Magnetic-dipole transition probabilities in B-like and Be-like ions
Magnetic-dipole transition probabilities in B-like and Be-like ions
The magnetic-dipole transition probabilities between the fine-structure levels $(1{s}^{2}2{s}^{2}2p)$ $^{2}P_{1∕2}--^{2}P_{3∕2}$ for B-like ions and $(1{s}^{2}2s2p)$ $^{3}P_{1}--^{3}P_{2}$ for Be-like ions are calculated. The configuration-interaction method in the Dirac-Fock-Sturm basis is employed for the evaluation of the interelectronic-interaction correction with negative-continuum spectrum being taken into account. The $1∕Z$ interelectronic-interaction contribution is derived …