One-bubble nodal blow-up for asymptotically critical stationary
Schr\"odinger-type equations
One-bubble nodal blow-up for asymptotically critical stationary
Schr\"odinger-type equations
We investigate in this work families $(u_\epsilon)_{\epsilon >0}$ of sign-changing blowing-up solutions of asymptotically critical stationary nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations of the following type: $$\Delta_g u_\epsilon + h_\epsilon u_\epsilon = |u_{\epsilon}|^{p_\epsilon-2} u_\epsilon $$ in a closed manifold $(M,g)$, where $h_\epsilon$ converges to $h$ in $C^1(M)$. Assuming that $(u_\epsilon)_{\epsilon >0}$ blows-up as …