Characterizing minimally 1-factorable r-regular bipartite graphs 2002 D. Labbate
+ PDF Chat One‐factorizations of complete graphs with vertex‐regular automorphism groups 2001 Arrigo Bonisoli
D. Labbate
+ Characterizing Minimally 1—Factorable R—Regular Bipartite Graphs 2001 D. Labbate
+ None 2001 Antonio Cossidente
D. Labbate
Alessandro Siciliano
+ On minimally one-factorable r-regular bipartite graphs 2000 Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A family of cubical graphs 1947 W. T. Tutte
+ The smallest graph of girth 6 and valency 7 1981 M O'Keefe
Pak‐Ken Wong
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 1974 Norman Biggs
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 2009 Chris Godsil
Gordon Royle
+ PDF Chat Incidence Matrices of Projective Planes and of Some Regular Bipartite Graphs of Girth 6 with Few Vertices 2008 C. Balbuena
+ Finite Geometries 1968 Peter F. Dembowski
+ A family of regular graphs of girth 5 2007 M. Abreu
Martin Funk
D. Labbate
Vito Napolitano
+ New upper bounds on the order of cages. 1997 Felix Lazebnik
V. A. Ustimenko
Andrew J. Woldar
+ None 1999 Peter Hamburger
Alexandr Kostochka
Alexander Sidorenko
+ On Moore Graphs with Diameters 2 and 3 1960 Alan J. Hoffman
Robert R. Singleton
+ Even dicycles 2000 William McCuaig
+ Finite Generalized Quadrangles 2009 Stanley E. Payne
J. A. Thas
+ Affine representations of generalized quadrangles 1970 Stanley E. Payne
+ Explicit construction of graphs with an arbitrary large girth and of large size 1995 Felix Lazebnik
V. A. Ustimenko
+ On minimally one-factorable r-regular bipartite graphs 2000 Martin Funk
D. Labbate
+ Sign-nonsingular matrices and even cycles in directed graphs 1986 Carsten Thomassen
+ On the Extremal Number of Edges in 2-Factor Hamiltonian Graphs 2006 Ralph J. Faudree
Ronald J. Gould
Michael S. Jacobson
+ Families of small regular graphs of girth 5 2012 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Regular graphs constructed from the classical generalized quadrangle Q(4, q) 2010 L. Beukemann
Klaus Metsch
+ Constructions of small regular bipartite graphs of girth 6 2010 Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
+ Regular bipartite graphs with all 2-factors isomorphic 2004 R. E. L. Aldred
Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ A characterization of convertible (0, 1)-matrices 1975 Charles H. C. Little
+ On geometric constructions of (k, g)-graphs 2008 András Gács
Tamás Héger
+ Characterizing minimally 1-factorable r-regular bipartite graphs 2002 D. Labbate
+ PDF Chat Pseudo 2-factor isomorphic regular bipartite graphs 2007 M. Abreu
Ajit A. Diwan
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat Permanents, Pfaffian Orientations, and Even Directed Circuits 1999 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
Robin Thomas
+ Finding small regular graphs of girths 6, 8 and 12 as subgraphs of cages 2010 Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
Tamás Héger
+ None 2003 Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ Snarks without Small Cycles 1996 Martin Kochol
+ Generation and properties of snarks 2013 Gunnar Brinkmann
Jan Goedgebeur
Jonas Hägglund
Klas Markström
+ PDF Chat Pólya's Permanent Problem 2004 William McCuaig
+ The nonexistence of certain generalized polygons 1964 Walter Feit
Graham Higman
+ Graph Colouring with No Large Monochromatic Components 2008 Nathan Linial
Jiřı́ Matoušek
Or Sheffet
Gábor Tardos
+ PDF Chat Flows and Bisections in Cubic Graphs 2017 Louis Esperet
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Michael Tarsi
+ Girth Graphs from Elliptic Semiplanes 2010 Martin Funk
+ PDF Chat Internal Partitions of Regular Graphs 2015 Amir Ban
Nati Linial
+ An elliptic semiplane 1978 Ronald D. Baker
+ Even dicycles 2000 William McCuaig
+ A construction of small (q-1)-regular graphs of girth 8 2015 M. Abreu
Gabriela Araujo‐Pardo
C. Balbuena
D. Labbate
+ Distance-Regular Graphs 2011 Andries E. Brouwer
Willem H. Haemers
+ Blocking set free configurations and their relations to digraphs and hypergraphs 1997 Harald Gropp
+ Graphs and digraphs with all 2-factors isomorphic 2004 M. Abreu
R. E. L. Aldred
Martin Funk
Bill Jackson
D. Labbate
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat The even cycle problem for directed graphs 1992 Carsten Thomassen
+ PDF Chat Operations preserving the pfaffian property of a graph 1991 Charles H. C. Little
Franz Rendl
+ PDF Chat Girth 5 graphs from relative difference sets 2005 Leif K. Jørgensen
+ Counting symmetric configurations v3 2000 Anton Betten
Gunnar Brinkmann
Tomaž Pisanski
+ PDF Chat Self-dual configurations and regular graphs 1950 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ Perfect matchings with restricted intersection in cubic graphs 2009 Tomáš Kaiser
André Raspaud
+ The 10-cages and derived configurations 2003 Tomaž Pisanski
Marko Boben
Dragan Marušič
Alen Orbanić
Aleksandra Korać Graovac
+ On Moore graphs 1973 R. M. Damerell