Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience via Statistical Fraud Detection

Type: Book-Chapter

Publication Date: 2023-01-01

Citations: 3



Since the mid-1980s it has been known that Byzantine Agreement can be solved with probability 1 asynchronously, even against an omniscient, computationally unbounded adversary that can adaptively corrupt up to f < n/3 parties. Moreover, the problem is insoluble with f ≥ n/3 corruptions. However, Bracha's [Bra87] 1984 protocol (see also Ben-Or [Ben83]) achieved f < n/3 resilience at the cost of exponential expected latency 2θ(n), a bound that has never been improved in this model with f = ⌊(n- 1)/3⌋ corruptions.


  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics eBooks - View

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