Anomalous interactions between mesons with nonzero spin and glueballs

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2024-04-08

Citations: 1



Topologically nontrivial fluctuations control the anomalous interactions for the <a:math xmlns:a="" display="inline"><a:mi>η</a:mi></a:math> and <c:math xmlns:c="" display="inline"><c:msup><c:mi>η</c:mi><c:mo>′</c:mo></c:msup></c:math> pseudoscalar mesons. We consider the anomalous interactions for mesons with higher spin, the heterochiral nonets with <e:math xmlns:e="" display="inline"><e:msup><e:mi>J</e:mi><e:mrow><e:mi>P</e:mi><e:mi>C</e:mi></e:mrow></e:msup><e:mo>=</e:mo><e:msup><e:mn>1</e:mn><e:mrow><e:mo>+</e:mo><e:mo>−</e:mo></e:mrow></e:msup></e:math> and <g:math xmlns:g="" display="inline"><g:msup><g:mn>2</g:mn><g:mrow><g:mo>−</g:mo><g:mo>+</g:mo></g:mrow></g:msup></g:math>. Under the approximation of a dilute gas of instantons, the mixing angle between nonstrange and strange mesons decreases strongly as <i:math xmlns:i="" display="inline"><i:mi>J</i:mi></i:math> increases, and oscillates in sign. Anomalous interactions also open up new, rare decay channels. For glueballs, anomalous interactions indicate that the <k:math xmlns:k="" display="inline"><k:mi>X</k:mi><k:mo stretchy="false">(</k:mo><k:mn>2600</k:mn><k:mo stretchy="false">)</k:mo></k:math> state is primarily gluonic. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


  • Physical review. D/Physical review. D. - View - PDF
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information) - View

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