Arbitrary mass Majorana neutrinos in neutrinoless double beta decay
Arbitrary mass Majorana neutrinos in neutrinoless double beta decay
We revisit the mechanism of neutrinoless double beta ($0\ensuremath{\nu}\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{\beta}$) decay mediated by the exchange with the heavy Majorana neutrino $N$ of arbitrary mass ${m}_{N}$, slightly mixed $\ensuremath{\sim}{U}_{\mathit{eN}}$ with the electron neutrino ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e}$. By assuming the dominance of this mechanism, we update the well-known $0\ensuremath{\nu}\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{\beta}$-decay exclusion plot in the ${m}_{N}\ensuremath{-}{U}_{\mathit{eN}}$ plane …