Electronic states and cyclotron resonance in<i>n</i>-type InMnAs
Electronic states and cyclotron resonance in<i>n</i>-type InMnAs
We present a theory for electronic and magneto-optical properties of n-type ${\mathrm{In}}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Mn}}_{x}\mathrm{As}$ magnetic alloy semiconductors in a high magnetic field $B\ensuremath{\Vert}\mathrm{z\ifmmode \hat{}\else \^{}\fi{}}.$ We use an eight-band Pidgeon-Brown model generalized to include the wave vector ${(k}_{z})$ dependence of the electronic states as well as $s\ensuremath{-}d$ and $p\ensuremath{-}d$ exchange interactions with …