Averages with the Gaussian divisor: Weighted Inequalities and the Pointwise Ergodic Theorem

Type: Preprint

Publication Date: 2024-02-19

Citations: 0

DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2402.12457


We discuss the Pointwise Ergodic Theorem for the Gaussian divisor function $d(n)$, that is, for a measure preserving $\mathbb Z[i]$ action $T$, the limit $$\lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{D(N)} \sum _{\mathscr{N} (n) \leq N} d(n) \,f(T^n x) $$ converges for every $f\in L^p$, where $\mathscr{N} (n) = n \bar{n}$, and $D(N) = \sum _{\mathscr{N} (n) \leq N} d(n) $, and $1<p\leq \infty$. To do so we study the averages $$ A_N f (x) = \frac{1}{D(N)} \sum _{\mathscr{N} (n) \leq N} d(n) \,f(x-n) ,$$ and obtain improving and weighted maximal inequalities for our operator, in the process.


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