Residuals and Influence in Regression.
Residuals and Influence in Regression.
Conlputat ions E.ratnple 2.3.4Jer Jiyhters no.I 2.3.3Partial residual plots Esantple 2.3.5 Jef fiyhrers no. 2 2.3.4Probability plots E.ratrtpIe 2.3.6 Cloud seeditty no. 4 2.4 Transformations 2.4.1 Fanlilies of fratlsjorr~ratiot~s 2.4.2Selectb~g a trat~s/'orrtlatiott Itr~.ariattceNor~rrality Choice c?/'trtodel i ~t t c i scalirlg the predictors It~f'erettce E.uan~ple 2.4.1 Tree data 110.I 2.4.3Diagnostic …