Measurement of the branching fraction of $D^+_s\to \ell^+\nu_\ell$ via
$e^+e^-\to D^{*+}_{s} D^{*-}_{s}$
Measurement of the branching fraction of $D^+_s\to \ell^+\nu_\ell$ via
$e^+e^-\to D^{*+}_{s} D^{*-}_{s}$
Based on $10.64~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data taken at center-of-mass energies between 4.237 and 4.699 GeV with the BESIII detector, we study the leptonic $D^+_s$ decays using the $e^+e^-\to D^{*+}_{s} D^{*-}_{s}$ process. The branching fractions of $D_s^+\to\ell^+\nu_{\ell}\,(\ell=\mu,\tau)$ are measured to be $\mathcal{B}(D_s^+\to\mu^+\nu_\mu)=(0.547\pm0.026_{\rm stat}\pm0.016_{\rm syst})\%$ and $\mathcal{B}(D_s^+\to\tau^+\nu_\tau)=(5.60\pm0.16_{\rm stat}\pm0.20_{\rm syst})\%$, respectively. The …