Two-gap superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric La$_3$Se$_4$ compound

Type: Preprint

Publication Date: 2024-11-25

Citations: 0



Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy at low temperatures and high magnetic fields has been performed on a noncentrosymmetric La$_3$Se$_4$ superconductor with a critical temperature $T_c$ = 8 K. Two superconducting energy gaps $\Delta_1$ and $\Delta_2$ with $2\Delta_{1}/k_{B} T_{c}$ ~ 5.8 and $2\Delta_{2}/k_{B} T_{c}$ ~ 2.3, are directly observed in some of the spectra. The temperature and magnetic field effects help to resolve a two-gap structure even on the most frequent spectra where at low temperatures only a single gap is apparent, reflected in a pair of maxima around the zero bias. Two-gap superconductivity consistently with the point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy is also supported by the heat capacity and the Hall probe magnetization measurements.


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