Moduli of stable sheaves on quadric threefold
Moduli of stable sheaves on quadric threefold
For each $0<\alpha<\frac{1}{2}$, there exists a Bayer--Lahoz--Macr{\`{\i}}--Stellari's inducing Bridgeland stability condition $\sigma(\alpha)$ on a Kuznetsov component $\mathrm{Ku}(Q)$ of the smooth quadric threefold $Q$. We obtain the non-empty of the moduli space $M_{\sigma(\alpha)}([\mathcal{P}_{x}])$ of $\sigma(\alpha)$-semistable objects in $\mathrm{Ku}(Q)$ with the numerical class $[\mathcal{P}_{x}]$, where $\mathcal{P}_{x}\in \mathrm{Ku}(Q)$ is the projection sheaf of …