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Space Complexity of Minimum Cut Problems in Single-Pass Streams

Space Complexity of Minimum Cut Problems in Single-Pass Streams

We consider the problem of finding a minimum cut of a weighted graph presented as a single-pass stream. While graph sparsification in streams has been intensively studied, the specific application of finding minimum cuts in streams is less well-studied. To this end, we show upper and lower bounds on minimum …

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The key idea of this paper is to develop single-pass streaming algorithms for finding minimum cuts in graphs, specifically improving space complexity compared to existing cut sparsification techniques. They achieve an Õ(n/ε) space algorithm for approximating the minimum cut, which is more efficient than algorithms producing a general cut sparsifier. This is accomplished by developing a for-each spectral sparsifier in the streaming setting. The paper also addresses exact minimum cuts in random order streams, finding them in Õ(n) space, and provides matching lower bounds for some settings. Furthermore, the paper explores approximating all-pairs effective resistances in the streaming model, alongside a way of improving the post-processing time of recursive contraction algorithms using sketching.