Solvability of various boundary value problems for the equation<i>x</i>′′=<i>f</i>(<i>t,x,x</i>′<i>,x</i>′′) −<i>y</i>
Solvability of various boundary value problems for the equation<i>x</i>′′=<i>f</i>(<i>t,x,x</i>′<i>,x</i>′′) −<i>y</i>
V. PETRYSHYNIn this paper some of the solvability results of Granas, Guenther and Lee for various homogeneous boundary value problems for the equation x" = /(/, x, x') are extended in an essentially constructive way to the equation (*): x" = /(ί, x,x', x") where / is assumed to satisfy …