Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of nonhomogeneous elliptic equations in the hyperbolic space
Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of nonhomogeneous elliptic equations in the hyperbolic space
The paper is concerned with positive solutions to problems of the type \[ -\Delta_{\mathbb{B}^{N}} u - \lambda u = a(x) |u|^{p-1}\;u + f \text{ in }\mathbb{B}^{N}, \quad u \in H^{1}{(\mathbb{B}^{N})}, \] where $\mathbb {B}^N$ denotes the hyperbolic space, $1< p<2^*-1:=\frac {N+2}{N-2}$ , $\;\lambda < \frac {(N-1)^2}{4}$ , and $f \in …