Boundedness and convergence for singular integrals of measures separated by Lipschitz graphs
Boundedness and convergence for singular integrals of measures separated by Lipschitz graphs
We shall consider the truncated singular integral operators T_{\mu, K}^{\epsilon}f(x)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}\setminus B(x,\epsilon)}K(x-y)f(y)d\mu y and related maximal operators $T_{\mu,K}^{\ast}f(x)=\underset{\epsilon >0}{\sup}| T_{\mu,K}^{\epsilon}f(x)|$. We shall prove for a large class of kernels $K$ and measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ that if $\mu$ and $\nu$ are separated by a Lipschitz graph, then $T_{\nu,K}^{\ast}:L^p(\nu)\to L^p(\mu)$ is bounded …