Book review: “Lectures on Optimal Transport” by Luigi Ambrosio, Elia Brué and Daniele Semola, and “An Invitation to Optimal Transport, Wasserstein Distances, and Gradient Flows” by Alessio Figalli and Federico Glaudo
Book review: “Lectures on Optimal Transport” by Luigi Ambrosio, Elia Brué and Daniele Semola, and “An Invitation to Optimal Transport, Wasserstein Distances, and Gradient Flows” by Alessio Figalli and Federico Glaudo
Cauchy problem for the Einstein equations, are not addressed at all.While it is of course unrealistic to ask for a detailed treatment of all these subjects, especially in a book for undergraduates, more steps in that direction could perhaps have been taken.Nevertheless, these small quibbles should not take away from …