Ergodic properties of the quantum ideal gas in the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics
Ergodic properties of the quantum ideal gas in the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics
It is proved that the q uantization of the Volkovyski–Sinai model of ideal gas (in the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics) enjoys at the thermodynamical limit the property of quantum mixing in the following sense: lim|t|→∞ limm/L→ρm,L→∞ ωβ ,Lm(eiHmt/ℏ×Ae−iHmt/ mCB)=limm/L→ρm,L→∞ ωβ,Lm( A)⋅limm/L→ρm,L→∞ ωβ,Lm(B ). Here Hm is the Schrödinger operator of m free …