Andrew Wiles


Andrew Wiles is a British mathematician best known for proving Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that had remained unsolved for over 350 years. Born on April 11, 1953, in Cambridge, England, Wiles showed an early interest in mathematics. He earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Oxford and his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge.

In the early 1990s, while a professor at Princeton University, Wiles began working in secret on proving Fermat's Last Theorem. After years of dedicated effort, he announced a proof in 1993 during a series of lectures in Cambridge. However, an error was found in the proof, which he corrected with the help of his former student Richard Taylor. The finalized proof was published in 1995.

Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is considered one of the most significant achievements in modern mathematics. His work earned him numerous awards and honors, including the International Mathematical Union's Silver Plaque, the Royal Medal of the Royal Society, and the prestigious Abel Prize in 2016. He has held professorships at both Princeton University and the University of Oxford, where he continues to contribute to the field of number theory.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Residual Irreducibility of Compatible Systems 2016 Stefan Patrikis
Andrew Snowden
Andrew Wiles
+ Residual irreducibility of compatible systems 2016 Stefan Patrikis
Andrew Snowden
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Chat Bigness in Compatible Systems 2016 Andrew Snowden
Andrew Wiles
+ The Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 2016 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF On class groups of imaginary quadratic fields 2015 Andrew Wiles
+ Bigness in compatible systems 2009 Andrew Snowden
Andrew Wiles
+ Solvable points on genus one curves 2008 Andrew Wiles
Mirela Çiperiani
+ The Millennium Prize Problems 2006 James A. Carlson
Arthur Jaffe
Andrew Wiles
+ Base change and a problem of Serre 2001 Christopher Skinner
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Nearly ordinary deformations of irreducible residual representations 2001 Claire Skinner
Andrew Wiles
+ Residually reducible representations and modular forms . Sur les espaces fonctionnels dont la source est le classifiant d'un groupe de Lie compact commutatif . Non-uniformly expanding dynamics in maps with singularities and criticalities . Mean dimension, small entropy factors and an embedding theorem 2000 Christopher Skinner
Andrew Wiles
François-Xavier Dehon
Jean Lannes
Stephano Luzzatto
Warwick Tucker
Elon Lindenstrauss
+ Residually reducible representations and modular forms 1999 Christopher Skinner
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Ordinary representations and modular forms 1997 Christopher Skinner
Andrew Wiles
+ Ring-Theoretic Properties of Certain Hecke Algebras 1995 Richard Taylor
Andrew Wiles
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ potestatum in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujes rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet. 1995 Pierre de Fermat
Andrew Wiles
+ Modular Forms, Elliptic Curves, and Fermat’s Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat′s Last Theorem(抜粋) (フェルマ-予想がついに解けた!?) 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ The Iwasawa Conjecture for Totally Real Fields 1990 Andrew Wiles
+ On a Conjecture of Brumer 1990 Andrew Wiles
+ On ordinary ?-adic representations associated to modular forms 1988 Andrew Wiles
+ On -Adic Representations for Totally Real Fields 1986 Andrew Wiles
+ On $p$-adic analytic families of Galois representations 1986 Barry Mazur
Andrew Wiles
+ Class fields of abelian extensions of Q 1984 Barry Mazur
Andrew Wiles
+ Analogies Between Function Fields and Number Fields 1983 Barry Mazur
Andrew Wiles
+ Mordell-Weil Groups of Elliptic Curves Over Cyclotomic Fields 1982 Karl Rubin
Andrew Wiles
+ Modular curves and the class group of Q(? p ) 1980 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF On <i>p</i>-adic <i>L</i>-functions and elliptic units 1978 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
+ Higher Explicit Reciprocity Laws 1978 Andrew Wiles
+ On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1977 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ On ordinary ?-adic representations associated to modular forms 1988 Andrew Wiles
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ Ring-Theoretic Properties of Certain Hecke Algebras 1995 Richard Taylor
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Sur les représentations $l$-adiques associées aux formes modulaires de Hilbert 1986 Henri Carayol
+ A modular construction of unramifiedp-extensions ofQ(? p ) 1976 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ PDF On some modules in the theory of cyclotomic fields 1964 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ On Z l -Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields 1973 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ Class fields of abelian extensions of Q 1984 Barry Mazur
Andrew Wiles
+ Values of abelianL-functions at negative integers over totally real fields 1980 Pierre Deligne
Kenneth A. Ribet
+ Modular curves and the class group of Q(? p ) 1980 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ Maximality of Galois actions for compatible systems 1995 Michael Larsen
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ On l-Adic Zeta Functions 1973 J. Coates
Stephen Lichtenbaum
+ PDF Potential automorphy and change of weight 2014 Thomas Barnet-Lamb
Toby Gee
David Geraghty
Richard Taylor
+ PDF Modular curves and the eisenstein ideal 1977 Barry Mazur
+ Formal Complex Multiplication in Local Fields 1965 Jonathan Lubin
John Tate
+ On a variation of Mazur's deformation functor 1993 Ravi Ramakrishna
+ On ? of algebraic monodromy groups in compatible systems of representations 1992 Michael Larsen
Richard Pink
+ Tate-Shafarevich groups andL-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication 1987 Karl Rubin
+ On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1977 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
+ On p-Adic L-Functions 1969 Kenkichi Iwasawa
+ Rational points of abelian varieties with values in towers of number fields 1972 Barry Mazur
+ Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties 1968 Jean-Pierre Serre
John Tate
+ Deforming Galois Representations 1989 Barry Mazur
+ One-Parameter Formal Lie Groups Over -Adic Integer Rings 1964 Jonathan Lubin
+ Abelian l-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves 1997 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Iwasawa modules attached to congruences of cusp forms 1986 Haruzo Hida
+ On modular representations of $$(\bar Q/Q)$$ arising from modular forms 1990 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ On p-Adic Artin L-Functions II 2014 Ralph Greenberg
+ The Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 2016 J. Coates
Andrew Wiles
+ PDF On<i>p</i>-adic<i>L</i>-functions and cyclotomic fields. II 1977 Ralph Greenberg
+ PDF L-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication, I 1970 R. Damerell
+ PDF Chat Bigness in Compatible Systems 2016 Andrew Snowden
Andrew Wiles
+ Mean Values of Derivatives of Modular L-Series 1991 M. Ram Murty
V. Kumar Murty
+ PDF Cohomology of finite groups of lie type, I 1975 Edward Cline
Brian Parshall
Leonard Scott
+ On Deformation Rings and Hecke Rings 1996 Fred Diamond
+ Eine p-adische Theorie der Zetawerte. II. 1975 Heinrich Wolfgang Leopoldt
+ Weyl's character formula for algebraic groups 1968 T. A. Springer
+ Rational isogenies of prime degree 1978 Barry Mazur
Dorian Goldfeld
+ Automorphisms of finite groups 1968 Chih-Han Sah
+ PDF Artin’s conjecture for representations of octahedral type 1981 Jerrold B. Tunnell
+ PDF On Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication as Factors of the Jacobians of Shimura Curves 1981 Haruzo Hida
+ BASE CHANGE FOR GL(2) 1980 R. P. Langlands
+ Nonvanishing theorems for L-functions of modular forms and their derivatives 1990 Daniel Bump
Solomon Friedberg
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ On values of zeta functions and ?-adic Euler characteristics 1978 Pilar Báyer
J�rgen Neukirch
+ L-Functions and Tamagawa Numbers of Motives 2007 Spencer Bloch
Kazuya Katô
+ General Selmer groups and critical values of HeckeL-functions 1993 Li Guo
+ PDF Lectures on p-Divisible Groups 1972 Michel Demazure