Breakdown of global fits to the Wilson coefficients in rare<i>B</i>decays: A left-right model example
Breakdown of global fits to the Wilson coefficients in rare<i>B</i>decays: A left-right model example
In the standard model and many of its extensions, it is well known that all of the observables associated with the rare decays $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{b}s\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{b}s{\mathcal{l}}^{+}{\mathcal{l}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ can be expressed in terms of the three Wilson coefficients ${C}_{7L,9L,10L}(\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\sim}{m}_{b}),$ together with several universal kinematic functions. In particular, it has been shown that …