Heegaard Floer homology of surgeries on two-bridge links
Heegaard Floer homology of surgeries on two-bridge links
We give an $O(p^{2})$ time algorithm to compute the generalized Heegaard Floer complexes $A_{s_{1},s_{2}}^{-}(\overrightarrow{L})$'s for a two-bridge link $\overrightarrow{L}=b(p,q)$ by using nice diagrams. Using the link surgery formula of Manolescu-Ozsv\'{a}th, we also show that ${\bf HF}^{-}$ and their $d$-invariants of all integer surgeries on two-bridge links are determined by $A_{s_{1},s_{2}}^{-}(\overrightarrow{L})$'s. …