Developing a Framework for Evaluating Student's Understanding at Figural Pattern Generalization

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2023-10-23

Citations: 0



Figural patterns have a unique capacity to promote functional thinking. This study aimed to identify the mental constructs of 7th-grade students in Figural Pattern Generalization (FPG) by using the Action, Process, Object, Schema (APOS) theory in order to develop a framework for evaluating students' understanding of FPG. A sample of 220 students completed a test designed based on the APOS framework and 19 students participated in a semi-structured interview. Results showed that there are emergent and partial action levels before the action stage and pre-emergent, and partial process/object levels before the process/object stage.


  • PNA - View - PDF
  • Institutional Repository of the University of Granada (University of Granada) - View - PDF

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