Extended-soft-core baryon-baryon model ESC16. II. Hyperon-nucleon interactions
Extended-soft-core baryon-baryon model ESC16. II. Hyperon-nucleon interactions
This hyperon-nucleon paper is part of a simultaneous treatment of all baryon-baryon systems: $N\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}N$, $Y\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}N$, and $Y\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}Y$. Utilizing a meson-exchange potential approach, all $8\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}8$ baryon-baryon channels are described in a model with SU(3)-symmetric couplings consistent with the constituent quark model. A high-quality fit is achieved for the $N\phantom{\rule{0}{0ex}}N$ data (${T}_{\text{Lab}}<350$ …