Change-Point Detection in a High-Dimensional Multinomial Sequence Based on Mutual Information

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2023-02-14

Citations: 0



Time-series data often have an abrupt structure change at an unknown location. This paper proposes a new statistic to test the existence of a change-point in a multinomial sequence, where the number of categories is comparable with the sample size as it tends to infinity. To construct this statistic, the pre-classification is implemented first; then, it is given based on the mutual information between the data and the locations from the pre-classification. Note that this statistic can also be used to estimate the position of the change-point. Under certain conditions, the proposed statistic is asymptotically normally distributed under the null hypothesis and consistent under the alternative hypothesis. Simulation results show the high power of the test based on the proposed statistic and the high accuracy of the estimate. The proposed method is also illustrated with a real example of physical examination data.


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