Ginzburg--Landau Functionals in the Large-Graph Limit

Type: Preprint

Publication Date: 2024-08-01

Citations: 0



Ginzburg--Landau (GL) functionals on graphs, which are relaxations of graph-cut functionals on graphs, have yielded a variety of insights in image segmentation and graph clustering. In this paper, we study large-graph limits of GL functionals by taking a functional-analytic view of graphs as nonlocal kernels. For a graph $W_n$ with $n$ nodes, the corresponding graph GL functional $\GL^{W_n}_\ep$ is an energy for functions on $W_n$. We minimize GL functionals on sequences of growing graphs that converge to functions called graphons. For such sequences of graphs, we show that the graph GL functional $\Gamma$-converges to a continuous and nonlocal functional that we call the \emph{graphon GL functional}. We also investigate the sharp-interface limits of the graph GL and graphon GL functionals, and we relate these limits to a nonlocal total variation. We express the limiting GL functional in terms of Young measures and thereby obtain a probabilistic interpretation of the variational problem in the large-graph limit. Finally, to develop intuition about the graphon GL functional, we compute the GL minimizer for several example families of graphons.


  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF

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