Radial 3D Focusing Energy Critical INLS equation with a sub-critical
perturbation: Ground states, Blow-up, and scattering
Radial 3D Focusing Energy Critical INLS equation with a sub-critical
perturbation: Ground states, Blow-up, and scattering
We investigate a 3D nonlinear focusing Schr\"odinger equations with perturbed energy critical inhomogeneous non-linearity in the radial regime, $$ i \partial_t u +\Delta u =|x|^{-a} |u|^{p-2} u - |x|^{-b} |u|^{4-2b}u \quad \mbox{in} \,\, \mathbb{R}_t \times \mathbb{R}_x^3, $$ where $0<a$, $b<2$ and $2+\frac{4-2a}{3}\leq p\leq 6-2a$. First, we prove the existence/nonexistence of …