Observation of topological transition of Fermi surface from a spindle torus to a torus in bulk Rashba spin-split BiTeCl
Observation of topological transition of Fermi surface from a spindle torus to a torus in bulk Rashba spin-split BiTeCl
The recently observed large Rashba-type spin splitting in the $\mathrm{BiTe}X(X=\mathrm{I},\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{Br},\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{Cl})$ bulk states enables observation of the transition in Fermi surface topology from spindle torus to torus with varying the carrier density and offers an ideal platform for achieving practical spintronic applications and realizing nontrivial phenomena such as topological superconductivity and …