Curious properties of free hypergraph C∗-algebras

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-03-15

Citations: 1



A finite hypergraph $H$ consists of a finite set of vertices $V(H)$ and a collection of subsets $E(H) \subseteq 2^{V(H)}$ which we consider as partition of unity relations between projection operators. These partition of unity relations freely generate a universal C*-algebra, which we call the "free hypergraph C*-algebra" $C^*(H)$. General free hypergraph C*-algebras were first studied in the context of quantum contextuality. As special cases, the class of free hypergraph C*-algebras comprises quantum permutation groups, maximal group C*-algebras of graph products of finite cyclic groups, and the C*-algebras associated to quantum graph homomorphism, isomorphism, and colouring. Here, we conduct the first systematic study of aspects of free hypergraph C*-algebras. We show that they coincide with the class of finite colimits of finite-dimensional commutative C*-algebras, and also with the class of C*-algebras associated to synchronous nonlocal games. We had previously shown that it is undecidable to determine whether $C^*(H)$ is nonzero for given $H$. We now show that it is also undecidable to determine whether a given $C^*(H)$ is residually finite-dimensional, and similarly whether it only has infinite-dimensional representations, and whether it has a tracial state. It follows that for each one of these properties, there is $H$ such that the question whether $C^*(H)$ has this property is independent of the ZFC axioms, assuming that these are consistent. We clarify some of the subtleties associated with such independence results in an appendix.


  • Journal of Operator Theory - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
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