The modified Korteweg--de Vries limit of the Ablowitz--Ladik system

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Publication Date: 2024-04-02

Citations: 0



For slowly-varying initial data, solutions to the Ablowitz-Ladik system have been proven to converge to solutions of the cubic Schr\"odinger equation. In this paper we show that in the continuum limit, solutions to the Ablowitz-Ladik system with $H^1$ initial data may also converge to solutions of the modified Korteweg--de Vries equation. To exhibit this new limiting behavior, it suffices that the initial data is supported near the inflection points of the dispersion relation associated with the Ablowitz-Ladik system. Our arguments employ harmonic analysis tools, Strichartz estimates, and the conservation of mass and energy. Correspondingly, they are applicable beyond the completely integrable models of greatest interest to us.


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